Franco Quinziano
Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI), Faculty Member
University of Salamanca, Instituto de Estudios Medievales, Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales (IEMYRhd), Researcher
University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo, Departamento de Filología Española, Investigador Grupo de Estudios CErvantinos-GREC
* Ph.D in Romances Literatures- (Comparative Literature: Spanish Literature & Italian Literature), Depto. de Filología, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
* Bachellor in Humanities (Dottore in Lettere Moderne)- University of Milan, Italia.
* Bachellor in Liberal Artes/ History - Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.
* University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo, Departamento de Filología Española, Investigador Grupo de Estudios Cervantinos-GREC - Researcher
* University of Salamanca, Instituto de Estudios Medievales, Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales (IEMYRhd)- Researcher
*Institute for International Relations (IRI), National University of La Plata/ Universidad de La Plata, Dept. of Europa- Researcher
*Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI), Italy- Faculty Member
- Premio Foro Jovellanos 2002, Gijón, España.
* Bachellor in Humanities (Dottore in Lettere Moderne)- University of Milan, Italia.
* Bachellor in Liberal Artes/ History - Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina.
* University of Oviedo / Universidad de Oviedo, Departamento de Filología Española, Investigador Grupo de Estudios Cervantinos-GREC - Researcher
* University of Salamanca, Instituto de Estudios Medievales, Renacentistas y de Humanidades Digitales (IEMYRhd)- Researcher
*Institute for International Relations (IRI), National University of La Plata/ Universidad de La Plata, Dept. of Europa- Researcher
*Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione, Studi Umanistici e Internazionali (DISCUI), Italy- Faculty Member
- Premio Foro Jovellanos 2002, Gijón, España.
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Papers by Franco Quinziano
The study explores the presence and reception of the ideological and social control work of the Inquisition and censorship in 18th century Spain, topic in the travel literature of the period. Also address its harmful effects in the cultural field, in three significant authors of the Italy of the Settecento, Caimo, Baretti and Casanova, who visited the peninsula between the last years of the reign of Ferdinand VI and the first years of Charles III. This approach addresses various aspects of the world of books, focusing on the circulation and censorship of texts and authors, the consequent value judgments on the fearsome Tribunal, and as well as prohibitions, expungements and obstacles to accessing the texts. The image reflected by the three authors coincide in questioning the rigour of the controls of the Inquisition and regret the prohibitions of books. However in their travel stories emerge various gradations and emphasis on the criticism of inquisitorial censorship and its harmful effects, associated with the condition and the ideologia to which each of the emitters refers
The italians Caimo and Baretti manifest in their travel texts a determined interest in the various cultural expressions of Spain in the mid-eighteenth century, with valuable considerations on the multiple aspects that make up the polyhedral world of the book and its horizon.It examines the analysis of two significant aspects interrelated with each other:the representation of the printed and its materiality and the presence and reception of hispanic readings, as well as the role that both links - text and reading - play in the two authors.
que exhibieron dos autores claves en el campo teatral, Metastasio y Goldoni, cuyas
obras gozaron de gran popularidad en los escenarios españoles. En torno a estos
dos dramaturgos se concitó una intensa labor traductora que fue configurando un
notable repertorio de piezas –traducidas, adaptadas y arregladas– del que se nutrieron el drama musical y el teatro cómico en España. Significativa fue la aportación
del caudal de textos teatrales italianos para la formación de un renovado repertorio en las carteleras españolas, amoldados a los gustos del público y a múltiples subgéneros dramáticos. En el estudio se abordan el horizonte de la recepción del
drama italiano y algunos itinerarios por los que transitaron las versiones españolas, procedentes en especial de ambos autores, a partir de mediados de los años 30 del
siglo, cuando el drama metastasiano ingresa en la península. Una parcela relevante
de estas versiones en español evidencia modalidades y trayectos complejos y sinuosos en su proceso de adaptación, al tiempo que exhiben diversos niveles de interconexión y de interdependencia, directa e indirecta, tanto entre sí como respecto al texto original italiano del que han bebido.
The study explores the presence and reception of the ideological and social control work of the Inquisition and censorship in 18th century Spain, topic in the travel literature of the period. Also address its harmful effects in the cultural field, in three significant authors of the Italy of the Settecento, Caimo, Baretti and Casanova, who visited the peninsula between the last years of the reign of Ferdinand VI and the first years of Charles III. This approach addresses various aspects of the world of books, focusing on the circulation and censorship of texts and authors, the consequent value judgments on the fearsome Tribunal, and as well as prohibitions, expungements and obstacles to accessing the texts. The image reflected by the three authors coincide in questioning the rigour of the controls of the Inquisition and regret the prohibitions of books. However in their travel stories emerge various gradations and emphasis on the criticism of inquisitorial censorship and its harmful effects, associated with the condition and the ideologia to which each of the emitters refers
The italians Caimo and Baretti manifest in their travel texts a determined interest in the various cultural expressions of Spain in the mid-eighteenth century, with valuable considerations on the multiple aspects that make up the polyhedral world of the book and its horizon.It examines the analysis of two significant aspects interrelated with each other:the representation of the printed and its materiality and the presence and reception of hispanic readings, as well as the role that both links - text and reading - play in the two authors.
que exhibieron dos autores claves en el campo teatral, Metastasio y Goldoni, cuyas
obras gozaron de gran popularidad en los escenarios españoles. En torno a estos
dos dramaturgos se concitó una intensa labor traductora que fue configurando un
notable repertorio de piezas –traducidas, adaptadas y arregladas– del que se nutrieron el drama musical y el teatro cómico en España. Significativa fue la aportación
del caudal de textos teatrales italianos para la formación de un renovado repertorio en las carteleras españolas, amoldados a los gustos del público y a múltiples subgéneros dramáticos. En el estudio se abordan el horizonte de la recepción del
drama italiano y algunos itinerarios por los que transitaron las versiones españolas, procedentes en especial de ambos autores, a partir de mediados de los años 30 del
siglo, cuando el drama metastasiano ingresa en la península. Una parcela relevante
de estas versiones en español evidencia modalidades y trayectos complejos y sinuosos en su proceso de adaptación, al tiempo que exhiben diversos niveles de interconexión y de interdependencia, directa e indirecta, tanto entre sí como respecto al texto original italiano del que han bebido.