Recent papers in Diagenesis
This research demonstrates the value of laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) as a research tool in osteological studies, and diagenetic studies in particular. LSCM combines properties of light and scanning electron microscopy by... more
We here report the discovery of unusual distributions of long-chain alkenones (C,,+) in two Cretaceous black shales from the Blake-Bahama Basin, western North Atlantic. These sediments are Cenomanian (c. 95 Ma) and mid-Albian (c. 105 Ma)... more
The Hermod sand of the Stine Segments, Siri Field, Danish North Sea, displays large permeability variations (1-600 mD). These permeability variations represent horizontal layering in the reservoir, largely formed by diagenetic processes.... more
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Central question: What happens to archaeological bone in sea water?
The Tournasian age Pekisko carbonates in the Normandville Field (northwestern Alberta) form waulsortian-like, bryozoan/crinoid mounds that developed in fairly deep, low energy, cool water systems, close to the ramp margin. Three main... more
1] A rock magnetic study of the upper 40 m of the Ocean Drilling Program Site 133-820A recovered at the outer edge of the northeastern Australian continental margin shows that downcore variations in magnetic parameters are diagenetically... more
Diatomite with variable chemical and mineralogical composition occurs in the Komnina Lignite Basin. The diatomite layers, which overly lignite seams of Upper Miocene age, are rich in silica or calcium. These layers correspond respectively... more
Cleats are natural opening-mode fractures in coal beds. They account for most of the permeability and much of the porosity of coalbed gas reservoirs and can have a significant effect on the success of engineering procedures such as cavity... more
Ancient bone bioapatite is a potential source of diverse and significant elemental and isotopic data that could be used to provide information on ancient chronologies, paleoenvironments, and paleodiets. However, buried... more
This paper describes an experiment set up in 1987 to investigate the decomposition of animal bones, mainly from smaller species, within an accumulating dump of organic refuse. The project forms part of a wider comparative study by the... more
Article published in the April issue of a South African archaeological magazine, The Digging Stick.
Dolomite cement is a significant and widespread component of Phanerozoic sucrosic dolomites. Cements in dolomites that were never deeply buried are limpid, have planar faces (non-saddle forms), often distinct zonation in... more
The preservation of bone or bioapatite over geologic time has presented paleobiologists with 11 long-standing and formidable questions. Namely, to elucidate the mechanisms, processes, rates, 12 and depositional conditions responsible for... more
Compressional and shear-wave velocities ( V p and V s) of 210 minicores of carbonates from different areas and ages were measured under variable confining and pore-fluid pressures. The lithologies of the samples range from unconsolidated... more
The factors affecting the amounts and types of organic matter in lacustrine sediments are summarized in this review, and synthesis, of published studies. Biota living in the lake and in its watershed are the sources of the organic... more
The book is a collection of 13 scientific articles presenting the problems of the weathering zone of anhydrite and gypsum rocks on the example of their exposures in western Ukraine, Poland, Spain, Canada and Russia. Most of the articles... more
O principal propósito deste estudo é descrever a geometria e a mineralogia associada ao meio poroso bem como identificar possíveis mecanismos de dano a formação no Membro Carmópolis (Cretáceo Inferior) no campo de petróleo de Siririzinho,... more
Salt beds and salt allochthons are transient features in most sedimentary basins, which through their dissolution can carry, focus and fix base metals. The mineralisation can be subsalt, intrasalt or suprasalt, and the salt body or its... more
The reservoir potential of hydrocarbon sandstone reservoirs may be significantly reduced by compartmentation as a result of the development of stylolites. A petrographic and fluid inclusion microthermometric study was performed on... more
Depositional processes control initial porosity and permeability relationships in basinfilling sedimentary successions. These initial conditions then determine how diagenesis modifies the hydraulic properties of sediments as they undergo... more
Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRFS) was applied to the skeletal remains of 13 bog bodies and their bog burial environments. The objective was to create a better understanding of Northern European bog environmental chemistry... more
Aspek mikrofasies dan diagenesis batuan karbonat Anggota Batugamping Formasi Pamutuan telah dipelajari guna mengetahui mekanisme pengendapan batuan dan sejarah proses geologi paska pengendapan batuan. Sampel-sampel batugamping yang telah... more
The Poza Rica trend of the Tampico embayment, Mexico, will ultimately produce more than 2.3 x lo9 barrels of oil from Mid-Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) basin-margin deposits. Bioclastic grainstone, packstone, and wackestone are... more
Lower Cretaceous deltaic sandstones of the Scotian Basin, offshore eastern Canada, are important gas reservoirs. The influence of several factors on diagenesis has been investigated: depositional lithofacies, sea level changes, chemistry... more
Mollusk shells excavated from archeological sites have been used to reconstruct paleoenvironment, human foraging , and migratory patterns. To retrieve information on past environment or human behavior, chemical signatures such as oxygen... more
Understanding paleohydrologic systems in terms of basin evolution requires the integration of information derived from the sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis and geology of basin-filling successions. Combination of these is... more
The results on the elemental and mineralogical compositions of clays from Central Uganda differed from those from the volcanic sediments of the Mt. Elgon in Eastern Uganda. Utilisation of the two types of clays should be strict after... more
This study examines the various diagenetic controls of the Miocene Surma Group sandstones encountered in petroleum exploration wells from the Surma Basin, which is situated in the northeastern part of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. The... more
Septarian concretions are abundant in many Phanerozoic marine and marginalmarine shales and mudstones. They range from a few centimetres to several metres in size and are spherical or ellipsoidal in morphology. In general, formation by... more
A series of isothermal hydrous pyrolysis experiments was performed on immature sedimentary rocks and peats of different lithology and organic source input to explore the generation of diamondoids during the thermal maturation of... more
The textural evidence in septarian concretions shows that the septa formed as tensile fractures during burial and compaction of the host shale. Comparison of the combinations of vertical and horizontal stresses and pore-fluid pressure... more
The Upper Cretaceous of the Umbria-Marche Basin (Italy) consists of an alternation of calcareous and siliceous fine-grained sedimentary rocks in which the calcareous lithologies are predominant. The Cenomanian succession is dominated by... more
We have measured a suite of ''diagenetic parameters'' for several populations of archaeological bones buried in a number of northwest European sites since the last Ice Age. These are: the structural damage due to microbes; changes in bone... more
In a case study of two wells from the Namur synclinorium, the black shale-dominated Chokier Formation was analyzed for petrography, mineralogy and organic geochemistry. Thin section petrography revealed a different facies assemblage for... more