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    • Pablo Neruda
Se trata del primer estudio monográfico sobre la vida y la obra de Luis Felipe Vivanco. Emplea materiales desconocidos e inéditos (tanto del poeta como sobre él, y de la recepción de sus poemarios) procedentes en parte de su archivo... more
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      Pablo NerudaJuan LarreaRainer Maria RilkePoesía española del siglo XX
The author studies the Latin American writers’ visits to the USSR from 1954 till beginning of 1960s realized via the Foreign Commission of the Union of Soviet Writers. After Stalin’s death, the activity of all departments of the... more
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      Latin American literatureSoviet Union (History)History of TranslationThaw-era Soviet Union
My intention in this paper is to respond to Jean-Luc Nancy’s claim that poetry, along with philosophy, is essentially incapable of what Nancy describes as “thinking love.” To do so, I will first try to come to an understanding of Nancy’s... more
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      PhilosophyArtPoetryPablo Neruda
This reverential attitude has taken a terrible toll on the classics; they have been knocked about by reverence and blackened by incense. They would have fared better, if people had adopted a freer attitude towards them, just as science... more
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      Latin American StudiesReception StudiesBertolt BrechtTheatre
Presentación en diapositivas de la obra de Pablo Neruda y de su obra poética, junto a otros autores representativos del siglo XX.
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      PoetryChilePablo NerudaPoesía
Tradução brasileira de Veinte Poemas de Amor y una Canción Desesperada (1924), de Pablo Neruda.
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      PoetryTranslation of PoetryPablo NerudaLiterary translation
This article relates the intriguing story of Chateau Dobříš, a meeting place in Czechoslovakia for Latin American intellectuals during the late 1940s and1950s. Based primarily on the contemporary testimonies of selected authors and their... more
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      Cold War and CultureCold WarHistory Of PropagandaPablo Neruda
Introduction by Lawrence Ferlinghetti Edited by Mark Eisner Translated by Mark Eisner, John Felstiner, Forrest Gander, Robert Hass, Jack Hirschman, Stephen Kessler, Stephen Mitchell, Alastair Reid "If the notion had struck Pablo... more
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      Translation StudiesPoetryLatin American literatureChile
Religion is basically absent from the scholarship on Pablo Neruda. Moreover, Neruda’s relationship to Walt Whitman, his “compañero de Manhattan," is understood to be one of uncritical adulation. But reading Neruda’s odes to particular... more
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      Walt WhitmanPablo Neruda
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      Pablo NerudaRelaciones InternacionalesDiplomacia
Pablo Neruda, en palabras de Gabriel García Márquez el más grande poeta del siglo XX en cualquier idioma, nació en Parral, Chile en 1904. Su obra es enormemente extensa tanto en cantidad de publicaciones como en profundidad y a lo largo... more
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    • Pablo Neruda
Is it trivial, or perhaps even irresponsible, to explore aesthetic themes at a time when the world is engulfed by war, genocide, terrorism, poverty, climate change and financial turmoil? Why indulge in painting, poetry or music when lives... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
Actividades para trabajar con la poesía y esta poema en particular.
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      LiteraturePablo NerudaLiteraturaPoesía
In his "Translator's Note" for 100 Love Sonnets, the first complete translation of Pablo Neruda's Cien sonetos de amor, Stephen Tapscott gives a short account of why he chose to translate this book. He claims that one of the reasons is... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation of PoetryLatin American literaturePablo Neruda
This introduction gives an account of the aim of my book, namely to introduce a number of theories of gender and sexuality into the study of Spanish (both Golden Age and contemporary) and Spanish American literature. The theorists are... more
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American Literature (Literature)Spanish LiteratureGender Studies
dos obras maestras". Una vez recibidas las imágenes, Neruda mismo seleccionó los fragmentos que aparecen en la contraportada a modo de "pie de grabado". Véase Alfredo Cardona Peña, "Pablo Neruda: historia de sus libros", Neruda,... more
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      Pablo NerudaPoesía latinoamericanaChilean LiteraturePoesia Chilena
En este análisis textual, me centré en las imágenes y metáforas del poema "La United Fruit Co." de Pablo Neruda y conecté las cosas que aprendí en la clase de español 20 de Harvard sobre Pablo Neruda y sus piezas literarias.
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      SpanishPablo NerudaLiteraturaLiteratura española e hispanoamericana
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      PoetryPablo NerudaPoetry by Pablo Neruda
Resumen: Detrás de uno de los poemarios de amor más apasionados que se ha escrito, se esconde un joven Neruda que aún no cumple los 20 años y que con versos disímiles y vehementes descubre los más recónditos deseos del amante. Neruda... more
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      Pablo NerudaPoesia ChilenaVeinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada
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      Pablo NerudaGeneración del 27Spanish and Latin American Contemporary LiteratureGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA
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      Pablo NerudaPeotry
O termo grego ανθολογία (antologia), significa “coleção ou ramalhete de flores”. Daí o latim florilegium. O termo florilégio encaixa-se bem ao presente trabalho, onde procurou-se coligir poemas sobre a árvore, esse centro e pilar da... more
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      Pablo NerudaLiteratura brasileiraSustentabilidadeEcologia
Análisis de la metáfora como eje fundamental del primer texto de "Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada"
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      LiteraturePoetryPoesía de las vanguardias hispánicasPablo Neruda
La holandesa Hagar Peeters ‘transcribe’ la historia de la única descendiente del poeta chileno, que nació en Madrid en 1934 y murió ocho años después en Holanda
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      Dutch LiteraturePablo Neruda
Jorge Amado/Brazil-China Cultural Diplomacy, 1948-1958
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      Cold WarPablo NerudaJorge AmadoNortheast Brazil
Discusión de la identidad latinoamericana, orgullo de orígenes y el tema de la vida/la muerte en "Las Alturas de Macchu Picchu" de Pablo Neruda.
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      Latin American StudiesPablo Neruda
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      Spanish LiteratureLatin American literatureSpanish Civil WarMemoir and Autobiography
Este libro es un aporte en especial para los diálogos entre poesía y música, a partir del caso que estudia, en el cual se lleva un poema escrito por Neruda a mediados de la década de 1940, a un lenguaje musical elaborado entre fines de... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular MusicInterdisciplinarity
los volcanes, junto a los ventisqueros, entre los grandes lagos, el fragante, el silencioso, el enmarañado bosque chileno... Se hunden los pies en el follaje muerto, crepitó una rama quebradiza, los gigantescos raulíes levantan su... more
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      Pablo NerudaPoesíaPoesia Chilena
İspanya İç Savaşı 1917’de Rusya’da başlayıp tüm dünyaya yayılan devrimlerin son halkasıdır. Seçimle işbaşına gelmiş sol hükümeti devirmek amacıyla generallerin ve faşist örgütlerin başlattığı darbe kısmen başarısız olunca, hem bir devrimi... more
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      Catalan StudiesMarxismBasque StudiesPortuguese History
A Finalist for the PEN/Bograd Weld Prize for Biography from publisher: "Neruda: The Poet’s Calling is the product of fifteen years of research by Mark Eisner, writer, translator, and documentary filmmaker. The book vividly depicts... more
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      Latin American StudiesPoetryResistance (Social)Biography
The mind is a mixed fruit juice of all that has gone into it since birth. Neruda’s has been no exception. He had never disowned the fact that it is all a matter of chance that he was a poet. In the poem The Enigmas, there is evidence of... more
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      World LiteraturesModern PoetryLatin American literaturePsychoanalysis And Literature
Quatrième de couverture - CONTRAPORTADA : Cet ouvrage réunit les travaux du XXXVe Congrès de la "Société des Hispanistes Français" (S.H.F.), qui s'est tenu à l'Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3 du 20 au 22 mai 2011. Il rassemble... more
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      Pablo NerudaMercè RodoredaTeatro LatinoamericanoGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA
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      Pablo NerudaAstrid LindgrenWilliam ShakespeareBiografia
Known and unknown, celebrated and reviled, dead bodies, as anthropologist Katherine Verdery has so eloquently written, have political lives. In the context of post-conflict societies, dead bodies demand response and urge action. They are... more
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      Forensic ScienceHuman RightsTransitional JusticeMemory Studies
De sobra conocido es que por naturaleza propia el género memorialístico es proclive a un falseamiento en positivo del sujeto protagonista. Y, si bien es cierto que, siguiendo la estela de género iniciada con la máxima brillantez por... more
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      Pablo NerudaMemoriaAutobiografiaMemorias
Reflexión y lectura ontológica sobre el poema LXIX de Pablo Neruda. Se contrapone la ontología metafísica tradicional ante una fenomenología del reconocimiento ético del Otro. Publicado en: El vicio del tintero, Volumen IV. (agosto 2013 –... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasPablo NerudaOthernessOntología
Notas sobre el caso de intertextualidad entre los poetas Neruda y Tagore
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      Pablo NerudaRabindranath TagoreIntertextualidadImitación, Plagio, Intertextualidad, Hipertextualidad (Imitation, Plagiarism, Intertextuality, Hypertext)
'If You Forgot Me' - a poem by Pablo Neruda! I tried to translate it in Bengali!
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      Bengali LiteratureBangladeshPablo NerudaPablo Neruda in translation
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      LiteraturePoetryPablo NerudaVisual Imagery
This pdf available for download is a short book comprised of three essays celebrating and exploring the whole of Williams' poetic career. The first looks at poems featuring a dog or a cat, and how for Williams these creatures embodied... more
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      American LiteratureTranslation StudiesPoetryModernist poetry
El modelo claro del poema «El desayuno» (El hacha y la rosa, 1993) de Luis Alberto de Cuenca es un conocido texto de los Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada (1924) de Neruda («Me gusta cuando callas…», núm. 15), que se... more
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      PhilologyLiteratureRomance philologyPoetry
(Learning Unit, see below how to cite) Véase debajo cómo citar este documento. Unidad Didáctica que estrecha las relaciones entre la literatura y el cine. Ofrece una completa propuesta didáctica para el aula (nivel sugerido de 4º de... more
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      DidacticsPablo NerudaCine y literaturaFormación docente universitaria
Conferencias y grabaciones 1995 - 1999
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      Jorge Luis BorgesPablo NerudaHistoriaEconomía
This article deals w ith a topicÐ poetryÐ that is often considered to be of marginal interest to politics. To prove otherwise is the article' s principle taskÐ a task that is pursed through an engagement w ith Pablo Neruda' s work. Nobel... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryLatin American StudiesComparative Literature
Ricostruzione in prima persona della drammatica e breve vita di Malva Marina, figlia abbandonata di Pablo Neruda
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    • Pablo Neruda
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      PoeticsJorge Luis BorgesAnimals in LiteraturePablo Neruda