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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyPlatoMysticism
This paper provides an initial, multidimensional map of the complex relationships among consciousness, mind, brain and the external world in a way that follows both the contours of everyday experience and the findings of science. It then... more
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      Comparative ReligionCognitive ScienceMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Mind
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionIndian PhilosophyPlato
Onze huidige cultuur, met name de alomtegenwoordige beeldcultuur, lijkt meer dan ooit aan verstilling toe. We leven meer dan ooit in een constante toevloed, een total flow van beelden en geluiden, waarin nauwelijks nog plaats is voor... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyAestheticsPlato
Platone agli amici e ai familiari di Dione con l'augurio di felicità. Mi avevate comunicato che avrei dovuto ritenere i vostri progetti in tutto uguali a quelli di Dione, e mi chiedevate anche di essere al vostro fianco [324 A] per quanto... more
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      PlatoHistory Of Platonic TraditionOral TraditionsPlato and Platonism
La Via tradizionale richiede di essere direttamente sperimentata come processo evolutivo concreto, del quale abbiamo testimonianze precise: “ sono sempre stati e vi sono degli esseri che hanno svelato, in quanto lo vivono, e non... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      ReligionBuddhismComparative ReligionCognitive Psychology
Shamati is the most valuable book in the world, because it has the power to bring a person to the purpose of his life. Shamati is the main Kabbalistic source text. It contains all the foundations of man’s spiritual work. The articles... more
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      Comparative EsotericismKabbalahEsotericismEsoteric Philosophy
This chapter aims at pointing out the correspondences between the transformative Five Percenter process of self-cultivation outlined in the Supreme Mathematics and previous interpretations articulated and transmitted in the sapiential... more
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      ReligionBlack Studies Or African American StudiesReligion and PoliticsIslamic Studies
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      Political PhilosophyClassicsPolitical TheoryPolitics and Literature
This article addresses three ideas: mystical experience, the evolution of consciousness, and gnosis. There are different interpretations of these ideas, so I begin by saying how I intend to understand them. Mystical experience I see as a... more
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In einem trivialen Verständnis bedeutet Mystik das, was die Religionen der Erde jenseits ihrer institutionell-dogmatischen Ausprägungen miteinander verbindet. Inwieweit ein solch entkontextualisierter Mystik-Begriff wissenschaftlich... more
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      Comparative ReligionTheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical Theology
Esistono mondi che prendono forma nello spazio mentale, si trasformano in immagini, idee, simboli, pensieri, storie e parole per poi inserirsi nella realtà esterna nella forma di oggetti concreti, nel nostro caso un libro. Il libro viene... more
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      IdealismJorge Luis BorgesScience FictionLiterature and Esotericism
Con questo breve intervento, destinato ai lettori italiani, riportiamo uno stralcio in bozza tratta dal testo, in corso di redazione: Dall’Uno della Tradizione ai Sistemi Aperti, Patañjali Yogasūtra. Il “punto di vista” dello Yoga Vol I... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      American LiteratureReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryIntellectual History
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Три английских трактата об алхимии: Прайс Дж. Эксперименты с меркурием и серебром. Бойль Р. Отчет о деградации золота. Уолл М. О происхождении и давности символов... more
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      ChemistryHistory and Philosophy of ChemistryAlchemyWestern Esotericism (History)
Away from the literal interpretation the metaphysical meaning of alchemy is the theme this short paper.
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    • Esoteric Philosophy
Recent years have seen the flourishing of research on Lithuanian Kabbalists in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, to the point that some scholars speak of a defined and delineated stream of Kabbalah, a school unto itself dubbed... more
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      ReligionHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      British LiteratureHistoryBritish HistoryLiterature
Ghiaccio e fuoco, repulsione e attrazione lottano eternamente nell'Universo. Questa lotta determina la vita, la morte e la rinascita perpetua del cosmo. Uno scrittore tedesco, Elmar Brugg, ha scritto nel 1952 un'opera in lode di Horbiger,... more
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      Comparative EsotericismEsotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)
Wątki orientalne stanowią istotny komponent powstających na Zachodzie nurtów myśli ezoterycznej okresu międzywojennego, a ezoteryzm polski nie był pod tym względem wyjątkowy. W tym kontekście Indie zaczęły być postrzegane jako źródło... more
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      ParapsychologyWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)Parapsychology, Anthropology, Mediumship, Phenomenology, Spiritualism, Paranormal, Supernatural, Folklore, Religion, Sociology
"While scientists tend to deny the possibility or viability of magic… dear kindred, … even while their theories increasingly demonstrate how it works, religionists usually accept the reality of magic while, most often, denouncing its use... more
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      MagicMagical RealismMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Western Esotericism (History)
Darstellung der Elemente der "Esoterik"; trotz Überlappung der Themenbereiche bestehen massive Unterschiede zur (wissenschaftlich vorgehenden) Parapsychologie. Glaubensbereitschaft vs. wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis; Aspekte der... more
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      ParapsychologyMental HealthComparative EsotericismWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)
As the title suggests, the theme of this article is the discussion of the concept of dharma and its significance in the Mahabharata. After a general introduction, the concept of dharma is looked at in terms of Hinduism, followed by some... more
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      BuddhismEsotericismEsoteric PhilosophyTibetan Budhism
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      Inner AlchemySpiritualityChristian MysticismAlchemy
[The Second DAILY Invocation: To the Superior agents in Merai nicknamed Mercury; for the spiritual Monday, and not for the temporal Monday. SUNDAY is the true day Monday, given to Mercury.] O you M.10., O you M.93., O you M.21. I CALL you... more
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      MetaphysicsEthicsVisualizationComparative Esotericism
This book, the first of its kind in English, examines an initiatic society known by various names—Illuminés d’Avignon, the Avignon Society, the Union, the New Israel Society—that flourished in several European locations, including Berlin,... more
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      HistoryHistory of ReligionEighteenth Century HistoryAlchemy
About the Prophecy of Nostradamus about the Black Pope, that doesn’t refer to a Black Pope, it s about the Spiritual Return of Baba Odùdúwà, the Ancient Yoruba Patriarch, Yoruba Christ, the Highest Soul of Evolution of this Planet. About... more
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      African StudiesSpiritualityAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican American Studies
La comprensione del secondo sūtra di Patañjali è oggetto di una particolare attenzione sia da parte dei ricercatori eruditi del mondo accademico che di coloro che percorrono la Via Iniziatica. Esiste inoltre una copiosa letteratura... more
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      HinduismYogaYoga PhilosophyYoga Meditation
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      ReligionComparative ReligionParapsychologyAnthropology
El libro trata acerca de las concepciones nahuas sobre el cuerpo humano; tomando en cuenta toda la cosmovisión de la cultura que provve de los términos al investigador.
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      Esoteric PhilosophyEsoterismoCreencias, magia y religión
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      MythologyWestern Esotericism (Anthropology)Western Esotericism (History)Esotericism
În 1978, în monografia sa dedicată lui Eliade, Ioan Petru Culianu atrăgea atenţia că René Guénon şi Julius Evola trebuie luaţi în considerare printre autorii care au contribuit la formarea teoriilor istorico-religioase ale acestuia. 1 A... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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      ManagementMarketingChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Source: Gallica BNF 1/ Les contenus accessibles sur le site Gallica sont pour la plupart des reproductions numériques d'oeuvres tombées dans le domaine public provenant des collections de la BnF.Leur réutilisation s'inscrit dans le cadre... more
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      Comparative EsotericismWestern Esotericism (History)Literature and EsotericismEsotericism
Our lack of awareness of Being results in bewildering experience. The intrinsic inner radiance, the inner light of Being arises out of primordial luminous spaciousness, the unbound openness of unbound pure potentiality. When this... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
Перевод с французского: Игорь Калиберда. Источник: “Collectanea Alchemica”, manuscript, 1762, Wellcome, 4828, p. 406, Manuel pour les amateurs de l'I.
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      Inner AlchemyAlchemyMysticismSpirituality & Mysticism
Across the title page of the first edition of Comte de Gabalis, published at Paris in the year 1670, runs the cryptic phrase from Tertullian "Quod tanto impendio absconditur etiam solummodo demonstrare destruere est," [ When a thing is... more
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      MagicOccultismEsoteric Philosophy
This paper aims to understand how the Qur’an prescribes relations between humans and animals. I discuss the Qur’anic epistemologies of morality and bring them into conversation with esoteric claims of hypernomian versus baseline morality.... more
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      Islamic EconomicsEthicsNormative EthicsApplied Ethics
— O PR. 24., O PR. 25., O PR. 26. I CALL you and invoke you as the Superior power of the immensity of your planetary region! It is in you that the Creator has based, by immutable laws, the powerful DAILY operations, action, reaction and... more
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      Inner AlchemyComparative EsotericismSpiritualityChristian Mysticism
In 1728, a year after the death of Sir Isaac Newton, his protégé and ardent supporter, Dr. John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683–1744), published a poem in celebration of Newton’s mechanical Universe, titled The Newtonian System of the World,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial SciencesScience Education
Resumo No início do século XX surgia no Brasil, por iniciativa do teósofo Henrique José de Souza, um movimento espiritualista que ele designa como Eubiose. Fundamentado nas doutrinas e ensinamentos orientais, dinamizados e difundidos no... more
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      EsotericismWestern EsotericismEsoteric PhilosophyEsoteric Studies
During a thirty year period Alice A. Bailey (1880–1949), in telepathic collaboration with the Tibetan teacher Djwhal Khul, wrote two dozen volumes on the origins and evolutionary development of Matter and Consciousness within our solar... more
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      Transpersonal StudiesConsciousness StudiesEsoteric PhilosophyJürgen Habermas
Thе article discusses ideas of the concept of “transmigration of souls” in antiquity on the example of three mystical-esoteric teachings: Orphism, Hermeticism and Pythagoreanism. The single branch of development of this doctrine, its... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionComparative EsotericismEsotericism (Anthropology)Ancient Religion
Proponiamo la lettura del lavoro di Vinicio Serino “Arturo Reghini, Pitagorico”, apparso nel 2005 come introduzione alla raccolta, curata da Moreno Neri, Per la restituzione della Massoneria Pitagorica Italiana . Il contributo di... more
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      Western Esotericism (History)EsotericismWestern EsotericismEsoteric Philosophy
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      Comparative EsotericismSpiritualityReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      ManagementMarketingMathematicsEnvironmental Science