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“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
Nei Quaderni del carcere Antonio Gramsci sviluppa un nuovo concetto di classi o gruppi sociali subalterni, utilizzato per caratterizzare tutti quei gruppi sociali che sono soggetti a forme di comando e di direzione politica e sociale... more
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      MarxismMarxist theorySubalternSubalternity, Subaltern Agency
3 Der Netzwerker brilliert dadurch, dass er scheinbar mühelos neue Verbindungen knüpft -ja, dass er die ganze Welt als potentielle Erweiterung seines Netzwerkes sieht. Für ihn ist jeder kontaktierbar, 2 er kennt keine Grenzen. Sein Erfolg... more
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      Digital MediaActor Network TheoryMichel de CerteauNon-representational theories
The article reads Pablo Trapero's film _Elefante Blanco_ (2012) in tandem with Ernesto Laclau's _On Populist Reason_ (2005). I argue, in line with Marxist philosopher Jacques Rancière, that the film portrays the uncountable/uncounted... more
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      Latin-American FilmPopulismUrban StudiesHegemony
"The ‘Arab spring’, the Spanish ‘Indignados’, the Greek ‘Aganaktismenoi’ and the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement all share a number of distinctive traits. They made extensive use of social networking and were committed to the direct... more
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      Social MovementsPost-MarxismSlavoj ŽižekAntonio Negri
A challenging new work of cultural and political theory rethinks the concept of hegemony Posthegemony is an investigation into the origins, limits, and possibilities for contemporary politics and political analysis. Challenging dominant... more
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      Social TheoryLatin American StudiesPolitical PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean History
Vivimos tiempos poshegemónicos: la ideología ha dejado de ser la fuerza motriz de la política y la teoría de la hegemonía ya no refleja con exactitud el orden social actual. La crítica ideológica –es decir, el análisis de los discursos en... more
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      Social MovementsSocial TheoryLatin American StudiesPolitical Philosophy
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      Latin American StudiesPosthegemonyPostfundationalism
Gramsci’s concept of hegemony has been interpreted in a wide variety of ways, including a theory of consent, of political unity, of ‘anti-politics’, and of geopolitical competition. These interpretations are united in regarding hegemony... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtPoetryModern Art
interrogación del trabajo de Reiner Schürmann, desde el punto de vista de la llamada realización de la metafísica y la constitución de una posibilidad de pensamiento no hegemónico.
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      Latin American StudiesContinental PhilosophyPosthegemonyInfrapolitics
En una intervención reciente, Antonio Negri desliza un interrogante que expresaría el diferendo teórico esencial que lo separa del pensamiento de Ernesto Laclau: "¿Es posible y deseable que subjetividades sociales heterogéneas se... more
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      OntologyPolitical PhilosophyOrganizational TheoryPolitical Theory
This article proposes rhetorical hegemony as a new materialist intervention into the production of alternative political economic futures. It problematizes contemporary theories of hegemony that assert affect as beyond rhetorical... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesEconomicsCommunication
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      Affect (Cultural Theory)Chantal MouffePosthegemony
Recent work on posthegemony has sought to displace the theory of hegemony as the primary mode of understanding politics, particularly with respect to Latin America. However, this work has yet to address the history of the theory of... more
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      MarxismArgentina HistoryCommunismArgentina
This article examines the role of affect in contemporary political culture from a Deleuzian theoretical perspective. It employs an analysis of the affective dimensions of terror to point out the limitations of the processes of ‘affective... more
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      Social TheoryPolitical TheoryGilles DeleuzeAffect Studies
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      Latin American StudiesPosthegemonyInfrapoliticsDeconstrucción
Ernesto Laclau's On Populist Reason, now over a decade old, is one of our genera-tion's most nuanced contributions to debates on political community and social change in the era of mass democracy. Against critiques of populism as... more
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      PopulismVenezuelaHegemonyRadical Democracy
In this article, I engage with Derrida’s deconstructive reading of theories of performativity in order to analyse Max Weber’s sovereignty/legitimacy paradigm. First, I highlight an essential articulation between legitimacy and sovereign... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
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      Jacques DerridaSociologiaTeoria SocialPosthegemony
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      Popular CultureColombiaSovereigntyPopulism
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      Social MovementsPolitical TheoryPost-MarxismSlavoj Žižek
Hegemony is one of the most widely diffused concepts in the contemporary social sciences and humanities internationally, interpreted in a variety of ways in different disciplinary and national contexts. However, its contemporary relevance... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryMarxism
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      DiscourseErnesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeAffect (Cultural Theory)Posthegemony
Políticas de la Memoria n° 16 | verano 2015/2016 | pp. Dossier Poshegemonía Políticas de la Memoria n° 16 | verano 2015/2016 Políticas de la Memoria n° 16 | verano 2015/2016 Políticas de la Memoria n° 16 | verano 2015/2016
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      Latin American StudiesMarxismPosthegemony
Uno de los méritos de Hegemonía y estrategia socialista de Chantal Mouffe y Ernesto Laclau puede ser claramente asociado a la crítica de la inmediatez, la que constituye uno de los ejes centrales del libro. Por ejemplo, el cambio radical... more
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      Ernesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeAffect/EmotionAffect (Cultural Theory)Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony
Discusión sobre la copertenencia entre neoliberalismo y neofascismo, recomposición de la razón imperial en Pax Americana y consolidación de los dispositivos biopolíticos securitarios y bélicos.
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      Latin American StudiesNeoliberalismFilosofía PolíticaLatinoamerica
Los Narcocorridos Mexicanos, el Afecto, y el Caído de Hegemonía Hay miles de maneras creativas y derivativas para sacar el poder de un pueblo. El lenguaje, el sistema de ley, y los artes son algunos de las herramientas más insidiosas en... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryGlobalizationViolence
This article looks at Laclau and Mouffe’s work as a starting point to raise some questions concerning post-Marxist and/or post-Gramscian accounts of politics. I argue that their take on hegemony oscillates between conceiving it as one... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyOntology
It is the 'inter' -the cutting edge of translation and negotiation, the in-between space -that carries the burden of the meaning of culture. It makes it possible to begin envisaging national, anti-nationalist histories of the 'people' [,... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesMedia StudiesGlobalization
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      Political TheoryDeconstructionContinental PhilosophyContemporary Continental Philosophy
In this paper, I re-examine the political concept of solidarity, and what I argue is its form of life – singularity – from a biopolitical perspective understanding life as shared action and relation. In this approach, concepts of life... more
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      BiopolitcsHabitusAffect (Cultural Theory)Solidarity
I love you, gentlest law, through which we yet were ripening while with it we contended.
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      Louis AlthusserSlavoj ŽižekFranz KafkaMichel Foucault
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      DeconstructionMartin HeideggerAlexandre KojèvePosthegemony
Ponencia presentada en el Panel “Coup in Bolivia? What Next?” -Latin American Studies Program & Liu Institute for Global Issues.
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      Social TheoryLatin American StudiesSocial SciencesLatin American and Caribbean History
Pre-proof version of a chapter published as: Kantaris, Geoffrey, "Space, Politics, and the Crisis of Hegemony in Latin American Film". In Marvin D'Lugo, Ana M. López and Laura Podalsky, eds., _The Routledge Companion to Latin American... more
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      Film StudiesSpace and PlaceVisual CultureLatin-American Film
NEW APPROACHES TO LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES: Culture and Power. Edited by Juan Poblete. Routledge (2018).
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      Political TheoryNeoliberalismAffect (Cultural Theory)Posthegemony
This article looks at Laclau and Mouffe’s work as a starting point to raise some questions concerning post-Marxist and/or post-Gramscian accounts of politics. I argue that their take on hegemony oscillates between conceiving it as one... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
In representations of violence leading to death, political agency is nearly always attributed solely to the killer, who is seen as extracting sovereign power through the enactment of objectifying violence. In contrast, the victim's body... more
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      Cultural StudiesMexican StudiesCritical Social TheoryAffect Theory
Este artículo establece un diálogo entre la teoría posthegemónica desarrollada por Jon Beasley-Murray y el postsubalternismo de John Beverley. Se estudia cómo se piensan en estas formulaciones el papel del estado, la vigencia de la nación... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
In this presentation, my intent is to investigate the consequences for intellectual and political work (or, to put this another way, for the politics of intellectual work) of the theory and the condition of posthegemony. I will be... more
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    • Posthegemony
Epílogo a El otro lado de lo popular de Gareth Williams, 2020
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      Latin American StudiesEstudios LatinoamericanosLatinamerican LiteraturePosthegemony
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The prevailing accounts of voice within cultural studies often centre on issues of political representation and authority, bypassing the material aspects of voice and ensuing political effects thereof. By analysing a violent incident... more
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      Affect (Cultural Theory)VoiceHip Hop CulturePosthegemony
RESUMO Neste texto buscamos cartografar a formação do partido Podemos a partir de uma perspectiva voltada para debates teórico-políticos que antecederam sua criação. Focaremos em três grandes discussões: 1) Estado e hegemonia; 2) a... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismHegemonyPosthegemony
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      Latin American StudiesComparative LiteratureMarxismLiterary Theory
Published in Alexandros Kioupkiolis & Giorgos Katsambekis (eds) Radical Democracy and Collective Movements Today: The Biopolitics of the Multitude versus the Hegemony of the People, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014, pp. 169-190.
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      Social MovementsCollective ActionJacques RancièreEuropean Politics
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      Ernesto Laclau and Chantal MouffeHegemonyAntonio Negri and Michael HardtPosthegemony
Aberdeen b Associate Professor of Romance Studies and Literature, Duke University Version of record first published
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sustituye un contrato socialpot el contacto social que la multitud desea y con el que amenata, reconstituye la multitud c0mo el pueblo-. renaza. teconstituve la multltud c0mo el pue[lo. La repitici6n com:putsiva del populismo.(los.mismos... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryPopulismFilm Stars