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The practice of language teaching and learning inside the classroom is, in fact, under the circumstance of philosophical assumption or ideological framework. Teaching program and curriculum set are absolutely written on the basis of... more
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      EducationPaulo FreireLanguage TeachingLanguage Learning
In this paper, Antonia Darder refers to her first face to face meeting with Paulo Freire while attending a conference as a graduate student. She describes Freire as someone who conveyed a deep sense of love, hope and dignity to the people... more
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      Critical PedagogyPaulo FreireCritical sociology and politics of educationPolitics of Solidarity
Este artículo da cuenta de una investigación cualitativa, realizada por estudiantes tesistas de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial de la Universidad Central y guiada por una docente de la carrera. El propósito del estudio... more
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    • Paulo Freire
The task of schools, universities and educational institutions should be to support people in their growth by helping them to develop their potential and providing them with a wide range of skills for a successful integration in the... more
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      EducationCritical PedagogyService LearningPaulo Freire
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesEvaluation Research
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      EducationPaulo Freire
Dialogue is a category that is central to politics, media, and education, and yet in all of these domains it can be confusing and ambiguous. Starting from a critical framework built on the work of educational philosopher Paulo Freire, we... more
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      Political TheoryCritical PedagogyCurriculum StudiesLiberalism
This document was prepared for my students as we studied the various stages Freire outlines as educators work to help students not only become literate in the popular sense, but also increase their "critical consciousness," but move... more
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      Sociology of EducationPaulo FreirePaulo Freire, Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Studies
Conferencia Magistral 2008-2009 Cátedra UNESCO de Educación para la Paz de la Universidad de Puerto Rico presentada el 15 de abril de 2009. La Dra. Reardon presenta siete proposiciones para el desarrollo de los derechos humanos en la... more
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      Paulo FreireHuman Rights EducationPeace EducationEducación en Derechos Humanos
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      Popular EducationAdult EducationPaulo FreireCritical Prison Studies
What is the meaning of peace, why should we study it, and how should we achieve it? Although there are an increasing number of manuscripts, curricula and initiatives that grapple with some strand of peace education, there is, nonetheless,... more
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      Critical PedagogyMilitarismPaulo FreirePeace Education
A presente pesquisa monográfica, de cunho bibliográfico exploratório, tem como objetivo analisar a concepção de amor na pedagogia freireana, em busca disso foram analisadas duas de suas obras, “Educação como prática da liberdade” e... more
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      Paulo FreireFilosofia da EducaçãoErich FrommFriedrich Engels
I föredraget hedras en nybliven hundraåring: Paulo Freire. Utgångspunkten för föredraget är hans banbrytande bok De förtrycktas pedagogik, som just kommit i en rykande ny översättning. Vad är det i Freires filosofi och pedagogik som... more
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      Social WorkRace and RacismCritical PedagogyPaulo Freire
RESUMO: Neste trabalho, retomo a proposta do educador brasileiro Paulo Freire, concernente aos temas geradores, com vistas a contribuir para uma re exão sobre a educação indígena diferenciada. Trago-a para o âmbito das re exões... more
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      Paulo FreireEducação Escolar E Formação De Professores Indígenas
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      Paulo FreireBrazil
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      Global CitizenshipPaulo FreireDemocracyTransformative Education
Radical Love, Play, Conscientização, and Expanding Boundaries: A Performance Workshop on Social Change, is a 1 1/2day event, hosted by GFRY Studio, that focuses upon theoretical praxis commonalities of Paulo Freire, Eric Fromm, and... more
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      Critical PedagogyPaulo FreirePedagogyErich Fromm
Parece existir uma constante em todos os agrupamentos humanos, em qualquer lugar ou tempo, que é o estabelecimento de regras e a ocorrência de elementos desviantes a estas mesmas regras. Dentre os padrões tidos como desejáveis ou... more
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      Paulo FreireErving GoffmanPessoas Com Deficiência
The centrality of feedback is undeniable in education. However, not all feedback effectively encourages learning or improves performance due to predicaments in feedback delivery and receptivity. Several studies suggest other ways where... more
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      Adult EducationTeacher EducationCritical PedagogyMedical Education
Las autoras presentan algunos elementos esenciales del pensamiento de Paulo Freire y más exactamente de su método dialógico para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico de los docentes de cualquier clase o condición social. También hablan... more
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      Critical PedagogyCritical ThinkingPaulo FreireCritical Thinking Teaching Strategies
The article examines the current conditions of labour within the neoliberal university, particularly with respect to the labour of borderland academics. Borderland is used in this instance to refer to the political space embodied by... more
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      Paulo FreireNeoliberalismAlienationAcademic labour
Educational leadership is the key to making schools more equitable and socially just. Key Questions offers 42 short-essays from international educational leadership scholars and practitioners on everything from parental engagement to... more
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      Critical TheoryEducationEducational LeadershipTeacher Education
O artigo apresenta leituras coletivas do Jaraguá, Zona Noroeste de São Paulo, resultantes de trabalho de campo desenvolvido pelas autoras na pós-graduação da FAUUSP. A pesquisa, que visava instaurar o debate acerca do direito à cidade a... more
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      Paulo FreireArquitetura e UrbanismoPaisagem UrbanaDireito à Cidade
Resumo O presente estudo visa ressaltar o papel da imagem como elemento mediador no processo de aprendizagem. É um pressuposto necessário a esta reflexão: o desequilíbrio existente entre a supervalorização dos aspectos lógico-racionais em... more
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      EducationPaulo FreireFriedrich NietzscheNietzsche
O presente artigo aborda os seguintes temas: no primeiro capítulo, aborda a necessidade de se ter uma educação mais voltada para as humanidades (de acordo com Martha Nussbaum) que se preocupa menos com as tecnologias e mais com o aspecto... more
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      Paulo FreireMartha NussbaumEducaçãoEnsino Médio
Pernambuco, presents his notion of childhood. As the text will show, Freire's notion goes beyond the traditional idea of childhood as a chronological stage to establish an idea of childhood as a vital force even and, above all, in the... more
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      Critical TheorySociology of Children and ChildhoodPhilosophy of EducationCritical Pedagogy
This research proposes to know which are the implications of the docility and interdiction of the body to the formation of a liberating pedagogy , also about the educator's education. The fundamental objective was to verify which would be... more
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      Teacher EducationPaulo FreireMichel FoucaultPedagogical Practices
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a retórica do rap de Fortaleza no contexto da filosofia de Paulo Freire da “pedagogia do oprimido” para elucidar a relação do rapper com as comunidades. Partindo de uma pesquisa etnográfica realizada com... more
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      Paulo FreirePedagogyHip-Hop/RapCeará
Na Colômbia, o uso de testes padronizados determina os processos educativos. Diretores, professores e estudantes em geral, reconhecem a subordinação da prática educativa à frente dos testes externos estabelecidos pelo governo colombiano.... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGender StudiesEvaluation Research
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      EducationPostcolonial StudiesSociology of KnowledgeCritical Pedagogy
O presente artigo procura analisar a influência da viagem à Guiné-Bissau na obra do educador lusófono Paulo Freire. Sendo uma das principais referências mundiais em Educação Popular e Libertadora, entendemos que a sua viagem, a qual... more
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      Paulo FreirePedagogia
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesLatin American StudiesEnvironmental Science
Głównym celem artykułu jest rekonstrukcja koncepcji edukacji ludowej Paulo Freire, rozwijana przez badaczy i pedagogów związanych z Instytutem Paulo Freire w São Paulo. Problematyczna jest jednak kwestia różnic między warunkami w Brazylii... more
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      Popular EducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical PedagogyPaulo Freire
The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans, especially South Asian Americans, is central to society's characterization of them as precocial spellers. The Scripps National Spelling Bee is a prestigious event where the best spellers... more
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      Critical TheoryTeacher EducationHigher EducationMathematics Education
The pandemic and the resurgence of political movements and resistance exposing systemic injustices, especially racial ones, have added important extra layers to the global crisis. We are currently in an acute crisis, if not an apocalyptic... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical PhilosophySocial SciencesMarxism
Zasadniczym celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji interwencji pedagogiczno-politycznej wypracowywanej przez Paulo Freirego i osoby skupione wokół Instytutu Freirego w São Paulo. Kluczową cechą tej koncepcji jest... more
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical PedagogyPaulo Freire
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      Participatory ResearchPaulo FreireSocial transformation
This article draws on María Lugones’s matrix of resistance and tantear practices outlined in Pilgrimages to bring attention to the importance of relational practices in popular education and coalition building. Drawing on ethnographic... more
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      Popular EducationPolitical CoalitionsPaulo FreireRelationality
Ao aceitar o generoso convite de Marta e Jason para participar do presente livro o que aqui busco é recriar e relançar essa leitura que, quem sabe, possa abrir outras portas para os interessados numa educação da infância (ou teríamos que... more
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      Paulo FreireEducação InfantilEducaçãoFormação De Professores
Hartlep, N. D., & Suda, D. (2021). Unboxing Asian/American Transracial Adoptee Collegian Identities. In F. A. Bonner, R. M. Banda, & S. L. Smith (Eds.), Square Pegs and Round Holes: Alternative Approaches to Diverse College Student... more
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      Critical TheoryTeacher EducationHigher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Escrache is a form of public protest developed in Argentina during the 1990s that employs public condemnation against torturers and assassins of the military dictatorship (Kaiser, 2002). Derived from the Spanish slang meaning “to... more
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      Human RightsPaulo FreireArgentina HistorySocial and Collective Memory
Book review
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    • Paulo Freire
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    • Paulo Freire
L’edizione in lingua italiana di un piccolo capolavoro di scrittura pedagogica dell’educatore e medico polacco Janusz Korczak (che la mattina del 5 agosto 1942 fu deportato nel campo di sterminio di Treblinka insieme a tutti i bambini... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial PsychologyEducation
Just as John Cage used chance techniques to relinquish control in his practice as a composer, he used pedagogical techniques that facilitated shared learning and experimentation. The tenets of Critical Pedagogy, as laid out by Paulo... more
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      Music EducationCritical PedagogyPaulo FreireExperimental Music
Agradeço às professoras e futuros(as) professores(as), que com tanta presteza aceitaram fazer parte da pesquisa, mesmo em seus curtos prazos disponíveis.
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      Paulo FreireAnálise do DiscursoFormação De ProfessoresAnálise Crítica do Discurso
If we re-examine more closely the supposed impact of 'postcolonial' studies on Indigenous peoples the world over, we can easily come to the same conclusion as King does when he suggests that “most of us don’t live in university, and I... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
This essay considers teacher education from a Freirian perspective in relationship to the influence of social media on student behavior in and out of the classroom. It is easy to imagine how Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire... more
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      Teaching and LearningDigital HumanitiesTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy