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Fluvial sediments are valuable paleoenvironmental archives of the Quaternary. Since besides environmental factors they are also affected by local tectonics or intrinsic processes, large instead of small catchments should be studied. In... more
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyGeomorphology and Active tectonicsDrylandsAlluvial fans
Reflectance spectrophotometry potentially provides a rapid method of investigating the changing characteristics and composition of marine sediments. Recognizing this, the Ocean Drilling Program has permanently deployed a commercially... more
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      QuaternaryAlluvial fansDrillingCenozoic
The present study deals with the fault-sourced, alluvial-fan deposits of the Plio-Pleistocene Upper Valdarno Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy). Different phases of alluvial fan aggradation, progradation and backstep are discussed as... more
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      SedimentologySedimentary geology and stratigraphyAlluvial fansFluvial Sedimentology
Dating the time of abandonment of geomorphic surfaces in the arid mid latitudes is necessary for studies ranging from tectonics, landscape evolution and paleoclimate. It has often been hampered by the limited material suitable for... more
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      Earth SciencesGeomorphologyArid environmentsLuminescence Dating
Blair, T.C., 2000, Sedimentology and progressive tectonic unconformities of the sheetflood-dominated Hell's Gate alluvial fan, Death Valley, California: Sedimentary Geology, v. 132, p. 233-262. The Hell's Gate alluvial fan of northern... more
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    • Alluvial fans
Determinations of soil moisture and sediment availability in arid regions are important indicators of local climate variability and the potential for future dust storm events. Data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and... more
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      Remote SensingClimate variabilityMultidisciplinaryGlobal change
Fine grained shaly sands of the Mahwis Formation (Haima Group) form one of the reservoir intervals of the Marmul field. Six lithofacies can be distinguished from cores: shale clast conglomerates, trough cross-stratified sands,... more
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      GeologyAlluvial fansModelsOrdovician
La partie centrale de la plaine du Souss s'étend entre le Haut Atlas au nord et l'Anti-Atlas au sud sur 40 km de large. Sa morphologie montre une prédominance des formes héritées, tant dans les régions proximales des piémonts que dans... more
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      PleistoceneAlluvial fansHoloceneQuaternaire
La ciudad de Cartago se caracteriza por ser un área vulnerable a eventos sísmicos y volcánicos, desbordes los ríos y presencia de grandes frentes de deslizamiento registrados en el área, Este trabajo pretende evaluar éstos fenómenos.... more
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      Alluvial fansLaharsLava FlowsRevista Reflexiones
Alluvial fan development in Alpine areas is often affected by catastrophic sedimentary processes associated with extreme floods events, causing serious risks for people living on the fans. Hazard assessment in these areas depends on... more
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      GeomorphologyGeomorphometryDebris FlowsQuaternary Sedimentology and Geomorphology
O principal propósito deste estudo é descrever a geometria e a mineralogia associada ao meio poroso bem como identificar possíveis mecanismos de dano a formação no Membro Carmópolis (Cretáceo Inferior) no campo de petróleo de Siririzinho,... more
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      SedimentologyDiagenesisAlluvial fansFluid-rock interactions
Alluvial and fluvial fans are the most widespread depositional landforms bordering the margins of long-lived highland regions and actively subsiding continental basins, across a broad spectrum of tectonic and climatic settings. Their... more
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      Debris FlowsAlluvial fans
In summary, phase one of the project comprised:
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      ArchaeologyGeophysicsLiDARArchaeological Prospection
This paper reports a study of the Tista megafan in the foothills of Darjeeling Himalaya. Spread over parts of India and Bangladesh, the megafan is bounded by the Mahananda River to its west and the Tista River to the east. The Atrai and... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyAlluvial fansDischarge
vi SARI oleh : ANDAR ANDIKA PUTRA 111.070.121
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      Earth SciencesGeologyAlluvial fans
This study indicates the possible long-lasting impacts of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) on erosional and mass movement processes. DGSD-features are common large-scale landforms in the crystalline basement rocks of the... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySlope StabilityRisk Management
A Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) based study has been carried out in part of upper Assam valley, NE India to delineate two important fluviomorphological changes that took placed in the confluences of Dihang,... more
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      Physical GeographyRemote SensingAlluvial fansRs
High-resolution seismic data have been used to study the ice-stream-fed North Sea Fan, deposited from approximately Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 and onwards. Located at the outlet of the Norwegian Channel on the SE Nordic Seas... more
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Los abanicos aluviales morfodinámicamente activos que han sido construidos por depósitos torrenciales, representan áreas altamente inestables, cuyas condiciones definen escenarios de amenaza para las poblaciones asentadas sobre ellos. Se... more
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      GeomorphologyHydrologyFluvial GeomorphologyWatershed Hydrology
Active deformation structures have an incidence in topography that can be quantified by using geomorphic indices. Most of these indices have been checked in faulted regions with high-deformation rates. The application of several... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyTectonicsSedimentary Basins
An aeolian dune field migrating to the east encroached on the toes of alluvial fans in the Teruel Basin (eastern Spain) during a short interval in the Late Pliocene (ca 2·9 to 2·6 Ma), when Northern Hemisphere glaciation and strong... more
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      GeologySedimentologyAlluvial fans
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      GeologyGeomorphologyCentral America and MexicoAgriculture
This work analyses the morphotectonic setting of the Adriatic piedmont of Central Italy, in order to outline the role of tectonics in the development of the fluvial landscape in this area. Particularly, it focuses on the Sangro River,... more
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The Lower Permian in the central Southern Alps yields an important low-diversity fossil assemblage which was deposited in a varied continental setting, showing mainly alluvial fan to lacustrine and, locally, playa-like floodplain... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyClimate ChangeEcology
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      QuaternaryAlluvial fans
Near-surface geophysical imaging of alluvial fan settings is a challenging task but crucial for understating geological processes in such settings. The alluvial fan of Ghor Al-Haditha at the southeast shore of the Dead Sea is strongly... more
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      GeophysicsSalt KarstAlluvial fansGeohazards
Ž Dated shorelines of late Pleistocene pluvial Lakes Lahontan Great Basin Desert, northwest . Ž . Nevada and Mojave Mojave Desert, eastern California provide timelines for the assessment of alluvial fan sedimentation at the lake margins... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeAlluvial fansLate Pleistocene
Los abanicos aluviales morfodinámicamente activos que han sido construidos por depósitos torrenciales, representan áreas altamente inestables y de amenaza para las poblaciones asentadas sobre ellos. Se analizan las características... more
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      GeomorphologyFluvial GeomorphologyWatershed HydrologyAlluvial fans
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This study constructed a database for 690 alluvial fans in humid regions of Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines, and analyzed their slopes and other morphometric parameters such as the area and relief ratio of the source area. This type of... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyAlluvial fansSemi Arid Region
The site of Mwanganda's Village, located along a paleochannel in northern Malawi, is one of only a few sites that have characterized the Middle Stone Age (MSA) of Malawi for decades (Clark & Haynes, 1970; Clark et al., 1970; Kaufulu,... more
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      ArchaeologyGeomorphologyHuman EvolutionHumanities
Near Innsbruck city (Austria, Eastern Alps), following the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), an alluvial fan-totalus slope succession was supplied from a carbonate-rock cliff more than 1000 m in height. 234 U/ 230 Th ages of 9.5 to 9.37 isotope... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyClimate ChangePaleoclimate
The Arabo-Persian Gulf, generally considered as a classical carbonate basin, in fact also includes important terrigenous systems whose nature and geometry are related closely to the tectonic framework. The Gulf is bordered along its... more
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      GeologyMiddle EastAlluvial fansAerial Photography
The Morichito piggyback basin (MPB) is a SW-NE-oriented depocenter in the Eastern Venezuelan Foreland Basin (EVFB). This piggyback basin formed by overlying the Pirital thrust during the middle to late Miocene as a result of oblique... more
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of three agricultural processing wastes (APWs) on aggregate formation and aggregate stability in a sandy loam textured soil (Typic Xerofluvent) in Antalya, Turkey. The effects of APW... more
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      Environmental ManagementAgricultureTurkeyMultidisciplinary
This work characterized the sink and source/mobility of As in the As-affected sedimentary aquifers of the southern Choushui River alluvial fan, central Taiwan. Major mineral phases and chemical components were determined by XRD and X-ray... more
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      GeochemistrySpectroscopyArsenicApplied Geochemistry
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      GeologyGeomorphologyAlluvial fansMoraines
The Arava Valley section of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) in southern Israel is characterized by the absence of seismic activity in recent times. However, paleoseismic analysis of sediments in the Avrona Playa, a pull-apart basin along the... more
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Decades of research have demonstrated that gravel-bed rivers exhibit multiple spatial scales of landform nonuniformity. Landform features such as valley wall oscillations, alluvial fans, terraces, river meanders, point bars, boulder... more
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Abstract: The primary factors that control alluvial fan evolution still remain in question particularly for the Holocene. Holocene centennial- and millennial-scale climate fluctuations are relatively subtle and more frequent than those... more
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      Soils (Geomorphology)Climate Change ImpactsAlluvial fans
Alluvial fans and fan deltas can, in principle, have exactly the same upstream conditions, but fan deltas by definition have ponding water at their downstream boundary. This ponding creates effects on the autogenic behaviour of fan... more
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      GeologySedimentologyAlluvial fansExperiments
The Wadi Araba Valley is a morphotectonic depression along part of the Dead Sea Transform (DST) plate boundary that separates the Arabian plate on the east from the Sinai subplate on the west. The Wadi Araba fault (WAF) is one of the main... more
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The geomorphic evolution of Makhtesh Ramon, a feather-shaped erosional valley, and the Nahal Neqarot drainage system to the south occurred largely in response to tectonic activity along the Dead Sea Rift and its western shoulder. Remnants... more
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Since the discovery of the ancient harbor of Naples in 2004 during construction work on an underground railway, geoarchaeological studies undertaken on the archaeological excavation have revealed the main stratigraphic and... more
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      GeochemistryGeoarchaeologyTsunamiAlluvial fans
As principais discordâncias regionais do Uruguai separam o (i) embasamento metamórfico Pré-Ediacarano, (ii) as coberturas tafrogênicas do Ediacarano e (iii) as coberturas devonianas e posteriores. Embora haja consenso sobre o significado... more
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      Alluvial fansFaciesBrazilian Geology
This paper combines stratigraphic and sedimentological data with XRD, petrographic and SEM techniques in order to investigate the fluvial and alluvial fans that were developed during the Oligocene and the Lower Miocene in the central area... more
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      GeologyMineralogySEMAlluvial fans
Modeling resistivity profiles, especially from hard rock areas, is of specific relevance for groundwater exploration. A method based on Bayesian neural network (BNN) theory using a Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) simulation scheme is applied to... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyLiquefactionRisk assessment
The Southern Montane Forest-Grassland mosaic ecosystem in the humid subtropics southern Rift Valley of Africa comprised the environmental context for a large area in which modern human evolution and dispersal occurred. Variable climatic... more
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      GeomorphologyLandscape ArchaeologyPaleoenvironmentArchaeological Soil Micromorphology
It has long been recognized that the under-fit Minnesota River is the result of its valley (MNRV) having served as the southerly outlet of Lake Agassiz. The spillway channel, Glacial River Warren, was active in two distinct phases of... more
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Many engineering geology and structural geology aspects have been used in this study, to point out the suitability of the site for artificial recharge to alluvial aquifer, such as; rocks and soil types, seepage rate, structures and... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyTectonicsAlluvial fans