Brazil History
Recent papers in Brazil History
Este breve texto apresenta as diferentes viagens e estadias deste militar e escritor que foi governador no Pará e em Goiás e um herói da Guerra do Paraguai. Trata-se de texto a partir da obra "Grandes Expedições à Amazônia Brasileira... more
D i s e ñ o y D i a g r a m a c i ó n Aracelli Salinas Vargas i m a g e n o r i g i n a l D e p o r t a D a Chanchán Olivos
Analizamos los niveles salariales alcanzados bajo la lucha sindical por los trabajadores de la construcción de la Compañía Siderúrgica del Pecém (2012-2016). Como resultado de esa lucha sindical, en un agudo proceso de conflictividad... more
The following essay provides a detailed history of Brazil's development narrative from 1930 to the present with Rostow's five stages of economic growth as its framework. It aims to demonstrate how Brazil's emphasis on high-mass... more
The memory of the 1950 FIFA World Cup in Brazil is inextricably bound up with Brazil's defeat against Uruguay in the tournament's deciding game. Known afterwards as the Maracanazo, it was a source of national collective grief. Literature... more
7. Auflage mit neuem Vorwort von Franz Obermeier und Wolfgang Schiffner. Stadens Werk war nicht nur wegen des Berichts über ein in Europa weitgehend unbekanntes Land von großem Einfluss. Denn abgesehen von wenigen Nachrichten in den... more
RESUMO: This article studies the borrowing of severa{ elements from the ancient Egyptian civilization, its using and adaptation for other purposes in Brazil. the poster of an Egyptian exhibition. in Brazil, are good examples of this... more
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso desenvolvido por Beatriz Fregoneze.
Die Eisenbahnstrecke Madeira-Mamoré, Baubeginn 1907 sollte von dem Ort Santo Antonio auf dem Rio Madeira bis zu Guajará-Merim am Guaporé führen. Dies entspricht 366 Kilometern. Der Ingenieur Joaquim Catramby gewann den Wettbewerb,... more
Este breve texto apresenta as diferentes viagens de Charles Hartt , que percorreu diversas vezes a Amazônia. Trata-se de texto a partir da obra "Grandes Expedições à Amazônia Brasileira 1500-1930" (Editora Metalivros, 2009). Esta obra,... more
PARTE I-A HISTORIOGRAFIA DAS DITADURAS 1. Pensar as ditaduras: introdução ao caleidoscópio interpretativo 19 César Tcach e María Clara Iribarne 2. Historiografias da ditadura chilena 49 Claudio Barrientos 3. Cinco décadas de estudo sobre... more
No final deste livro deve ficar claro quais foram as influências do contexto econômico sobre a vida dos negros livres e quais foram as escolhas e estratégias financeiras que eles desenvolveram para procurar resolver os desafios e as... more
Commissioned by Maria de los Angeles Picone (Boston College) Frontiers of Citizenship recounts how the experiences of black and indigenous people of the Atlantic forest reconfigured the concepts of race and citizenship in postcolonial... more
W polskim dyskursie o emigracji wychodźstwo osadnicze nie zajmuje należytego miejsca. Uwaga badaczy koncentruje się głównie na emigracji zarobkowej oraz politycznej. Szczególnie ta ostatnia jest gloryfikowana, gdyż wpisuje się w... more
Isso mesmo, que ele se foda. O neoliberalismo é uma merda. Não precisamos dele.
Índice e Introdução. Summary and Introduction. São Paulo: Annablume, 474 pp. 2nd revised ed. (ISBN: 978-85-391-0660-8).... more
O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é entender de que forma as ações antirracistas relacionadas à beleza negra estão acontecendo na cultura digital, com ênfase no YouTube. Para tanto, propomos uma análise interpretativa dos vídeos dos... more
José de Alencar: Iracema. Representação e construção da imagem da mulher indígena. Comparação com as figuras históricas de Paraguaçu, Pocahontas e Malinche.
VIANNA, Marly de Almeida Gomes; SILVA, Érica Sarmiento; GONÇALVES, Leandro Pereira (Orgs.). Presos Políticos e Perseguidos Estrangeiros na Era Vargas. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad, 2014. 264p .
The Mandigo Chart of Kukuran Fuka and de Kama-Bolon (Mali) The city of Kangaba in Mali was the capital of the Kingdom and Empire of Mali. There was built in 1653 the sacred house of Kama-Bolon. Every seven years a ceremony is held... more
A review of the book "The New Brazil," by Riordan Roett is presented.
In-depth study of Brazil in Children and Young adult literature from the mid-18th century to the mid-20th century. The examined texts are French, German and English, from the end of the 19th century on we also some have Portuguese... more
Concepts of sharing and commons are normatively and historically ambivalent. Some forms of sharing, such as sharecropping or alms-giving, proceed from and sustain asymmetrical relations to the means of life. Access to commons in other... more
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Dec 2021 Corrected! I am leaving the bibliography out--please check out JAAR website to download the full article--also have a look at the whole issue, it is great!... more
The aim of this graduate thesis is to investigate how deaf educators became members of the permanent teaching staff at the Brazilian National Deaf Education Institute (INES) and to understand how their integration as deaf individuals... more
In: José Vicente SERRÃO (org.). A terra num império ultramarino. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais-no prelo O Estado do Maranhão e Pará: territorialidade e ocupação (séculos XVII e XVIII) O objetivo deste capítulo é o de dar conta das... more
ABSTRACT: Oswaldo Costa was a key member of the Brazilian modernist Antropofagia (Anthropophagy) movement of the late 1920s, yet he has been largely forgotten by critics and marginalized from national cultural history. Costa articulated... more
"Si la doctrina católica no es ésta, condénenme; si la doctrina católica es ésta, ¡condénense!" - Estudio de Juan Gonzalo Larrain Campbell sobre el libro del Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira que marcó profundamente la historia de la... more
As clerical sexual abuse scandals hit the news and the crisis of vocations worsens each year, debate about the merits of mandatory clerical celibacy continues to grow. The fact remains, however, that supposedly celibate priests have been... more
Das Buch erforscht die Beteiligung Brasiliens an den Weltausstellungen des 19. Jahrhunderts, mit denen das tropische Kaiserreich potenzielle Einwanderer und Investoren ködern wollte. Die Inszenierung einer modernen Nation im Ausland hatte... more
Introducción a Historia del Fútbol, nro completo: 1. Una pincelada de fútbol e historia 2. Entrevista con Emmanuel Petit, campeón del mundo en Francia 1998 3. Reseña del libro Traidores a la... more
This article shows how the rise of printed news media during the opening decades of the seventeenth century fomented and fragmented authority in the polycentric Spanish Habsburg empire. Analyzing the making, dissemination, and reception... more
A história dos povos e dos indivíduos flui, muda sempre, como um curso d’água em caudal contínuo. Ninguém vê duas vezes a mesma cena ou vive várias vezes os mesmos eventos. “Não é possível mergulhar duas vezes no mesmo rio”, escreveu o... more
Tese inédita apresentada ao Instituto de História da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (INHIS/UFU) para promoção na Carreira do Magistério Superior da Classe D, Associado, nível IV, para a Classe E, Titular. Versão apresentada à banca... more
Portuguese colonists carried their conceptions of social organization to the Americas. Their ideal was to “live like a gentleman,” that is, to own land and command laborers in order to distance themselves from manual labor and exercise... more
Slaves have never been mere passive victims of slavery. Typically, they have responded with ingenuity to their violent separation from their native societies, using a variety of strategies to create new social networks and cultures.... more
Reseña de War for Eternity, de Benjamin Teitelbaum
Uma corrente teológica dita ”da libertação” , explicitada pelos teólogos Gustavo Gutiérrez e Hugo Assmann e impulsionada pela Conferência do Episcopado Latino-americano de Medellin, em 1968, se expandiu largamente em círculos teológicos... more
For nearly twenty-five years, the Dutch West India Company (WIC) occupied part of the northeast of Brazil. This situation long ago, pertaining to the distant past of the XVII century, remains to the present day one of the most discussed... more
Hans Staden: Warhaftige Historia (1557)
Eine Bibliographie zum Werk, zur Sekundärliteratur und anderen Aspekten der Rezeption des Werkes. Von Franz Obermeier und Wolfgang Schiffner
Stand: 2020
Eine Bibliographie zum Werk, zur Sekundärliteratur und anderen Aspekten der Rezeption des Werkes. Von Franz Obermeier und Wolfgang Schiffner
Stand: 2020