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      FascismRepublican PartyJulius EvolaItalian fascism
My translation of Dominique Venner’s short editorial, “Evola: Philosophie et action directe,” Nouvelle Revue d’Histoire 37 (2008). By 2008, Venner was known as an historian; but signs of a sympathy born of youthful activism (in French... more
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      TerrorismTraditionalismJulius Evola
During the 1920s and 1930s the idea of transmutation, so essential to esotericism, was at the core of the Fascist agenda in Italy. Sharing with esotericism a repertoire of myths, symbols and rituals, Fascism aimed to create a new kind of... more
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      ArtItalian StudiesMagicFascism
As political parties collapse, Traditionalist philosophy is on the rise. Mark Sedgwick assesses the political topography of our strange new days
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      Julius EvolaRené GuénonRadical Right-wing Populist PartiesAlexandr Dugin
În 1978, în monografia sa dedicată lui Eliade, Ioan Petru Culianu atrăgea atenţia că René Guénon şi Julius Evola trebuie luaţi în considerare printre autorii care au contribuit la formarea teoriilor istorico-religioase ale acestuia. 1 A... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
Julius Evola, Religion and Dadaist Art
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      SpiritualityFilippo Tommaso MarinettiFuturismTraditionalism
Introducción: Realidad de la Palingenesia 113 s , y que solo conquista para ser inmediatamente abatido y privado del propio Árbol de la Vida, precisamente por aquel a quien había querido igualarse. Esa misma ciencia, sobrenatural, sin... more
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      Julius EvolaHermetismoGnosticismoAlquimia
El pensador tradicionalista Julius Evola (1898-1974) ha sido, desde los años '70, objeto de una considerable cantidad de estudios. Filósofos como Umberto Eco, historiadores como Renzo de Felice y politólogos como Norberto Bobbio se... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRace and RacismFascismTraditionalism
This paper overviews European Identitarian and/or New Rightist philosophy regarding the issues of ethnicity, culture, race, and identities and politics related to these. Topics discussed in the paper include the following: the conception... more
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      Sociology of CultureIntercultural CommunicationCultural SociologyDemocratic Theory
This paper explores the foundations, implications, and political consequences of Russian traditionalist philosophy, specifically addressing the history of Russian traditionalism, its influence upon the French nouvelle droite, and how... more
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      Russian StudiesPolitical PhilosophyRussian PhilosophyCarl Schmitt
A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, milyen hatást gyakoroltak a Grállal kapcsolatos középkori történetek és szimbolikák A Gyűrűk Ura univerzumára.
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      J. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureJulius EvolaThe Holy Grail
Ayudadnos a domar el Espíritu de la Tierra, Aprended a comprender el sentido de la Muerte y a encontrar la palabra de la Vida.
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      Julius EvolaHermetismoEsoterismAlquimia
come del resto tutti gli storici, voglia mirare all'obiettività e a far parlare veramente gli antichi. Ogni storiografia, da quella positivistica a quella ermeneutica, mira a ricercare la verità. Il problema non è ciò che desidera ogni... more
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      Carl SchmittAnthropology of LawJulius EvolaMitologia
My provisional translation of Dugin’s 1994 address to the Fondazione Julius Evola. These fifteen pithy theses expose the bare bones of Dugin’s reading of Evola. Dugin’s political preoccupations at the time are present in the emphasis on... more
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      Conservative RevolutionJulius EvolaNouvelle DroiteAlexander Dugin
An early publication by Julius Evola reveals a surprisingly positive view of Emile Coue; an anonymous translation is here accompanied by an introduction and notes comparing the Evola to Neville, an American New Thought teacher influenced... more
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      TraditionalismJulius EvolaNew Thought Movement
Published as "Guénon en Russie : le Traditionalisme d'Alexandre Douguine" (in French) in Politica Hermetica 34 (2020-21), pp.135-178
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of ReligionComparative EsotericismRussian Religious Philosophy
En 1973 el eminente politólogo italiano Norberto Bobbio se refirió, en un artículo dedicado a las relaciones entre la cultura y el fascismo, a los que denominó como "intelectuales orgánicamente fascistas". El término, lejos de toda... more
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      Intellectual HistoryFascismTraditionalismJulius Evola
Research Master's Thesis / University of Amsterdam / Center for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, Department of History, European Studies and Religious Studies / 2019.
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryHistory of the USSRTraditionalism
Nella prima metà del Novecento, in linea con una tendenza europea più generale, la letteratura italiana si dimostra particolarmente permeabile alla tematica dell’onirismo. Partendo da una riflessione teorica su come reagisce la... more
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      Italian LiteratureFilippo Tommaso MarinettiModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modernism
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      Critical TheoryReligionBuddhismHinduism
Past issues of Correspondences have sought to envision non-Western "esoteric" categories, but it remains an open question as to whether esotericism is a generic mode of thought, as opposed to a construction within intellectual history. I... more
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      Japanese ReligionsTraditionalismPlato and PlatonismKabbalah
MONDI: Movimenti simbolici e sociali dell’uomo 2 (2019) : pp. 33-70
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      MetaphysicsLanguages and LinguisticsTraditionalismWestern Esotericism (History)
This dissertation discusses the political thought of five right-wing European thinkers of the twentieth and early twenty-first century: René Guénon (1886-1951), Julius Evola (1898-1974), Mircea Eliade (1907-1986), Alain de Benoist (b.... more
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      Comparative ReligionPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryFascism
Рахно К.Ю. Праздник-война: ритуальное пространство вятской Свистопляски // Человек и природа в Восточном Татарстане. Азнакаевский регион: проблемы истории и культуры. Материалы Международной конференции (г. Азнакаево, 22-23 мая 2014 г.)... more
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      African StudiesRussian StudiesEthnographyRitual
Our knowledge of the post-war relationship between Eliade (
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionItalian StudiesIndian studies
Paper (*rough draft*) written for the seminar "Sufism, Islamic Mysticism and Western Esotericism" at the University of Amsterdam, supervised by Profs. Marco Pasi and Richard van Leeuwen.
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryReligion and PoliticsSufism
Julius Evola was one of the outstanding personalities on the European far right in the twentieth century. An iconic figure spanning the decades from classical Fascism to today's "altright," Evola left a multifaceted legacy. He was a... more
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      Race and RacismAntisemitismJulius EvolaItalian fascism
he ideological influence that several right-wing radical thinkers exercised on the Norwegian ‘lone wolf’ terrorist Anders Behring Breivik raises the question of how far a writer can be held responsible for acts of terrorism s/he may have... more
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      FascismTraditionalismRadical RightJulius Evola
A Kelet és Nyugat dialektikája modern világunk egyre sürgetőbb aktuális kérdése. Az itáliai arisztokrata családból származó, nagyhírű orientalista, Leone Caetani már a 20. század elején az afrikai kontinens kolonizációja során meglátta a... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyColonialismIslamic Studies
Un breve ragguaglio sulla metafisica influente del filosofo tradizionalista
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      Radical RightItalian Political ThoughtJulius EvolaStoria delle idee
The psychedelic community is popularly conceived as having a liberal, anti-authoritarian outlook that seeks to extend civil liberties. However, the cultural history of psychedelics does not support the assumption that this is necessarily... more
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      Drugs and drug cultureWalter BenjaminTraditionalismErnst Jünger
In Hakl, H.T. ed., Oktagon, Vol. 2 (Gaggenau: Scientia Nova, 2016)
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      TraditionalismWestern Esotericism (History)OccultismTheosophy
Riviste italiane e perennialismo : permanenze, evoluzioni e contaminazioni N ella sala della biblioteca di H.T. Hakl che conserva le riviste italiane si dipana, lungo scaffali ricolmi di fascicoli, la storia dei discorsi esoterici... more
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      TraditionalismPerennialismWestern Esotericism (History)Julius Evola
The essay presents some theoretical reflections around the nietzschean concept of "Treue zur Erde" in its methapysical and political reflections into Martin Heidegger's, Ernst Jünger's, Carl Schmitt's and Julius Evola's thought.
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      Political PhilosophyConservative RevolutionFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
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      J. R. R. TolkienTraditionalismJulius Evola
"Julius Evola, Radical Reactionary and Committed Metaphysician: A Critical Analysis of the Political Thought of Julius Evola" by Alain de Benoist (translated from the Spanish version) overviews the general nature of Julius Evola's... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of CultureCultural Sociology
El lugar ocupado en la historia intelectual por el aristócrata italiano Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola es particular. ¿En qué consiste dicha particularidad? Por empezar, en que tiene en los ámbitos académicos una posición secundaria respecto... more
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryFascismTraditionalism
Introduction In this work we will examine the figure of Julius Evola, his vision of the traditional state that became modern and then degenerated for several reasons. We will focus on first analysing his philosophy and his conception of... more
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      SociobiologyPolitical ScienceNeo-FascismItalian Politics
This past fall, a group of Illinois Wesleyan University faculty members participated in roughly a weeklong visit to Russia, as part of an ongoing exchange that began in fall 2010, when the IWU campus hosted several colleagues from Russia... more
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      Cultural StudiesPlastic SurgeryGovernmentMicrosurgery
This paper briefly overviews main ideas in Oswald Spengler's philosophy and the critiques made of his theories by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Hans Freyer, Julius Evola, and the European New Right. The main points of critique are... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural SociologyPhilosophy of HistoryTraditionalism
This paper overviews Othmar Spann's overall theory of "Universalism", his anti-individualist sociological theories of "spiritual community", his spiritual and community-based theories of nation and race, his concept of the traditional... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyCommunity Psychology
Nelle contrade "occulte'' dell'Italia contemporanea si sono incrociati personaggi originali, talora estremamente distanti in termini di formazione culturale, di personalità e di ruolo svolto nel tessuto della cultura italiana. Tra questi... more
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      ReligionGnosticismItalian StudiesMysticism
Quali sostanze, poi, abbiano tali poteri, e quale ne sia la scienza di dosamento e di pratica immediata, molto difficile è che riusciate a saperlo: tanto segreta fu già nei tempi arcaici e sacerdotali questa sapienza, tanto avaro il dono... more
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      Altered States of ConsciousnessMagicNew ReligionsMysticism
L’anelito, congenito, al superare, al cambiare, al trasmutare o in sostanza all’evolvere, marca e definisce il periplo di quel sentiero iniziatico che tetragono deflagra sin dagli anni giovanili, nei quali proprio un intento astratto, sul... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtTraditionalismWestern Esotericism (History)
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      Islamic StudiesTraditionalismJulius EvolaRené Guénon
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      FascismAntisemitism/RacismsNazi GermanyAntisemitism
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      Integral TraditionalismJulius Evola
Paper written for a February 2021 workshop (hosted by Matt Sharpe of Deakin University) on Domenico Losurdo's NIETZSCHE, THE ARISTOCRATIC REBEL
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      Friedrich NietzscheJulius EvolaLosurdo Domenico
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    • Julius Evola