Industrial History
Recent papers in Industrial History
The 18th century water-powered ironworks at Agoreggi, in the Basque country, was reconstructed based on contemporary historical records and archaeological investigations. In 1994-1999 three campaigns of experiments were carried out with... more
The article argues that moder-nity cannot be analyzed as one single entity. Some theorists and historians reduce modernity to political and scientific efforts that are based on discourses of exception, unbounded intervention and some kind... more
Entre 1912 et 1914, les établissements Schneider publient une série de brochures destinées à faire connaître leurs principales réalisations sociales et industrielles. Ils accordent une place particulière aux constructions navales qui... more
Analyse d'une image fournie par le centre historique minier de Lewarde.
With the availability of the digitised census returns for the years back to 1851 we have an opportunity to explore the records of the vessels ‘at sea’ on the night the census was taken. Research that started off looking at the longevity... more
Au début des années 1860, Eugène Schneider prépare un programme de transformation de ses établissements sidérurgiques du Creusot, pour augmenter significativement la production de fonte et de fer ; celle de l'acier ne commence à être... more
El propósito del artículo es analizar las consecuencias de la "crisis del mosaico" en el complejo azucarero tucumano (1915 - 1917) y las distintas alternativas que se ensayaron para superarla. Analizaremos además las estrategias... more
in “ARK” 35, settembre 2020, ISSN 2240-2942, p. 16-22
Distribution électronique pour Presses de Sciences Po. © Presses de Sciences Po. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
2017-ben egy huszonhárom tanulmányt magában foglaló kötet látta meg a napvilágot az Osiris Kiadó gondozásában. A tematikus fejezetekbe rendezett írásokat elsődlegesen a szer-ző személye köti össze: Erdész Ádámé, a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár... more
La Première Guerre mondiale démontre combien les pays européens sont devenus, en l'espace de quelques années, tributaires de leurs approvisionnements en carburants et combustibles liquides. C'est pourquoi, en fonction de ses ressources... more
Kobbervalseværket i Frederiksværk 1802-1907. En kildebaseret og industriarkæologisk undersøgelse. I Fabrik og bolig 2006. Co-authors: Nils Engberg og Frank Allan Rasmussen
Die Eisenbahnstrecke Madeira-Mamoré, Baubeginn 1907 sollte von dem Ort Santo Antonio auf dem Rio Madeira bis zu Guajará-Merim am Guaporé führen. Dies entspricht 366 Kilometern. Der Ingenieur Joaquim Catramby gewann den Wettbewerb,... more
Distribution électronique pour ESKA. © ESKA. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
"Entre los crisoles de Fundidora se demostró que la historia también la escribe el obrero…rescatar la historia es rescatar todo lo que significo: luchas, esfuerzos, sacrificios, que el hombre juega quizás el papel más importante en esta... more
This volume is a collection of empirical and theoretical research papers in the social sciences regarding the Balkans and the Near East written by researchers from several different universities and institutions. The studies include a... more
The Tees (Newport) Bridge officially opened in February 1934 to much fanfare and public celebration, the event receiving extensive local, regional and national media attention. The bridge provided a crucial link across the River Tees to... more
Milyen lehetőségeket rejt magában a vaskohászati ipari örökség egy posztindusztrialista és posztszocialista településen? Erre a kérdésre keresem a választ két közép-európai iparváros, a vaskohászat egykori fellegvárainak számító Ostrava... more
Extract from WESTERN REGION INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE STUDY This study has been written by Gary Vines of Melbourne's Living Museum of the West Inc. with assistance from Andrew Ward of Andrew Ward and Associates who provided specialist... more
The Naval Stores Industry as a Catalyst for Urbanity in Florida and Georgia in the Early to Mid Twentieth Century: A Study of Architectural and Material Culture Mike Walker MFA Student, Savannah College of Art and Design ABSTRACT:... more
This book traces the history of the Italian industrial labour disciplination, read as part of a more general phenomenon of disciplining of bodies and minds of individuals that has characterized Western modernity. The book focuses on both... more
Glass bottles were certainly produced in Portugal since the Modern Era but this production was only marginal until the construction of the first glass bottle factory late in the 19th Century in Amora a riverine small village facing Lisbon... more
The role of Hampshire UK in the development of The Telephone and other Telecommunications technologies.
Life of John Roebuck (1718-1794), one of the founders of the Carron Iron Company, near Falkirk, and his influence on the local economy of Bo'ness.
No 19. gs. 70. gadiem Mīlgrāvja pagasta teritorijā starp Daugavas atteku Sarkandaugavu un Ķīšezeru pie Mīlgrāvja kanāla veidojās īpaša industriāla nomale –Jaunmīlgrāvis. Sākotnēji tai bija raksturīga tikai industriāla apbūve, kas izcēlās... more
Nuestro estudio analiza el desarrollo de la industria metalúrgica asociada a la moderna agroindustria azucarera en la provincia de Tucumán (principal epicentro productor de Argentina), indagando la dinámica establecida entre los ingenios... more
This is an extract from a work in progress. It relates to the involvement of my great-grandfather Franz Ginsberg (‘Franz’: 1862-1936 ), an industrialist in King Williams Town (‘King’, in South Africa), in the processes leading up to the... more
L’articolo presenta la migrazione dei vetrai di Altare in Argentina nel secondo dopoguerra come l’ultima tappa di una storia millenaria di migrazioni, a iniziare da quelle in Italia e in Europa tra il XV e il XIX secolo, di cui vengono... more
The investigation was carried out in two parts: an article on the company history dealing with the industrial and cultural history of the Rud. Rasmussen furniture factury since its construction in 1875 seen as a reflection of a specific... more
'Modern labour - Cultural and institutional changes of work in the danish textile industry 1895-1940' During the period in question the textile industry was comprised of relatively large factories, compared to Danish industry in... more
This is the life of an extraordinary Messerschmitt Bf 109 G test pilot of the MGW Győr, Hungary. Ottó Lukács was an extraordinary person, because he flew the first Bf 109 combat sortie of the Royal Hungarian Air Force on 15 October, 1942... more
Au début du XXe siècle, l'usine du Creusot n'est plus le principal établissement sidérurgique de France. Sa production de fonte et d'acier a connu une diminution sensible au cours des années 1880, à la suite de l'abandon des produits de... more
Accounts survive for bloomery that operated in Clun Park, near Llantrisant, Glamorgan in the 1530s. At the end of the century, a blast furnace was built nearby. The article considers both ironworks and 19th century and later mentions of... more
INTERPRETING THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE, A series of books about work in Melbourne's West designed to illustrate themes in industry and work, with photographs, engravings and maps. Descriptions of the industrial processes and conditions of... more
Two 11-inch (28cm) muzzleloaders purchased for the defense of Xiamen (Amoy) in 1874 during China’s military standoff with Japan were the largest coastal guns in China at that time and one was dubbed ‘monster gun’ when it arrived in... more