Laser Ablation
Recent papers in Laser Ablation
Gem corundum, a minor but persistent megacryst in east Australian basalt fields, is mined from some placer concentrations. Laser ablation, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analyses and O isotope determinations on a colour... more
Laser ablation is investigated as a microsampling technique for determining the content and spatial distribution of hydrogen and deuterium in zirconium alloys. Zr-2.5wt%Nb (Zr-2.5Nb) material is ablated under vacuum with the 1.06 lm... more
The expansion of a laser-ablation plume into different ambient gases is investigated theoretically using a two-fluid gas-dynamic model and experimentally with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Both calculations and measurements, performed... more
Fe/Al multilayers with different composition were prepared by conventional, direct-pulsed laser deposition (DPLD) and crossed-beam pulsed laser deposition (CBPLD). Films were studied by means of X-ray reflectometry, wide-angle X-ray... more
Purposeto introduce the Innovative Electronics Manufacturing Research Centre (IeMRC) Flagship Project: Integrated Optical and Electronic Interconnect PCB Manufacturing (OPCB), its objectives, its consortium of 3 Universities and 10... more
Sole nurseries are located in the main bays and estuaries of the Bay of Biscay, where juveniles from the same stock concentrate and constitute temporarily isolated groups. This context being favourable for elemental analyses of juvenile... more
This paper refers to a silicon micromachined tuning fork gyroscope, which is driven via two piezoelectric thin film actuators. The device responds to an external angular rate by a torsional motion about its sensitive axis due to the... more On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we extend a warm and cordial welcome to you to be part of 22th Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications, held conjointly with eminent researchers and scholars from... more
Processes of adsorption and metalation of a cationic water-soluble free base porphyrin, i.e., 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(1-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphyrin (TMPyP) on Ag colloids have been monitored by surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy... more
We report on laboratory studies of the effectiveness of directed energy planetary defense as a part of the DE-STAR (Directed Energy System for Targeting of Asteroids and exploRation) program. DE-STAR [1][5][6] and DE-STARLITE [2][5][6]... more
Global Tumor Ablation Market Forecast & Regional Analysis 2023” Report Highlights: • Exploring the Commercial Aspects of Tumor Ablation Therapy • Recent Advances in Tumor Ablation Therapy • Demand & Features of the Tumor Ablation... more
The effect of micro patterning of cemented carbide surface using nanosecond diode pumped solid-state pulsed laser on the strength of induction brazed carbide and steel joints has been investigated. Surface patterns increase the total... more
Lateral distribution of the 10 B isotope within a boron carbide film of 550 nm maximum thickness deposited on silicon wafer using pulsed laser deposition technique has been determined taking advantage of the high cross section for (n,a)... more
Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass specrrometry (LA-ICP-MS) has been applied to the characterization of the trace element composition "fingerprint" of selected gold samples from Western Australia and South Africa. By... more
The feasibility of using in vivo autofluorescence for the diagnosis of skin cancer was evaluated. In vivo fluorescence measurements were performed on healthy human volunteers, and patients with different types of benign and malignant skin... more
We present experimental data on mass removal during 1064-nm pulsed laser ablation of graphite, niobium and YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductor. Evidence for the transition from normal vaporization to phase explosion has been obtained for these... more
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) have been applied as the most important inorganic mass spectrometric techniques having multielemental capability for the characterization of solid... more
We report on advances in polymeric waveguide technologies developed worldwide for the telecom and datacom markets, and we describe in detail one such technology developed at AlliedSignal. Optical polymers are versatile materials that can... more
For a long period, analytical applications of laser induced plasma spectrometry (LIPS) have been mainly restricted to overall and quantitative determination of elemental composition in bulk, solid samples. However, introduction of new... more
This study presents an evaluation of Norwegian kyanite quartzites from Gullsteinberget, Knøsberget, Kjeksberget, Sormbrua, Tverrådalen, Juovvačorrú and Nasafjellet as potential deposits of high-purity quartz (HPQ) for use as raw material... more
The Yidun Arc is a Triassic volcanic arc located between the Songpan Garzê Fold Belt and the Qiangtang Block, southwest China. To constrain the age of a number of the major granitic plutons from the Yidun Arc, laser ablation ICP-MS U/Pb... more
Potential sources for alluvial gem corundum and zircon from the Rio Mayo area, near Mercaderes, Colombia are reviewed, based on U-Pb dating of syngenetic and protogenetic mineral inclusions in corundum samples and on a zircon megacryst.... more
Cyclic olefin polymers (COPs) are increasingly popular as substrate material for microfluidics. This is due to their promising properties, such as high chemical resistance, low water absorption, good optical transparency in the near UV... more
Mass distribution and time variation of the emitted ions by time-of-flight mass spectrometer and desorbed gases by a quadrupole mass spectrometer from the H + -implanted graphite sample by the pulsed ArF (193 nm) laser irradiation have... more
معادلات علي يوسف تم اكتشافها منذ 2016 بعدما قرأت كتب عن الثيرمودايناميك والكيمياء الفيزيائية، ولاحظت ان تناول هذه الكتب في عنوان الكيمياء الضوئية ليس مكتمل وانما هنالك ابواب ناقصة فمثلا لماذا يتفاعل الضوء مع هذه المادة دون غيرها، والظواهر... more
Chapter 14 Belovode: technology of pottery production ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������186 Silvia Amicone Chapter 15 Figurines from Belovode... more
La tesi si occupa dello studio e del restauro del Rilievo geologico di epoca ottocentesca, rappresentante la Provincia di Napoli e dintorni, realizzato per la casa editrice Paravia da Domenico Locchi, cartografo e plasticista. Il... more
The decomposition of ethane (C 2 H 6) and the subsequent conversion to other hydrocarbons are investigated using a Q-switched (Q-SW) Nd:YAG laser induced plasma inside a controlled chamber. The metal targets, including iron, copper,... more
The determination of naturally occurring and anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has gained recognition over the last fifteen years, relative to radiometric techniques, as the... more
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has emerged in the past ten years as a promising technique for analysis and characterization of the composition of a broad variety of objects of cultural heritage including painted artworks,... more