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Parmenides’ philosophy is unique in the history of ideas in Europe, but it has a striking parallel in India, from about the same age. The unchanging Absolute, called ‘Being’ or ‘Existent’; the depreciation of everyday objects as mere... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyIndian PhilosophyIndian studiesAncient Greek Philosophy
Mudgala Upaniṣad. Ṛgveda. Nº 57. Sāmānya.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
Śvetāśvatara is a more recent classical Upaniad, belonging to the line of Ka Yajur-Veda. Nevertheless, the text has always been regarded as one of high authority, being commented upon even by important authors, such as... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyIndian ancient historyAdvaita Vedanta
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      Indian PhilosophyIndian studiesAdvaita VedantaUpanishad
A ‘Doutrina Secreta da Deusa da Prosperidade’, essa Upaniṣad fala da deusa da fortuna, de seu hino, de seu yantra, da prática de yoga, da concentração, dos chakras, etc. Rigveda. Nº 105. Sakta.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
Collana "I Meridiani" -Classici dello Spirito, Arnoldo Mondadori, Milano 2010; pp. CXXXI -1635.
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Essa Upanishad do Rig Veda trata da criação da Pessoa Cósmica, dos poderes cósmicos no corpo humano, da criação do alimento e da sua obtenção, da entrada do ser no corpo, dos três nascimentos do ser, e do que é o Eu.
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      VedantaUpanishadRig VedaVedas
In the context of Indian classical literature, the Upanishads (Upanisads) hold a particularly important place for both those within the Hindu tradition and for scholars of early Indian religious history and literature. For many Hindus,... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophySanskrit language and literatureSanskrit
This Sanskrit-English translation of the Kena Upanishad contains word-for-word translations with grammatical detail. It was translated by Michael Douglas Neely.
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritVedic SanskritUpanishad
L'Oupnek'hat ou l' histoire de la traduction de l'Upanisad d'Anquetil-Duperron, extrait de la thèse Anquetil-Duperron, salace et son rôle dans la Renaissance Orientale, Université de Montpellier, 1986
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      French LiteratureIndian studies18th & 19th Centuries18th Century British Literature
La BrihadAranyaka Upanishad appartiene al corpo dei Veda. Questi ultimi si dividono in quattro libri, conosciuti come Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda. A seconda del contenuto e della forma letteraria, ognuno di questi libri a... more
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As dez Upanishads do Rigveda em português reunidas em um único arquivo.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
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      Comparative LiteratureComparative PhilosophyHistory of ThoughtIndian Philosophy
Abstract-Mundaka-Upanisad is one of the oldest Upanisads and also one of the classical Brahmanic texts dealing with the ultimate reality (Brahman) and its relation to the Universe. Its ontological approach considers the reality as unique,... more
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      HinduismRitualHistory of International RelationsRitual Theory
A detailed study on Shraddha:
A translation of two Kannada lectures delivered by Rev Swami Purushottamanandaji of Belgaum Ramakrishna Mission in 1980:
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      HinduismEthics of BeliefFaithBeliefs
Kausitaki Brahmana Upanisad is one of the oldest Upanisads, written in prose, but including many quotations from the Vedic literature, which are generally in verses. The text is divided into four chapters. The first one deals with... more
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      ReligionHinduismIndian PhilosophySanskrit language and literature
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Pour ne pas abandonner a une pure equivocite la polysemie du terme grec “Sophia”, lequel va de la simple sagacite du dechiffreur d'enigmes a la science universelle parce que premiere, nous proposons de relire les textes fondateurs de... more
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      PhilosophyIndo-european language reconstructionPlatoAristotle
The intriguing similarity between the allegories of the soul chariot in Plato’s Phædrus and in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad has been pointed out — if not thoroughly investigated — by several scholars, accompanied with varying assessments, largely... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsGreek LiteratureComparative Philosophy
Nº 73. Sāmānya. Yajur-Veda Branco.
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The article presents the aporias that are found in classical Brahmin philosophical systems when their ontological assumptions are confronted with the fundamental metaphysical thesis formulated in the Upanishads. This thesis determines the... more
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From the Publisher's note: 'We are immensely happy to bring out some of Sri Swamiji Maharaj’s discourses in booklet form as our worshipful offering at his holy feet on the blessed occasion of his Birth Centenary. The present booklet,... more
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      HinduismAdvaita VedantaVedanta and NondualismVedanta
"Upanishads", also called "Vedanta" or "end of Veda", refers to the end of "Vedas". According to the classification of Hindu sacred works, Upanishads are supplementary writings attached to "Aranyaka". Based on Hindu traditions, the wise... more
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Filosofia comparata: metafisica occidentale e orientale, ontologia greca e indiana a confronto
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      HinduismComparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
BRAHMA ya era antes de que fueran los dioses: el Creador de todo, Guardián del Universo. Mediante una revelación otorgó a Atharvan, su primogénito, la visión de Brahman, fundamento de toda sabiduría.
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The paper analyses the famous Gāyatrī-mantra (R̥V 3.62.10) on the basis of BU 6.3.4–6[12], ChU 5.2.4–8 and BU 5.14.1–8.
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      Vedic Language and Classical SanskritVedic SanskritUpanishadVedic Ritual
Yoga. Yajur-Veda Branco.
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Livre publié dans la collection de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études « Hautes Études du Monde Gréco-romain » 43 Chez Droz, Genève, 2009.
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      Indo-european language reconstructionPlatoAristotleIndian studies
This is the PowerPoint we used for our exposition held on Tueday, 5th April 2022 at the VIRTUAL WORLD CONFERENCE ON GREEKS, KUSHANS, HUNS AND GURJARS: THEIR CULTURAL LEGACY IN THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT (5th-8th April 2022), organised by the... more
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      PlatoPlato and PlatonismPlatonismUpanishad
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      HinduismOntologyAestheticsIndian Philosophy
Les prédications du type « être l’Être » ne prennent sens que si le sujet en est divin et qu’il se pose à la première personne du singulier. De fait, dans le Veda (Inde), c’est autour de la proposition satyam asmi, « Je suis l’Être » ou «... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyIndian PhilosophyTheology
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      ReligionHinduismIndian PhilosophyHistory of Religion
Yoga. Yajur-Veda Branco.
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Rigveda. Nº 47. Sannyasa. Aforismos sobre a renúncia.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
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      HinduismOntologyIndian PhilosophyYoga
Kauṣītaki (Brāhmaṇa) Upaniṣad; Ṛgveda. Nº 25. Sāmānya Vedānta ou Mukhya.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
"A essência das Upanishads em sessenta e dois versos".
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
The existential and religious attitude of classical Brahmanism has always been utterly anti-naturalistic; those philosophers looked down at all human conditions and accomplishments. Consequently, they put forward renunciation, ascesis,... more
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      HinduismIndian PhilosophyPilgrimageSanskrit language and literature
Nº 13. Sannyasa. Yajur-Veda Branco.
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Esta é a Upanishad das Três Cidades, ou a Upanishad da Deusa Tripurasundarī, a ‘Bela (Deusa) das Três Cidades’.  Rigveda. Nº 82. Shakta.
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      Advaita VedantaVedantaUpanishadUpanishads
The article deals with the way Advaita Vedānta approaches immortality, in opposition to the Judeo-Christian outlook. While Western civilization sees immortality in relation to the human personality and as somehow dedicated to the... more
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      AnthropologyIndian PhilosophyPersonal IdentityAfterlife studies
Brahmavidyā taught in the Bhṛguvallī of the Taittirīyopaniṣat is known as Bhārgavī Vāruṇī Vidyā. The article discusses the teachings therein by means of a comparative study between the commentaries of Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada and Shri... more
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      ReligionHinduismPhilosophySanskrit language and literature
Представлен авторский подход к работе с санскритскими текстами.
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      Sanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical SanskritSanskritVedic Sanskrit
A 'Upanishad das Contas de Rosário' trata do rosário (Akshamala) usado para o japa, a repetição de preces ou mantras.
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      UpanishadRig VedaVedas
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteratureGreek Literature
“Yājñavalkya, when the speech of the dying man goes to the fire, the breath to the wind, eye to the sun, mind to the moon, the ear to the directions, the body to the earth, the soul to the space, the body hairs to the grass, the hairs to... more
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      The SelfUpanishadAtmanDepersonalization
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyComparative Philosophy
"Nel contributo, partendo da una prospettiva teoretica, ci si prefigge di analizzare i rapporti fra la filosofia indiana di Śaṃkara (il massimo filosofo del Vedānta, vissuto nell’VIII sec. d. C.) e il pensiero di Bergson. Da un simile... more
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      BuddhismComparative ReligionMetaphysicsKant