Recent papers in Antichrist
This book extract describes how, as a newly converted Christian living in the town of Marostica in north east Italy I first came across the pretribulation rapture theory.
In this brief essay I counter the popular notions of the Antichrist often used for fear-mongering by showing how C. S. Lewis describes that false Messiah in the _Narnia Chronicles_, specifically in the first chapter of _The Last Battle_.
El MS 9465 BNE contiene un breve texto latino, una biografía del Anticristo con todos los elementos característicos de la tradición apocalíptica medieval.
The article has two main focuses – first, it follows the most significant and important Antichrist myth researches, and secondly, the Greek tradition of De Christo et Antichristo by Hippolytus of Rome and the Slavonic versions of the... more
یہ کتابچہ، جو اصلاً میری کتاب "21 دسمبر 2012ء: کائنات قیامت کی دہلیز پر؟" کا ایک باب تھا اور جسے ناشر نے چھاپنے سے انکار کر دیا تھا، کو یہاں ایک آزاد تحقیق کی صورت میں پیش کیا جا رہا ہے۔ یہ کتابچہ احادیث اور دیگر مذہبی ادب میں پیش کردہ... more
The article argues that René Girard and Ivan Illich, each in their distinctive ways, draw upon the dimensions of the Christian apocalyptic tradition that are often ignored, and that their retrievals of this tradition, specifically of its... more
*2nd Edition* Chapter 48 added & pages 413 and 488 edited An exposition of the Catholic Church and how the removal of the Mandate of the Latin Mass at Vatican II brings about the revelation of the lawless one, which in turn has... more
Η εσχατολογική διδασκαλία του γέρ. Αρσενίου της Ναυπάκτου, prof. alexios panagopoulos
Cartas Illuminatis del juego Illuminati NWO Cards de 1994-1995 de Steve Jackson donde se aprecia el plan de la élite para la dominación mundial (Nuevo Orden Mundial/Reinado del Anticristo) a través de la manipulación de la economía con... more
is a senior clergyman of the East American diocese of ROCOR-MP, that branch of World Orthodoxy that has led its flock out of the True Church (ROCOR before 2007) and into the arms of the heretical (sergianist-ecumenist) "Russian Orthodox... more
We now venture—in vision—into Babylon in its various aspects: its nature, goals, arts, sorceries, and its headquarters nation. Excerpted section from the larger work, A Great and Terrible Love
Dünya'nın en iyi Bilim-Kurgu Romanı yayınlandı.. Dünya'nın en büyük sırrını öğrenmeye hazır mısınız? ÖNSÖZ & BAŞLANGIÇ "Musa, bir gün Çöl’de çok ilginç bir şey gördü." "Ateş topu gibi bir Çalı sürekli yanıyor, ama yanıp bitmiyordu.."... more
Maasooniyaddu markii ay adeegsatay Sahyooniyadda si ay u qabsadaan Falastiin waxa ay fulinayeen riyo weyn oo ka mid ah riyooyinkooda, waa in Haykalka Saleebaan laga dhiso meesha uu ku yaallo masaajidka al-Aqsa. Sababta Haykalka loo... more
TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN TO READ THE PREVIEW SCROLL DOWN The grinding and wearisome Spirit of War, a perversion of the oft-lamented but inescapable Struggle for Existence, is suddenly unmasked as the pathological reflection of... more
A compilation of timelines pertaining to Papal Rome and corresponding to Dan 7:25; 12:5–7, 11–12 (cf. Rev 11:2; 13:5). The chart employs the historicist interpretation method, i.e. the day-year principle. Note: "2026" cannot be relied... more
The article traces back all early patristic pieces of evidence of the nature and appearance of the Antichrist, summarizes out his mentions in the Old Testament and New Testament and gives additional information for the calculation of the... more
Los protocolos de los sabios de Sión es un documento que pone en evidencia el plan de dominación mundial por parte de los judíos. Hubo numerosos debates sobre el origen de este documento. Varios expertos concuerdan en que fueron creados... more
(translate in greek). Eschatological Dimensions of Pedagogy by St. John Chrysostom, with a special view of Antichrist arrival, just before Second Chist`s arrival, throught original international, greek and slaven library sources.... more
Se o cristianismo representa a negação absoluta da vida, então é somente mediante uma maldição plena e absolutamente radical do cristianismo que a vida pode ser afirmada de uma maneira igualmente plena e absolutamente radical, pois é... more
in "Anticristo. Letteratura cinema storia teologia filosofia psicoanalisi", a cura di Alessandro Cinquegrani, Padova, Il Poligrafo, 2012.
This unique scholarly work by Maulana Abdul Haque Vidyarthi, presents the prophecies about the advent of the holy Prophet Muhammad in the various world scriptures. The author proves that the scriptures of all nations foretell the advent... more
Medieval Talmudic legends and Qur’anic commentary explain that Asmodeus (a demon) usurped the throne of King Solomon and led the world astray as a fraudulent son of David. Contemporary Jews and Muslims dismiss these events as mere... more
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
Truly a play for our times. My translation will be published opposite a new edition and commentary by Kyle A. Thomas, in a forthcoming book.
A Brief Biography of Herod the Great, Emphasizing his Antichristian Likeness.
First published in: By Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin... more
Documentul conține un comentariu la Daniel 11-12, în viziune proprie, dar inspirat de comentarile clasice de tradiție historicistă (protestantă), păstrând inclusiv cheia „zi-an” a hermeneuticii apocaliptice. Revelația dată de înger lui... more
Journées d'étude « Subvertir Nietzsche. Philologie et philosophie ». Genève, 30 avril 2016.
Le raffigurazioni che vedono protagonista il profeta Elia riguardano, generalmente, gli episodi più noti della sua vita: il sacrifico sul Monte Carmelo, la comparsa della nube che annuncia la fine della siccità, l’incontro con l’angelo... more
Examining Revelation 13 and evangelical teachings -- who is the Beast of endtimes and correcting several mistakes in our own theology.
The identity of the little horn power in Daniel 8 (and 7) is largely determined by the method of interpretation of that chapter, the book of Daniel as a whole, apocalyptic prophecies, and the entire Bible. The Maccabean thesis, which is... more
Analisa dan Penafsiran Wahyu 12 ayat 1-17 dari Perspektif Historisme
Analysis and Interpretation of Revelation 12:1-17 from the perspective of Historicism.
Analysis and Interpretation of Revelation 12:1-17 from the perspective of Historicism.
This is a semi-technical treatment of eschatological themes derived from the Book of Revelation, although quite accessible to popular readership. A key section is "The Significance of 'Pharmakeia' References in Identifying 21st Century... more
The words of the title «The Semantic Dissolution of the Katéchon» summarize the fundamental thesis of the article. Indeed, the history of the interpretation of 2Th. 2:6-7 wanted to see evoked in those verses an entity (reality or person),... more
This essay deals with the ambivalent relationship between Carl Schmitt and the United States, focusing on the subject of International Relations. In the first paragraph, I summarize the place held by the U.S. throughout Schmitt's works:... more
CGSS PUBLICATION Title: What could happen in the world tomorrow! End Times: Messiah, Jesus & the Mahdi; and Armilus, Antichrist & the Dajjal (Panoramic Sequel) Author: Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi Qureshi Publisher: CGSS (Center for Global and... more
J'ai mis en ligne, en mars 2022, sur ce site, un premier article, de même intitulé. Si je reviens aujourd'hui sur le sujet, c'est à la fois pour préciser ma pensée à propos de la thématique-biblique-de la « fin des temps » à laquelle je... more
We begin our discussion of the anti-christ with this person coming out of the beast that we learned about in the previous article-"What is the Beast of Revelation?" This beast is the satanic kingdom at the end of our age. It is a... more