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Problemele legate de acustica sălilor sunt total diferite de cele de izolare a construcţiilor împotriva zgomotelor. Astfel, dacă în cazul izolării fonice se urmăreşte diminuarea nivelului de zgomot sub limitele admisibile, în cazul... more
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    • Arhitecture
The book remains the primary, most worthy route through which scholarly knowledge is disseminated. With the easy access to low-cost technology, new opportunities are emerging to expand knowledge transfer beyond the academic book. Using a... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Social and Cultural Anthropology
‫پناه‬ ‫حجت‬ ‫شايان‬ a ‫يوسفي‬ ‫والي‬ ‫مهرزاد‬ ، b ، ‫معهود‬ ‫محمد‬ a ، ‫وحيد‬ ‫محمدي‬ ‫خوشبخت‬ c a-‫تدريس‬ ‫ساخت‬ ‫و‬ ‫پروژه‬ ‫مديريت‬ ‫ارشد‬ ‫كارشناسي‬ ‫يار‬ ‫تهران‬ ،‫مهرالبرز‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ b-‫ارشد‬ ‫كارشناسي‬ ‫دانشجوي‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ‫ساخت‬... more
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• Identitet naručitelja ; motivacija za narudžbe; identiteti i karijere arhitekata; priroda materijala konstrukcije; financijski aspekti. • Arhitektura je društveni čin – kako po metodama tako i po svojoj svrhi. • Povijest arhitekture... more
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      Art HistoryHeritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageArhitecture
Arhitektura I. industrijske revolucije je arhitektonski stil koji se samozatajno razvijao za vrijeme historicizma u 19. stoljeću. Kako je ovaj stil uglavnom bio djelo graditelja-inžinjera, a ne klasičnih arhitekata, dugo se smatralo kako... more
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      Art HistoryHeritage ConservationArhitecture
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Yapı; işveren, danışman, tasarımcı, yüklenici, onaylayıcı kurumlar vb. paydaşların katılımlarıyla tasarım, inşaat, işletme, yıkım veya yeniden işlevlendirme yaşam döngüsü süreçleriyle oluşmaktadır. Bu paydaşların ve süreçlerin klasik... more
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      BIM (Architecture)Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)BIM EducationBIM-technology
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      DiasporasArmenian CultureArhitectureHistory of Armenian Diaspora
Learn how to use ArcGIS Desktop to create, edit, manage, display, analyze, and share geographic data Use common geo-processing tools to select and extract features A guide with example-based recipes to help you get a better... more
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      Urban GeographyGeometry And Topology3D GISMetadata
Available via Bloomsbury: Additional Resources: Fashion's great innovations often spring from inspired designers... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFashion designCreativityTextiles
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Пропоноване видання містить найґрунтовніше з-поміж існуючих дослідження сформульованої у його назві теми та є результатом неохватної скрупульозної праці пам’яткознавця, ім’я якого тільки починає повертатися до фахового та аматорського... more
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Banjarmasin as the city of a thousand rivers has become a region with strong riverside character. From its history, traditional kampungs grow along the riverbanks with unique features and characteristics. Along with the development of... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)Arhitecture
Las bibliotecas tienen una relación vital con la emergencia: ya sean destruidas por conflictos o accidentes (humanos, naturales) la historia nos muestra que son obstinadas sobrevivientes. Aunque se han escrito muchos textos sobre... more
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      Urban PlanningPublic LibrariesUrban StudiesUrban Sociology
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    • Arhitecture
Arhitectura rurală din Transilvania este foarte diversă și complexă. Varietatea formelor funcționale ale clădirilor, gospodăriilor și structurilor de localitate, diversitatea planimetrică, volumetrică, structurală și ornamentală a... more
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      EthnographyVernacular ArchitectureVernacularHistory of architecture
Книга посвящена истории одного из крупнейших сел Харьковской области - Староверовке, которая входит сегодня в Нововодолажский район.
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Historiography expresses a firm point of view that the movement of Brutalism did not have a more significant influence on Serbian architecture. Several researches in their essays point out that there are, however, certain works by Serbian... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural EducationArchitectural HistoryModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
L´architecture résidentielle des années soixante constitue le plus fidèle témoignage de l´époque de la croissance, vécue en Europe lors du dernier tiers du xx e siècle. La révolution dont fut l'objet le logement collectif s´étendit à... more
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      Construction TechnologyPublic HousingArhitectureMarcel Breuer
В сборнике представлены статьи по докладам участников VI Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Акту- альные вопросы охраны и использования культурного наследия Крыма», которая проводилась в г. Евпатории 30–31 мая 2019 г.... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ScienceUrban DevelopmentArhitecture
Издание представляет собой систематизацию имеющегося фактического материала, а также реконструирующие экскурсы в историю такого глобального и до сих пор адекватно не оцененного сегмента национальной архитектуры, как архитектура каменная.... more
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      HistoryArhitectureArhitectura, istorie, arheologieArhitektura
Produse culinare în alimentaţie să-şi adapteze propriul mod de lucru le aceasta. Prezentul ghid abordează elementele specifice domeniului producţiei culinare, pe grupe mari de produse, alcătuite după o logică profesională, care asigură că... more
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    • Arhitecture
L ungă vreme dezbaterea pe tema unei noi catedrale patriarhale în Bucureúti s-a oprit asupra Petre GURAN Tabor, nr., aprilie  54
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      Sacred ArchitectureSacred SpaceIstoria Arhitecturii MedievaleArhitecture
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      ArhitectureHistory of ArhitectureArhitectural Heritage
Sustainability is a very broad and comprehensive system of thinking that points to the vision of "self-sustaining". Instead of destroying existing structures that had been left to fate because they lost their function and building a... more
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    • Arhitecture
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      HistoryGenealogyArhitectureArhitectura, istorie, arheologie
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      Classical ArchaeologyTroasArhitecture
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      Cultural StudiesJewish StudiesArchitectureCultural Heritage
Abstract: The mutual inspiration of fashion and architecture can be traced in a long historical line, only to become more evident and involved during the 20th century due to the development of fashion industry technology and materials.... more
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      TechnologyFashion designPerformance ArtTextiles/Fiber Markets
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    • Arhitecture
Текст написан для туристического буклета.
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval Studies
Open-plan is a term which in architecture denotes the principle of spatial integration of functions. Although it has been widely used both in science and in practice, not very much research has been directed at essential understanding of... more
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      Architectural EngineeringSpace SciencesArchitectureHousing & Residential Design
It all started with a walk in the cramming of Mănăștur in Cluj, when suddenly the wall of blocks made room to a huge green space bordered by woods and tens of urban gardens apparently emerged from nowhere. We reached “La Terenuri," the... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchParticipatory DesignUrbanismSocial Architecture
Geleneksel olarak kağıt, makas yapıştırıcı kullanarak, günümüzde ise bilgisayar simülasyonu ile de hazırlanabilen kolajlar çağdaş sanat ve mimarlık tartışmaları için yeni bir ortam oluşturmaktadır. Kolajlar, mimarlık ortamına diğer... more
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    • Arhitecture
The paper deals with the activity of Zvonimir Požgaj in Zadar following the end of World War Two. Zvonimir Požgaj was one of many intellectuals, who were either voluntarily or as a punishment sent to fill different posts in the heavily... more
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      Art HistoryCroatian HistoryArhitectureArhitektura
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    • Arhitecture
Eseul de față își propune să urmărească parcursul și noțiunea de arhitectură -spectacol și transformarea sa, notând în special momentul actual din România. Este important de menționat că există o reinterpretare a termenului, lucru ce va... more
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      ArhitectureSociety of the Spectacle
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    • Arhitecture
In conceiving the city of Split as a scene, buildings are being appropriated in two ways, through usage and perception. If the relation between culture and its respective form is built through the regulation of the relationship between... more
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      PhotographyUrban SociologyHistory and Theory of Modern ArchitectureArhitecture
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      Art HistoryArhitecture
Paviljon Republike Slovenije na 17. mednarodni razstavi arhitekture La Biennale di Venezia V vsakdanjem življenju... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureYugoslaviaCultural Politics
Abstract: The study is based on written documents, surveys, historical replicas and plans concerning the restoration and extension of the Reformed Church in Viştea. The presented case documents the monuments protection bodies in Hungary... more
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      Medieval StudiesHeritage ConservationMedieval Wall PaintingsMonuments
Circular connection is one of the essential concepts of living space organization. Most commonly it involves the formation of a continuous communication within the system chain of inter-related rooms. It is used in situations where it is... more
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      ArchitectureHousing & Residential DesignInterior DesignHousing And Sustainability
Z 40 Zbiór raportów naukowych. „Najnowsze badania naukowe. Teoria, praktyka„ (30.03.2015 - 31.03.2015) - Warszawa: Wydawca: Sp. z o.o. «Diamond trading tour», 2015. - 104 str. ISBN: 978-83-65207-05-0 (t.1) SEKCJA 1. ARCHITEKTURA.... more
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      ArtMedical EducationMedicineTurismo
SEKCJA 1. ARCHITEKTURA. BUDOWNICTWO. (АРХИТЕКТУРА. СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО.) 1. Гейко И. П......................................................................................................... 6 ОСОБЕННОСТИ АРХИТЕКТУРНО-КОМПОЗИЦИОННОЙ ОРГАНИ-... more
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10 октября 2002 г. в Харькове было зарегистрировано новое предприятие -Харьковский частный музей городской усадьбы. До этого каждый из нас занимался изучением истории города, учитывая свои собственные возможности и прежде всего это было... more
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Este artículo es una versión más corta y adaptada al formato Congreso del texto: "Urbanismo, privatización y marketing urbano. La Barcelona neoliberal a través de tres ejemplos", publicado en el Vol. 11 (2016): Medio Ambiente y Sociedad,... more
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      Human GeographyUrban GeographyAnthropologyMarxism
 Designul este inspirat din Turul Eiffel avand o forma conica pentru a limita deplasarile date de vant  2400 m inaltime  200 etaje  Daca o sa fie construita va gazdui apartamente rezidentiale la ultimele niveluri , magazine la primele... more
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    • Arhitecture
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