Ivan Illich
Recent papers in Ivan Illich
a short plea for a new socialist fundamentalism on the occasion of the rebirth of an ambiguously parliamentary-driven ('representative-democratically' driven) eco-socialism Euro-wide.
People of the world, at least the ones who are realistic, have the sure knowledge that, if nothing is done to change the current trends, huge catastrophes would normally happen. This is upon Japanese people as well. I would like to... more
The author compares industrial (and modernist) second language learning approaches to convivial second language learning approaches. The paper utilizes the ideas of conviviality as described in the writings of Ivan Illich. Examples come... more
Tout à la fois historien et critique social, polyglotte et professeur itinérant, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) connut un grand succès dans les années 1970, à travers sa critique de la société industrielle et de l’idéologie du développement.... more
L’edizione in lingua italiana di un piccolo capolavoro di scrittura pedagogica dell’educatore e medico polacco Janusz Korczak (che la mattina del 5 agosto 1942 fu deportato nel campo di sterminio di Treblinka insieme a tutti i bambini... more
Bir tarihçi olarak tamamen yeni olma iddiası taşıyan her şeye şüpheyle yaklaşırım. Bir fikrin öncüllerini tespit edemezsem, derhal bunun aptalca bir fikir olduğundan şüphe ederim. Eğer geçmişte yaşamış insanlardan tanışık olduğum ve... more
"Archivio trentino" 2, 2016 - Indice: L'invenzione della salute La salute tra medicalizzazione indefinita e armonia perduta (Luisa Bonesio), Il sanatorio e l'individuo speciale: la tisi come mal gentile (Greta Perletti), L'invenzione... more
“Education in Revolutionary Struggles” introduces us to the fascinating world of Latin American educational thought in the third quarter of the 20th century. It discusses the contributions of three of the most distinguished intellectuals... more
Drawing on Jesuit values as well as perspectives from disciplines across the humanities and sciences, this volume is oriented toward care for the people, communities, and ecosystems that make up our common home. Caring for our planetary... more
Esposti all’imperativo categorico della nudità, siamo costretti a dilapidare tutto il patrimonio della nostra intimità e a svenderlo a poche lire sul palcoscenico della visibilità.
Following the analysis of Illich and Foucault, it is argued that the development of modern medicine occurs parallel to a profound medicalization that leads to important changes in the meaning of the body and health. One of the most... more
Gandhi and Architecture: A Time for Low-Cost Housing chronicles the emergence of a low-cost, low-rise housing architecture that conforms to M.K. Gandhi’s religious need to establish finite boundaries for everyday actions; finitude in turn... more
La questione è di sapere a chi e a che cosa serve un libro così. Si risponde: alla scuola e a tutti. È una parabola, si dice. I personaggi scolari e insegnanti sono figure di tutti noi. Un momento. La cosa veramente importante è che... more
Nell’ecologia politica di André Gorz è implicita l’esigenza etica di emancipazione del soggetto. In sintonia con l’ecomarxismo, che rivendica forme congiunte di liberazione per esseri umani discriminati e natura sfruttata, la critica... more
Un autor que merece ser destacado en su intento por desmontar el discurso educativo moderno, así como el fundamento de la creciente pedagogización de las vidas humanas, es Ivan Illich. Al estudiar el conjunto de su obra, su pensamiento... more
La crise de la Covid-19 n'est pas sanitaire, mais politique, et au-cune des mesures liberticides n'est fondée scientifi quement ; par contre, la Covid-19 rend évidente la corruption complète du corps politique et de ses appendices... more
The article argues that René Girard and Ivan Illich, each in their distinctive ways, draw upon the dimensions of the Christian apocalyptic tradition that are often ignored, and that their retrievals of this tradition, specifically of its... more
The global number of refugees, asylum-seekers, and those displaced within their countries are at record levels in the post-World War II era. Meanwhile, efforts by relatively wealthy and powerful nation-states to exclude unwanted migrants... more
Guest Editors, Jeremy Hunsinger and Gustavo Esteva, join co-editors Dana L. Stuchul and Madhu Suri Prakash to present this special issue titled, Conviviality for the Day After “Normal.” The end of an era of “normal”—given a confluence of... more
Análisis crítico de la " desescolarización " y " concientización " en la coyuntura actual del sistema educativo
A far-ranging review of a new book for young readers on how to get involved in and build a real movement, here & now, to transform awareness and take local action hands- and hearts-on as active agents in confronting climate change: a... more
What Ivan Illich regarded in his Medical Nemesis as the 'expropriation of health' is exacerbated by the screens all around us, including our phones but also the patient monitors and increasingly the iPads that intervene between nurse and... more
Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-15
Quelle est la nature du travail ? Oui ou non est‐il le propre du phénomène humain ? Offre‐t‐il vraiment un sens à notre existence terrestre, voire à ce qui pourrait lui faire suite ? Seule une approche anthropologique articulant les... more
Máster en Análisis sociocultural, del conocimiento y la comunicación.
The Global South: An Emergent Epistemology Summary In this essay, I discuss the sociopolitical notion of the Global South as a bridge between globalization and the Global Mental Health (GMH) movement. A brief history of the Global... more
This article examines the theories of education and technology held by two of the most important philosophers of education during the last few decades, Paulo Freire and Ivan Illich. These two related thinkers each charted a unique... more
Reading Ivan Illich is not easy, though in a different way to reading Continental philosophers, quantum physicists, or modern virologists. Illich's language is demanding and requires a certain suspension of judgement if one is to... more
Il libro analizza, la più diffusa malattia dell’Occidente: «un continuo oscillare dal delirio di onnipotenza e dalla volontà di godimento illimitato a una sostanziale impotenza e depressione […] gusto per l’eccesso e perdita del senso... more
Since the Covid-19 pandemic has had a global reach, spreading through various social strata and geopolitical contexts, nothing makes more sense than to revamp the social imaginary of our collective body. That body is in danger. It is... more
El objetivo de este ensayo es, primordialmente, hacer una síntesis de la crítica de las instituciones y de la escolarización que hace Iván Illich en su texto “La Sociedad Desescolarizada”, organizando sus ideas en grandes temas centrales,... more
Description du fonds André Gorz déposé à l'IMEC, Caen. Auteur : Sandrine Samson, avec le concours de Willy Gianinazzi
Osserviamo una reazione dell'intero corpo sociale che di fronte al terrore del cambiamento imposto dalla prepotenza dell'accelerazione in atto, prova a ri-fondarsi appoggiandosi a categorie di base: amico-nemico, cittadino-straniero,... more
Günümüzün toplumunda bir patron tarafından emredilmiş olmadığı sürece hiçbir çaba üretken sayılmıyor ve ekonomistler de bir şirketin, gönüllü kuruluşun ya da çalışma kampının kontrolü altında olmayan insanların nasıl olup da gayet işe... more
"We live in a time of unprecedented planetary ecocrisis, one that poses the serious and ongoing threat of mass extinction. What role can critical pedagogy play in the face of such burgeoning catastrophe? Drawing upon a range of... more