Recent papers in Nagarjuna
Anditya Soares de Moura Costa Matos (org.). Filosofias Gregas e Orientais: A radicalidade das origens e o desafio do diálogo atual. Belo Horizonte: Initia Via. 2013. Cap. 6. Pp. 111-125 GIUSEPPE FERRARO "NEM SER, NEM NÃO SER": SUGESTÕES... more
Paradoxes and Their Resolutions. This 'thematic compilation' comprises expositions and resolutions of many (though not all) ancient and modern paradoxes, including: the Protagoras-Euathlus paradox, the Liar paradox and the Sorites... more
Logical Criticism of Buddhist Doctrines. This 'thematic compilation' comprises expositions and empirical and logical critiques of many (though not all) Buddhist doctrines, such as impermanence, interdependence, emptiness, the denial of... more
CAPITULO UNO: Examen de las Condiciones. Pág. 4 CAPITULO DOS: Examen del Movimiento. Pág. 6 CAPÍTULO TRES: Examen de los Sentidos. Pág. 10 CAPÍTULO CUATRO: Examen de los Agregados. Pág. 11 CAPÍTULO CINCO: Examen de los Elementos. Pág. 12... more
Classical Indian and Chinese Madhyamaka are NOT "world-negating" in any sense that precludes the positive fullness of mundane life. My argumentation is intended as a response to Kuang-ming Wu's depreciation of Buddhism in general and the... more
Nag’s IT Department needed to accommodate business growth and meet the demands of external customers as well as internal R&D teams for past provisioning of IT capacity. Hybrid Cloud enables IT to optimize internal datacenters and achieve... more
En su totalidad, o separadamente-Todas las cosas son vacías. 4. Lo existente no surge, puesto que ya existe. Lo no existente no surge, puesto que no existe. Lo existente y lo no existente juntos no surgen, debido a su disparidad.... more
This article defends and develops the categorization of Buddhist ethics as moral phenomenology. It first examines the use of the term in Western philosophical settings and compares it to how the term is employed in Buddhist settings.... more
Compilation of 7 translation of Nagarjuna's MMK the 7 translations of each verse are presented side by side, horizontally.
Saya petik dua ayat daripada surah Maryam daripada Al-Quran di sinisebagai pembuka bicara: Penyeru (Malaikat) itu menjawab: Demikian keadaannya -janganlah dihairankan; Tuhanmu berfirman; "Hal itu mudah bagiKu kerana sesungguhnya Aku telah... more
Revised publication of Ph.D. dissertation providing a text-critical study and translation of the Karmaphalaparīkṣā chapter of Candrakīrti's Prasannapada with a study of early Buddhist theories of karman, relying on Sanskrit, Pali,... more
Nota de 2012: El texto que sigue fue escrito entre febrero y octubre del 2006, y constituyó el centro a partir del cual fui urdiendo mi concepción histórico-filosófica del budismo expuesta en un libro de reciente publicación, terminado en... more
Que está adornado con todas las buenas cualidades, El único amigo de todos los seres. 2. ¡Oh, Rey! Yo explicaré las prácticas virtuosas Para generar en ti la Doctrina 2 , Porque las prácticas serán establecidas En el vaso de la excelente... more
Un tratado en el que, basándose en el Capítulo sobre la moralidad ética, de Niveles del bodhisatva, de Asanga, Tsong Khapa analiza en detalle la naturaleza y características de los votos de la liberación individual y del bodhisatva, en el... more
Article tiré de la conférence éponyme, donnée le 17 novembre 2016 à Lille, 27 p.
My aim in this book is to analyse India’s contribution to the study of reason. I seek to discover the active rational principles driving Indian theory, and to use this as a vehicle for disclosing a fabric of conceptual relations in their... more
This is an offprint of my, "Nagarjuna and the Ratnavali: New Ways to Date An Old Philosopher."
Перевод нитишастры Нагарджуны (двуязычное издание)
A lot has been speculated and written over the last few decades on the similarities between Eastern Religions and Quantum Physics. Most of the time the connection is oversimplified and blurred, and it is taken for granted that somehow... more
For this article, the author attempts to describe the metaphysics of nothingness from three sources; Martin Heidegger, Ibn 'Arabi and Nagarjuna. Each of the philosophers engages the intimation of 'the nothing' to fathom the existential... more
This paper offers a parallel analysis of the concept of śūnyatā in Nāgārjuna’s philosophy and the concept of zero in mathematics. A historical survey of the development of zero in its Indian origin and an appraisal of its role in... more
I examine the consistency between contemporary environmentalist ideals and Buddhist philosophy, focusing, first, on the problem of value in nature. I argue that the teachings found in the Pāli canon cannot easily be reconciled with a... more
MA Dissertation. Historiographical Review on Nalanda Mahavihara and the importance of "Nalanda Tradition" of Tibetan Buddhism.
The teachings of Madhyamaka (" middle way philosophy ") have been the basis of Tibetan Buddhist thought and practice since the eighth century. After the twelfth century, Tibetan scholars distinguished two branches of Madhyamaka:... more
Yo me postro ante las tres deidades. 1) Las personas malvadas deberían de ser tenidas bajo control.
PhD dissertation on the 17th chapter of Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika with Candrakirti's Prasannapada commentary, providing an analysis of early Buddhist karma theories of little known Abhidharma schools. The majority of the... more
6. La generosidad, la virtud moral, la paciencia, el esfuerzo, y la concentración;
"This is a strikingly original and innovative work on Nagarjuna's dialectics as it provides a clear formulation of the modality of Nagarjuna's method of prasangāpādana reasonings and demonstrates the systematic uses of its specific form... more
Un saggio filosofico originale che si muove dal puro immaginale per proporre nuovi linguaggi filosofici sul tempo, il sacro, le nozioni di divinità, metafisica, religione, archetipo e spiritualità. Vengono introdotti due nuovi termini:... more
Critically examined MMK's concept of causality and Pratitya Samutpada, but it is not yet completed.
墮和羅(Dvāravatī,6–11 世紀)是猛族人(Mons)在古代暹羅(Siam)建國的一個國家,並有長期發展佛教的歷史。泰國學者地答.沙拉雅(Didha Saraya)將墮和羅的佛教分為兩種:(1)民 間信仰的佛教,及(2)帝王信仰的佛教,並認為兩種都是小乘上座部(the Theravāda)的佛教信仰。地答.沙拉雅說,墮和羅的帝王能同時以:(1)「菩薩」或「聖神彌勒」(Phra Śrī... more
a comprehensive philosophical reformulation); The Nuclear Thing (an analysis of the radioactive object of the imagination); The Trail of the Screaming Forehead (a critique of nihilistic egoism); Bitter Heritage (a historicophilosophical... more
Special Issue: "An Open Letter to Myself" (December 15, 2021). “তর্কিত তর্জনী” পত্রিকার সম্পাদক মশাইয়ের দাবি ছিলো স্বীকারোক্তির—নিজেকেই নিজে লেখা খোলা চিঠি।
সেই জবানবন্দি দেওয়ার দাবি অনুযায়ী লেখক এই লেখাটি পেশ করেন।
সেই জবানবন্দি দেওয়ার দাবি অনুযায়ী লেখক এই লেখাটি পেশ করেন।
Esta composición breve, está incluida en el Auto comentario de Atisha a su "Lámpara en el camino a la iluminación", y en ella el autor declama ser un eslabon de un linaje ininterrumpido que proviene del Noble Nagarjuna.
This article seeks to introduce a greater degree of precision into our understanding of Madhyamaka Buddhist ontological non-foundationalism, focussing specifically on the Madhyamaka founder Nāgārjuna (c. 150-250 CE). It distinguishes... more
The sense of the opening argument of Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā -- an argument that Candrakīrti and other commentators took to epitomize Madhyamaka -- depends on the construal of a locative construction in MMK 1.3. On one reading,... more
This seminar examines the history of Buddhist Thought in India. Buddhists like to place emphasis not on belief as such but on practicing, following a path, and knowing, directly seeing. This direct ‘seeing things the way they really are’... more
The charge of nihilism in relation to emptiness is a charge that is all too familiar to the Mādhyamika. This paper attempts to explain and extrapolate Burton’s nihilist objection to Madhyamaka Buddhist thought and dispel it with primary... more
Theist religions argue for the pre-existence of self/Atman/ruh based on mentalistic idealism and/or interactive substance dualism frameworks; whereas Buddhism denies this; instead, this atheist religion (i) proposes Karmic theory... more
Nāgārjuna’s (c. 150-250) Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way (Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā), contains copious, clear, and comprehensive calls for the ‘abandonment of all views’ (sarvadṛṣṭiprahāṇāya). Despite this, contemporary scholars... more