Books by BAR Publishing - British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd
BAR Publishing, 2021
This research aims to reconstruct the dynamics of exploitation and management of animal resources... more This research aims to reconstruct the dynamics of exploitation and management of animal resources during the Middle Iron Age in the northern part of the Limpopo region (South Africa). The book offers an interpretation of faunal remains from two sites: Mapungubwe, an important regional centre during the 13th century AD, and Mutamba, a small agro-pastoral settlement contemporary to the period of maximum hegemony of the capital and located at the southernmost limit of Mapungubwe influence. Some of the fauna from earlier excavations at Mapungubwe has been published previously, but this volume considers new material and re-examines earlier findings. In addition to the zooarchaeological analysis, ethnozooarchaeological research has been carried out in a Venda village. Furthermore, the published data concerning the Mapungubwe area of influence have been collected. The book includes a summary chapter in Italian.
BAR Publishing, 2021
Archaeologists consider Puerto Rico a key geographical location for categorizing native occupatio... more Archaeologists consider Puerto Rico a key geographical location for categorizing native occupations in the Caribbean. However, lack of funding, minimal focus on petroglyph research, and limited historical records has reduced Puerto Rico’s contributions to the broader archaeological conversation. This book hopes to alleviate this issue through its interdisciplinary analysis of the La Mina site, a previously unrecorded petroglyph site near the El Yunque National Forest in Municipio de Naguabo, Puerto Rico. The authors’ 2015 fieldwork consisted of a Phase I geological and archaeological survey and the cataloguing of Rex Cauldwell’s longitudinal photographic study of the site (2006-2018), both of which included the documentation of dozens of previously unrecorded preTaíno/Taíno glyphs. In 2017-2018, they supplemented the initial fieldwork with additional ethnographic data, focusing on the aftermath of recent natural disasters and cultural unrest in the region.
BAR Publishing, 2021
In this book Donald W. Jones presents a framework for how to approach four important topics that ... more In this book Donald W. Jones presents a framework for how to approach four important topics that have held the attention of historians and archaeologists for decades. He offers intuitive but rigorous introductions to the contemporary economic theory and modelling dealing with agriculture, international trade, populations, and the behavior of aggregate economies. Familiarity with these models can offer nuanced insights into ancient economic behavior in data-poor as well as data-rich environments. Each chapter presents case studies from the literature of antiquity demonstrating how this could work and offering suggestions of topics where these models could be fruitfully explored.
BAR Publishing, 2021
This book brings together a collection of chapters reflecting the scholarship of Tom Beaumont Jam... more This book brings together a collection of chapters reflecting the scholarship of Tom Beaumont James, Emeritus Professor at the University of Winchester, in advancing the study of medieval and early modern artefacts, buildings, gardens, and towns. The seventeen essays represent substantive contributions on specific topics and many of the authors started out as Tom’s students. Some focus on buildings, others on people, some on documentary evidence and some on material culture. The chapters range chronologically from early medieval Southampton through sixteenth-century Winchester to an analysis of that city’s nineteenth-century censuses. Although the work coheres around central Southern England there are also papers on Edward I’s Tower of London, the medieval and early modern gardens of two Oxford colleges, and the English occupation of Normandy in the fifteenth century.
BAR Publishing, 2021
This book examines the sometimes fraught interactions and relationships between contemporary Paga... more This book examines the sometimes fraught interactions and relationships between contemporary Pagan groups and archaeological heritage managers in the first decade and a half of the 21st century. It uses ethnographic field research, conducted by the author between 2008 and 2013, and literature analysis to analyse those interactions. The two key areas examined are access to, interpretation of and preservation of ancient sites, and the archaeological examination, storage and display or reburial of ancient human remains. The book includes a detailed analysis of the reasons presented in the discourse of contestation and the underlying attitudes behind the issues. It concludes with some thoughts on how heritage managers and archaeologists may better manage their interactions with the Pagan community in the future.
BAR Publishing, 2021
This volume presents a new approach to decorative practices in Iron Age Britain and beyond. It ai... more This volume presents a new approach to decorative practices in Iron Age Britain and beyond. It aims to collapse the historic distinction between art and craft during the period 400BC-AD100 by examining the purposeful nature of decoration on varied Iron Age objects, not just those traditionally considered art. A case study from East Yorkshire (UK), a region well known for its elaborate Iron Age metalwork, is presented. This study takes a holistic approach to the finds from a sample of 30 sites, comparing pattern and plainness on objects of a wide range of materials. The analysis focuses on the factors that led makers to decorate certain objects in certain ways and the uses of different patterns in different social contexts. A concentrated study on evidence for use-wear, damage, repair and modification then draws on primary research and uses assemblage theory to better understand the uses and functions of decorated objects and the ways these developed over time.
BAR Publishing, 2020
Il libro presenta l’edizione di un gruppo iscrizioni greche tardo-ellenistiche provenienti dalla ... more Il libro presenta l’edizione di un gruppo iscrizioni greche tardo-ellenistiche provenienti dalla città di Halaesa Archonidea in Sicilia, comprendente documenti di recente scoperta, alcuni dei quali inediti e altri recentemente pubblicati dall’autore, fra cui spiccano due frammenti superstiti delle perdute Tabulae Halaesinae (IG XIV 352 + SEG IV 45) e il frammento di un contratto di locazione (misthosis), presumibilmente fondiaria. Grazie ad una analisi complessiva dei documenti il volume offre un contributo all’interpretazione e alla comprensione delle Tabulae Halaesinae e fornisce, attraverso i nuovi dati epigrafici, una ricostruzione dello scenario storico-istituzionale nel quale la città di Halaesa, probabilmente intorno all’ultimo quarto del II sec. a.C., ridefinì la sua terra pubblica, istituì un sistema per risolvere i conflitti sulla proprietà delle terre e affittò la terra ai suoi cittadini.
This volume contributes a new interpretation and understanding of the Tabulae Halaesinae. It uses fresh epigraphical data to reconstruct how the city of Halaesa, around the last quarter of the 2nd century B.C., resurveyed its public land, established a system to resolve conflicts over land ownership, and leased the land to its citizens.
BAR Publishing, 2020
This book presents findings on Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Nuragic settlement dynamics in two s... more This book presents findings on Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Nuragic settlement dynamics in two selected areas of the east coast of Sardinia, placing them in a wider context of Nuragic settlement in Sardinia and Central Mediterranean prehistory and protohistory. The research addresses the use of coastline, investigates the relationship between domestic and ritual sites, and provides a chronology of settlement. These issues are analysed using data gathered through a series of landscape surveys conducted in both study areas of the east coast of Sardinia, as well as Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The results demonstrate significant differences between the Nuragic settlement patterns, architecture, and distribution of ritual sites in different areas of the east coast, emphasising the need to study the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age settlement dynamics in Sardinia in their local context.
BAR Publishing, 2020
This book represents research presented at the 1st International Conference on Classical Antiqui... more This book represents research presented at the 1st International Conference on Classical Antiquities, held in Rome from 15th to 17th May, 2019 at the ‘Tor Vergata’ University. The conference focused on the ancient Mediterranean between the 6th century BC and the 7th century AD, stimulating dialogue across different disciplines -from ancient history to medieval literature and archaeology - producing innovative research, original methodologies, and comparative studies.
Questo libro contiene i risultati del I Convegno Internazionale di Antichità Classiche, svoltosi a Roma il 15/17 maggio 2019 presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. L'obiettivo della conferenza è stato quello di stimolare un dialogo internazionale e interdisciplinare fra i vari settori dell'antichistica, al fine di confrontare fra loro dati e metodologie afferenti a discipline diverse. L'attenzione degli studiosi si è concentrata nel bacino del Mediterraneo Antico, in un arco cronologico compreso fra il VI sec. a.C. e il VII sec. d.C.
BAR Publishing, 2020
The amphorae dating from the Submycenaean to the end of the Protogeometric period, brought to lig... more The amphorae dating from the Submycenaean to the end of the Protogeometric period, brought to light in the Kerameikos cemetery, represent a high quality sample of Athenian output of the shape; this is due to their belonging to intact, archaeologically significant contexts. These vessels, usually employed as cinerary urns in the ‘trench-and-hole’ tombs, can be found also as grave goods or among the debris of the pyre offerings. The amphorae in this volume are re-examined with the help of new drawings and by adopting the ‘envelope’ method for their comparison. It has thus proven possible to recognise several typological groups, and to collect information about the process of standardisation of the vases and the organisation of the production process. Moreover, analytical reviews of the burials containing the amphorae and of the physical placing of the grave and pyre goods within the tomb shed new light on the cremation rite performed and on the connections between Athens and other sites employing a similar ritual. Undertaken with the assistance of the Institute for Aegean Prehistory.
BAR Publishing, 2020
Este libro es un estudio sobre la navegación prehispánica y los paisajes culturales marítimos en ... more Este libro es un estudio sobre la navegación prehispánica y los paisajes culturales marítimos en Mesoamérica. La autora presenta un estudio de caso para explicar la conectividad espacial entre el Altiplano Central y la costa del Pacífico a lo largo del río Balsas, antes y después de la llegada de los españoles. A través de un enfoque interdisciplinario que integra la arqueología marítima, la arqueología del paisaje, la etnohistoria y las ciencias de la información geográfica, propone un marco teórico-metodológico para reconstruir el transporte prehispánico y los sistemas de conectividad por vías acuáticas. El objetivo del trabajo es establecer la relevancia del estudio de la navegación prehispánica como parte del proceso de construcción de paisajes culturales marítimos en Mesoamérica. Se subraya el papel de la navegación para explicar el desarrollo de la complejidad social, los mecanismos de intercambio interregional, la cohesión de unidades regionales y algunos aspectos de la cosmovisión indígena vinculados a la concepción del entorno natural.
This book is a study on prehispanic navigation and the maritime cultural landscapes in Mesoamerica, using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates maritime archaeology, landscape archaeology, ethnohistory, and geographic information sciences.
BAR Publishing, 2020
Este trabajo pretende ser una aproximación práctica al sistema portuario de Almería a través del ... more Este trabajo pretende ser una aproximación práctica al sistema portuario de Almería a través del estudio de su paisaje cultural marítimo. De esta forma, se identificarán los elementos de este paisaje que habrían pertenecido al sistema portuario de Almería durante la Alta Edad Media. Mediante el análisis de un mosaico de fuentes, se han podido clasificar en tres bases de datos principales: elementos antrópicos emergidos, elementos antrópicos subacuáticos y elementos naturales, así como identificar su función y su rol en este sistema portuario. El proyecto incluye el análisis espacial de los mismos, desarrollado a través de sistemas de información geográfica (GIS).
Al-Ándalus desde el mar studies the port system of Almeria in early medieval times. By analysing a mosaic of sources, it has been possible to classify the data as well as identify its function and its role in this port system. The project includes in-depth spatial analysis using geographic information systems (GIS).
BAR Publishing, 2020
Casalmoro lies along the Chiese river in the province of Mantua, in the northern Po Plain, and it... more Casalmoro lies along the Chiese river in the province of Mantua, in the northern Po Plain, and it represents the biggest known settlement area for Final Bronze Age Italy. This was one of the new settlements founded in the twelfth century BC north of the Po, in the region between eastern Lombardy and Veneto, after the crisis of the Terramare culture. This work provides a typological analysis and a chronological definition of the finds, and presents a significant amount of pottery and bronze artefacts for the first time. It then proposes a framing of Casalmoro in its regional context and in relation to other areas of the Italian Peninsula at the beginning of the Final Bronze Age. This settlement area constitutes an important context both for chronological aspects and to understand the processes leading to the birth of the proto-urban centres at the dawn of the Iron Age.
BAR Publishing, 2020
This volume proposes a theoretical and methodological framework for the study of “yellow” coffins... more This volume proposes a theoretical and methodological framework for the study of “yellow” coffins, which is one of the most extensive corpus of funerary objects from Ancient Egypt, and the most complex in terms of decoration. It presents a synthetic view on Egyptian coffin decoration during the II millennium B.C. together with in-depth examination of a sample of nine previously unpublished burial assemblages. Dating from the 21st-22nd Dynasties, these objects were chosen to showcase the stages of development in coffin decoration detected in the “yellow” corpus, as well as variations in style and layout. A new formal typology of this corpus is proposed, allowing a better understanding of the dynamics of coffin decoration in Theban workshops.
BAR Publishing, 2020
This is a study of the seasonal activity cycles of a pre-urban society, examined through the lens... more This is a study of the seasonal activity cycles of a pre-urban society, examined through the lens of an early medieval Welsh case study. It considers the patterns of power and habitual activity that defined spaces and structured lives. Key areas of early medieval life - agriculture, tribute-payment, legal processes and hunting - are shown to share a longstanding seasonal patterning that is preserved in medieval Welsh law, church and well dedications, and fair dates. Focussing on a cantref (‘hundred’) land unit in south-west Wales, it uses an innovative GIS-based multidisciplinary, comparative analysis to circumnavigate a restricted archaeological record and limited written sources. The study presents the first systematic survey of assembly site evidence in Wales, and reassesses widely-used interpretative models of the early medieval landscape. Digital resources include databases of geolocated pre-1700 place-names and of sixteenth-century demesne and Welsh-law landholdings.
BAR Publishing, 2020
This study examines the origins of complex society in the Maya Lowlands during the Middle Preclas... more This study examines the origins of complex society in the Maya Lowlands during the Middle Preclassic period. Excavations at Cahal Pech - a mid-sized Maya settlement in the Belize River Valley - revealed complex architectural sequences over a 600-year developmental period, which spans the time of the earliest permanent villages in the area and the emergence of institutionalized hierarchy characteristic of later Maya civilization. The author uses spatial analysis to investigate artifact distribution patterns related to architectural change and marshals a diverse dataset to support a network framework for understanding developing complexity. This new theoretical framing expands on studies of long-distance exchange to examine how households and communities could gain advantage by participating in interaction networks, and how the positioning of some entities in networks could have produced socioeconomic inequalities that became entrenched through time.
BAR Publishing, 2020
The domestication of the wild boar and the emergence of the domestic pig are a fundamental aspect... more The domestication of the wild boar and the emergence of the domestic pig are a fundamental aspect of the Neolithic and a key moment in human history. This book represents the most comprehensive zooarchaeological study to date of the origins and evolution of the domestication of the pig in the Italian peninsula, from a wide regional scale and a diachronic perspective. Some key archaeological questions addressed concern how and when the process of pig domestication commenced in Italy, how it evolved, and how it compares with the wider European and Middle Eastern scenarios. Through the collection of mainly biometrical data from several Italian prehistoric sites, this book explores changes in pig management through time, from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Bronze Age. The results are articulated with both historical changes in Italian societies and evidence from other areas, to achieve a comprehensive understanding of domestication.
BAR Publishing, 2020
At Lamanai and Ka’kabish, two Precolumbian Maya centres in north-western Belize, archaeologists h... more At Lamanai and Ka’kabish, two Precolumbian Maya centres in north-western Belize, archaeologists have researched the environment, architecture, and long-term occupation of the civic-ceremonial centres. The sites’ rural or hinterland populations, however, which were presumably critical to the support of the centres, have not been studied. These populations are key to an understanding of the sites’ long histories, which survived the Maya collapse (AD 600-900), flourished during the transition to the Postclassic period (AD 900-1500), and continued to be a focus of settlement in the Spanish Colonial period (AD 1521-1708). By reconstructing the spatial and temporal dynamics of Ka’kabish, Lamanai, and the inter-site settlement zone, and comparing them to environmental evidence from pollen cores collected in the New River Lagoon, this study sheds much-needed light on the processes that promoted the continuity in evidence in this region.
BAR Publishing, 2020
How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and h... more How did the ‘Fall of the Roman Empire’ change social and economic networks in eastern Gaul, and how did new ‘barbarian’ political frontiers shape those changes? Synthesising historical and archaeological approaches, this interdisciplinary study combines text-based prosopography with distribution analysis of ceramics and ‘pseudo-imperial’ coins in Burgundy and beyond. The study reveals that the frontiers of the second Burgundian kingdom (5th-6th centuries) curtailed traditional movements along one of Europe’s key riverine corridors and reshaped, temporarily, the mental geographies imagined by local Gallo-Romans, until Merovingian princes conquered the region. The book includes the most thorough assessment to date of the distribution of Burgundian coins found across France. Illuminating the Burgundian kingdom’s internal dynamics and its foreign relations, this assessment revises current understandings of the circulation of gold money across sixth-century Gaul, correcting over-generalisations that can obscure the importance of political frontiers at the end of antiquity.
Books by BAR Publishing - British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Ltd
This volume contributes a new interpretation and understanding of the Tabulae Halaesinae. It uses fresh epigraphical data to reconstruct how the city of Halaesa, around the last quarter of the 2nd century B.C., resurveyed its public land, established a system to resolve conflicts over land ownership, and leased the land to its citizens.
Questo libro contiene i risultati del I Convegno Internazionale di Antichità Classiche, svoltosi a Roma il 15/17 maggio 2019 presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. L'obiettivo della conferenza è stato quello di stimolare un dialogo internazionale e interdisciplinare fra i vari settori dell'antichistica, al fine di confrontare fra loro dati e metodologie afferenti a discipline diverse. L'attenzione degli studiosi si è concentrata nel bacino del Mediterraneo Antico, in un arco cronologico compreso fra il VI sec. a.C. e il VII sec. d.C.
This book is a study on prehispanic navigation and the maritime cultural landscapes in Mesoamerica, using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates maritime archaeology, landscape archaeology, ethnohistory, and geographic information sciences.
Al-Ándalus desde el mar studies the port system of Almeria in early medieval times. By analysing a mosaic of sources, it has been possible to classify the data as well as identify its function and its role in this port system. The project includes in-depth spatial analysis using geographic information systems (GIS).
This volume contributes a new interpretation and understanding of the Tabulae Halaesinae. It uses fresh epigraphical data to reconstruct how the city of Halaesa, around the last quarter of the 2nd century B.C., resurveyed its public land, established a system to resolve conflicts over land ownership, and leased the land to its citizens.
Questo libro contiene i risultati del I Convegno Internazionale di Antichità Classiche, svoltosi a Roma il 15/17 maggio 2019 presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. L'obiettivo della conferenza è stato quello di stimolare un dialogo internazionale e interdisciplinare fra i vari settori dell'antichistica, al fine di confrontare fra loro dati e metodologie afferenti a discipline diverse. L'attenzione degli studiosi si è concentrata nel bacino del Mediterraneo Antico, in un arco cronologico compreso fra il VI sec. a.C. e il VII sec. d.C.
This book is a study on prehispanic navigation and the maritime cultural landscapes in Mesoamerica, using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates maritime archaeology, landscape archaeology, ethnohistory, and geographic information sciences.
Al-Ándalus desde el mar studies the port system of Almeria in early medieval times. By analysing a mosaic of sources, it has been possible to classify the data as well as identify its function and its role in this port system. The project includes in-depth spatial analysis using geographic information systems (GIS).
* Inglés: The pre-Hispanic mayan city of Uxmal developed a diversified territory through a series of landscape transformations that integrated architecture, civic-religious and residential spaces with the management of the hydraulic system, agricultural soils and natural resources. This article synthesizes several lines of research with the objective of making a general interpretation of the territorial characteristics of this ancient pre-Hispanic capital of the Puuc region (Cap.9).
2016). The variety of topics in archaeology and art history that are discussed in this volume illustrates the richness of material culture in the Roman East and the Eastern Mediterranean during the transition to the Middle Ages, especially in Greece and the Balkans. Christian buildings, not only churches but also episcopal palaces, along
with their architecture and decoration, receive special attention. Indeed, the volume includes the complete proceedings of a round table on the historical development, the architectural typologies and the domestic spaces of bishops’ residences which took place at the Congress.
Dating evidence suggests that the cemetery was in use during the 7th century; this coincides approximately with the life of St Æthelthryth (c. 630-679) who founded Ely Abbey, was the daughter of King Anna of East Anglia, and who was born at Exning. Grave goods present with several of the burials in the cemetery recorded here were indicative of high status, providing the first physical evidence recorded in Exning of a rich and powerful population as suggested by the story of St Æthelthryth. Of further note is the similarity of the richest grave at this site, that of a young girl, with a grave recorded at a cemetery on the Isle of Ely which is considered to have had links with the religious community there.
Analysis demonstrates a population of similar origins living on similar diets. In death, there are also many similarities between these individuals but where differences occur they may be significant, suggesting that different parts of the community were treated in different ways and perhaps suggesting the retention of certain elements of burial tradition from earlier in the Saxon period for certain groups within the community.
The cemetery is comparable to other contemporary cemeteries in the surrounding region. Comparison of the rich burial of the young girl at this site and that recorded at Westfield Farm, Ely suggests social and cultural similarities, and therefore social and cultural links.
Despite the huge amount of research generated around the Spanish Civil war and the repression that followed, the recent opening of archives, discovery of photographs and maps, location of new sources, and archaeological excavations are yielding new information to a historical period that still needs a lot of research.
The different chapters collect projects throughout Spain that deal with a variety of topics: the documentation and registration of battle fronts; the effects of the bombings in the cities; the violence exerted on the civilian population; the archaeological evidence of the guerrilla after the war –maquis-; or the implementation of the controversial “Law of Memoria Histórica. It is a fundamental book for the understanding of one of the most dramatic events in the History of Spain and Europe, but it is also the acknowledgement of a new scientific approach to the study of contemporary events.