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      RenaissanceRenaissance ArtFrescoPittura
One of Leonardo's first approaches to the L ast Sup p e r project was probably to organise its proportional relationship with respect to its place in the refectory. To do this, he had to negotiate the proportional and measured differences... more
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      ReligionArt HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian Studies
Experimental archaeology and the investigation of the methods, materials and techniques of fresco wall-paintings, In Souyoudzoglou-Haywood, Christina, O'Sullivan, Aidan, (Eds.), Experimental Archaeology: Making, Understanding,... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPaintingFresco
Nicholas Eckstein's Painted Glories: The Brancacci Chapel in Renaissance Florence extricates this intensely studied monument from preoccupations characteristic of traditional art history: patronage, connoisseurship, style, conservation... more
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      GenderItalian Renaissance ArtPatronage (History)Fresco
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      IconographyMedieval NobilityFresco
Violet Oakley (1874–1961) was a pathbreaking American artist and social activist during the first half of the twentieth century. Her eloquent narrative paintings, colorful stained-glass designs, and otherworldly book illustrations... more
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      PaintingInterior DesignWomen in ArtInterior Design (Architecture)
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Il presente volume prende avvio dalle riflessioni generate dall'analisi di tutti gli affreschi nelle catacombe cristiane di Roma, per identificare e catalogare le c.d. gammadiae, rappresentate sul lembo del pallio dei personaggi, e... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryHellenistic HistoryEarly Christianity
Palatina's "Life of Sixtus IV" and the frescoes of the Hospital of Santo Spirito
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      FrescoSistine ChapelBiblioteca
This anthology chapter provides a rich iconographic, spatial, and stylistic analyses Diego Rivera's mural cycle at the Secretaria de Education Publica in Mexico City (1923-28).
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      MarxismModernism (Art History)Mexican MuralismFresco
A discussion of the theme of papal primacy in Michelangelo's fresco Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel in Rome and how the artist worked to convey this message. Contrary to much published opinion, this fresco cannot be taken merely as... more
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiFrescoPapal PrimacyPope Paul III
Григоров, Дмитрий Александрович (1860-1929). Русский иконописный подлинник / / [Соч.] Д.А. Григорова. — [Санкт-Петербург] : тип. Имп. Акад. наук, [1887]. — 147 с., 3 л. ил. : 28.
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      Russian StudiesIconographyArt HistoryArt
Researches which were conducted by different scientists in the Central Asia in different periods made important contributions with regard to enlightening the period. Examinations made by A.Grünwedel, A.Von Le Coq and et al. in Murtuk,... more
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      Central AsiaFrescoUighurBuddhist
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      Roman mortarsFrescoRoman Wall PaintingMarcus Vitruvius Pollio
Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesRussian Studies
What makes a work of art  " Contemporary"?

TRIBUTE TO TRADITIONS: Unity in Cultural Diversity
Permanent Exhibition at
National Museum of Cameroon, Yaoundé
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtPaintingArt Criticism
Architectural decoration, whether exterior or interior, has always been a very important part in the history of architecture as it not only represented the aesthetic trends of each era, but also described vividly the cultural dimensions... more
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      ArchitectureCulture20th CenturyGreece
²Ûë µáÉáñ ë³ëïÇÏ ³Ý×áÕáåñ»ÉÇ ÷áñÓáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó ÈáÏ ¹áõ ϳñáÕ »ë ÷ñÏ»É, ñ ÐÇëáõë, ºí ³Ù»Ý³Ù»Õ Ñá•áõë ßÝáñÑ»É Ñ³Ý•Çëï áõ ³Ý¹áññ. àõëïÇ ¨ ݳÛÇ°ñ ¸áõ, áñ ù³Õóñ »ë µáÉáñÇ Ñ³Ý¹»å, AEÝÓ ßñç³÷³ÏáÕ ³Ý½»ñͳݻÉÇ ³Ûë íï³Ý•Ý»ñÇÝ: λݳ½»Ý ˳ãǹ ëñáí... more
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      Art HistoryImage ProcessingArmenian StudiesContemporary Art
บทความนี้มุ่งวิเคราะห์ภาพจิตรกรรมฝาผนังสีปูนแห้งแสดงฉากพระราชกรณียกิจการเลิกทาสของพระบาทสมเด็จพระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว (รัชกาลที่ 5) ภายในพระที่นั่งอนันตสมาคม... more
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      Art HistoryAbolition of SlaveryFrescoKingdom of Siam
Nel 1981 Aldo Gorfer dedicava al palazzo dei conti Martini di Mezzocorona una pagina di autentica prosa, che costituisce l'unica descrizione finora pubblicata di questa importante dimora storica 1 . L'edificio sorge in posizione... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingPatronage (History)18th Century Art
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityCultural History
Compares the underdrawings of the Badia Fiorentina's cloister frescoes with their finished paintings to reveal collaboration between Fra Angelico as designer and several assistants as executors. Through technical and documentary analysis,... more
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      Benedictine HistoryFrescoFra AngelicoZanobi Strozzi
Spiritual culture: initial princes of Kyiv; Kotarbinski's art
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      Art TheoryPaintingUkrainian StudiesUkraine (History)
Alors que les principaux ensembles iconographiques de Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe sont bien connus et ont donné lieu à une importante bibliographie, de nombreux aspects considérés comme secondaires ont été négligés. Si l'on s'est toujours... more
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      FrescoRomanesque Wall PaintingArcheology
Tesi di laurea triennale, università Ca' Foscari di Venezia A partire dagli anni Sessanta del Settecento, Giandomenico Tiepolo si dedicò, a più riprese, alla decorazione della sua proprietà di famiglia, la villa di Zianigo. Nell'intimità... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryRenaissance StudiesPolitics
The parish church of St James the Greater in Želiezovce (Hungarian: Zselíz) belongs to the bishopric of Nitra and is situated in southern Slovakia. This book presents the first monograph on the medieval church and its fourteenth- and... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval History
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      IconographyChristian IconographyWall paintingFresco
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityCultural History
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      SemioticsReligionChristianityEastern European Studies
The optics drawing system called linear perspective is a technique widely known as developed during the Italian Renaissance in 1413 by Fillippo Brunelleschi. Other influential men of the same context have claimed to be the inventors of... more
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      VitruviusGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsFrescoPerspective
The Kaisersaal of the formerly princely Residence of Würzburg was commissioned by prince-bishop Friedrich Carl von Schönborn (1729 – 46) and was built at his time by Balthasar Neumann. But it was the successor prince-bishop Carl Philipp... more
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      PortraitsPortraitureBaroque art and architectureGiovanni Battista Tiepolo
Alanya Castle, whose foundations date back to Hellenistic times, is considered as a medieval fortress built by the Anatolian Seljuks and is considered one of the symbols of Alanya today. It was used as the winter capital during the Seljuk... more
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      Seljuks (Islamic History)FrescoAlanyaMedieval Architecture, Castles
Raphael's famous painting The School of Athens includes a geometer, presumably Euclid himself, demonstrating a construction to his fascinated students. But what theorem are they all studying? This article first introduces the painting,... more
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      MathematicsFrescoRaphaelSchool of Athens
Il presente elaborato tenta una contestualizzazione dal punto di vista storico-artistico del ciclo di affreschi con le Storie di Diana e Atteone eseguito dal Parmigianino (1503-1540) in una saletta del castello di Fontanellato,... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtItalian Renaissance ArtFresco
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      Theatre StudiesModern ArtCommedia dell'arte20th century Avant-Garde
I had the task of performing a strappo procedure for a fresco painted at Teatro della Pergola in Firenze. The purpose for this was so that I could paint my own fresco before I began restoring the murals in the theater.
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      Art HistoryPaintingHistory of FlorenceHistory of Art
Akademija likovnih umjetnosti | Seminarski rad | Zidno slikarstvo
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      FrescoLikovna UmetnostLikovna akademijaAKADEMIJA LIKOVNIH UMJETNOSTI SARAJEVO
Bu çalışmada Bizans İmparatorluğu’ndan günümüze ulaşmayı başaran önemli bir yapı olan Khora Manastırı Katholikonu’nun resim programı üslup ve ikonografi açısıdan incelenmiştir. İstanbul’da bulunan yapı İ.S. IV. yüzyılda din şehidi Aziz... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryByzantine Liturgy
This abstract is an exploration of the presence of what Michael Mehaffy calls "deep symmetry" in Kamil Khan Mumtaz's design of the Baba Hassan Din Shrine (2005) in Lahore, Pakistan. The project signifies the creation of meaningful and... more
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArchitectureFrescoTraditional Architecture
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      Early Modern ItalyLeon Battista AlbertiClaudio MonteverdiFresco
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      Giovanni Battista TiepoloFrescoPainting techniquesPigments
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHeritage ConservationCultural Heritage Management
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      Classical ArchaeologyFrescoArcheometry
Recetas de ensaladas TIEMPO DE PREPARACIÓN: 50 MINUTOS PREPARACIÓN FÁCIL 1,50 EUROS/PERSONA 4 PERSONAS Recetas de rechupete INGREDIENTES 400 g. de arroz integral. 100 g. de nueces peladas 300 g. de espinacas frescas (una bolsa) 2 lechugas... more
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This dissertation investigates the Orange Cloister of the Badia Fiorentina -- a Benedictine abbey located in central Florence. Between 1428 and 1441, this cloister was built and decorated with mural paintings depicting the Life of St.... more
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtBenedictine HistoryFresco
Mari Sarayı tarihi, bölümleri, buluntuları hakkında bilgiler.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAnatolian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
Il lavoro, parte di uno studio sulla chiesa di San Giovanni al Sepolcro a Brindisi, analizza la produzione pittorica trecentesca della chiesa attraverso la rilettura analitica di ogni pannello e lo studio delle stratigrafie murarie,... more
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      History of ArtSalentoFrescoArtes
This article will demonstrate how the Salvator Mundi, a work recently sold by Christie's New York for $450 million and said to be by Leonardo da Vinci, cannot have been conceived as an easel painting, to be most normally hung or viewed at... more
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      Renaissance StudiesLeonardo da VinciFrescoAnamorphic Art
A Giulia, per la dolcezza, la saggezza e l"allegria con le quali ha colorato la mia vita, come solo un figlio può fare.
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      History of ArtFrescoPerspectiveBaroque Wall Painting (Quadratura)