Recent papers in Atman
Ātma-Bodha (Conhecimento do Eu) é uma das obras de Ādi Śaṅkarācārya. Nesta obra ele expõe claramente com a ajuda de analogias simples a natureza da consciência (Eu) e os meios de autorrealização.
original report: backup source: * Part I. Ref. 5.
The philosophy of one of the greatest physicists, Erwin Schrödinger, seems outdated and his spiritualist vocabulary almost incongruous. How can we understand however his aspiration to the unity of consciousness and the world, the unity of... more
Статья посвящена обзору ключевых полемических текстов Древней и Средневековой Индии по вопросу о субъекте и исследований этой тематики на Западе и в России. Автор дает краткое рассмотрение индийской полемики о субъекте в различных школах,... more
There has been a long-standing academic debate on the religious orientation of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886), one of the leading religious figures of modern India. In the light of his teachings, it is possible to accept that... more
The intriguing similarity between the allegories of the soul chariot in Plato’s Phædrus and in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad has been pointed out — if not thoroughly investigated — by several scholars, accompanied with varying assessments, largely... more
Throughout its history, the renowned Kaṭha Upaniṣad has often been described as being both incoherent and contradictory. The aim of this paper is to show to what purpose the text was created. To this end, it discusses the connection of... more
Nº 73. Sāmānya. Yajur-Veda Branco.
"Upanishads", also called "Vedanta" or "end of Veda", refers to the end of "Vedas". According to the classification of Hindu sacred works, Upanishads are supplementary writings attached to "Aranyaka". Based on Hindu traditions, the wise... more
Incursion dans l'hindouisme (l'Advaita Vedanta).
As found in the Upanishads, readers come to encounter many ideas regarding the “Self” as opposed to the “self,” or the Atman versus the atman. Now, complicating matters further readers encounter the antithetical concept, of the Atman and... more
This unique study investigates the frequency spectrum of certain Rosicrucian vowel chants using PRAAT (Boersma 2001, 341-345) software and analysis. Certain Rosicrucian vowel sound intonations, which are shared by other traditions, were... more
Проблема субъекта, являясь одной из фундаментальных философских проблем в истории философии вообще, сохраняет свое значение и для современного философского и научного познания, более того, остается дискуссионной до сегодняшнего дня. В... more
These are speculations - in French - on the horizons of liberty in the philosophies of the dispossession-of-self and those of the affirmation-of-the-subject/agent: the politics of freedom and political liberties ... Would the... more
Text of my report on the 1st Asian Philosophy Congress, Delhi, 2010
В статье исследуется дискуссия с «неортодоксальной» буддийской школой пудгалавада по вопросу о онтологическом статусе «я», или субъекта в «Пудгала-винишчае» Васубандху. «Пудгала-винишчая» – один из важнейших полемических трактатов по... more
In a close reading of Heidegger's 1943-44 lecture course Heraklit, I examine Heidegger's suggestithon at spiritual discipline/transformation is needed for genuine thinking. One must overcome hubris and egocentrism, but how to do so? Will... more
HOW SWAMI VIVEKANANDA LEARNED THE MESSAGE OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA Lesson II of Ramakrishna’s Integral Vedanta Yoga as a Science: The Pragmatic and Systematic Approach to Self-transformation-2 ABSTRACT This post is the second part of my... more
Sobre os conceitos de "Si" (Self) e de "Atman" (Self) na história do pensamento filosófico.
“Yājñavalkya, when the speech of the dying man goes to the fire, the breath to the wind, eye to the sun, mind to the moon, the ear to the directions, the body to the earth, the soul to the space, the body hairs to the grass, the hairs to... more
In this paper we will study the development of the doctrine of anattā in the Suttas and in the Abhidhamma. In determining the meaning of the word anattā I will use a phylological- historical approach and I will consider its semantic... more
В статье исследуются представления о субъекте в одной из наименее изученных школ буддизма – пудгалаваде. Пудгалавада – «неортодоксальное» направление раннего буддизма, придерживавшееся учения о наличии субъекта, или «квазиперсоны» –... more
В статье исследуется проблема интерпретации буддийской концепции отрицания субъекта (анат- ман) на материале 9-й кн. «Абхидхармакоши» философа IV в. н.э. Васубандху. Автор анализирует возможность или невозможность существования «Я» как... more
Certificate of Participation in the International Webinar "Surrendering to the Self: Ramana Maharshi'’s Message for the Present”, jointly organized by School of Humanities, Raffles University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India & Vishwaneedam... more
Essa Upaniṣad trata de instrução átmica’, ou seja, do conhecimento da alma ou espírito supremo. Podemos então chamá-la de ‘Palavras de Mistério (Upaniṣad) sobre o conhecimento, percepção ou despertar (bodha) da alma ou espírito Supremo... more
This study has been published in the collectaneous volume 'Gandhi: Across the Boundaries', edited by Devendra Kumar, Shivalk Prakashan, Delhi 2020, pp. 13-19. I used a first version of this text for my lecture held at the International... more
In this article I present Chapter 23 of my doctoral thesis Learning in Depth: A Case Study in Twin 5x5 Matrices of Consciousness. Here Sri Ramakrishna opens up the mystery of maya, a Sanskrit term that has been variously explained as... more
«Адхикарана-саравали» – важнейшее философское сочинение вишишта-адвайта-веданты, представляет собой компендиум ведантийской классики «Брахма-сутр» Бадараяны. В работе рассматриваются ключевые положения философского учения автора трактата... more
The Vedas are regarded as the most sacred and ancient texts of Hinduism. The word Veda comes from the root ‘vid’ to know, with the suf ix ‘ac’ or ‘ghan’. There are four Vedas in number The Rgveda, the Yajurveda, The Atharvaveda and the... more
Written in 1990, this paper takes the form of a short story. The protagonist is a college student who commences a spiritual quest in the aftermath of the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980.
The Vedas are regarded as the most sacred and ancient texts of Hinduism. The word Veda comes from the root ‘vid’ to know, with the suffix ‘ac’ or ‘ghan’. There are four Vedas in number The Rgveda, the Yajurveda, The Atharvaveda and the... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I used for my lecture at the International Webinar "Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century", organized jointly by Mahatma Center for Conflict Resolution & Peace StudiesLady Keane College, Shillong, Meghalaya,... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I used for my lecture at the International Webinar "Gandhi in the Twenty-First Century", organized jointly by Mahatma Center for Conflict Resolution & Peace StudiesLady Keane College, Shillong, Meghalaya,... more
Дг’яна (dhyāna) є одним із ключових понять у філософії йоґи. Незважаючи на постійно зростаючу популярність йоґи в усьому світі, її значущість та роль у масовій культурі, філо- софські засади дг’яни вивчені недостатньо. Метою нашого... more