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Seminar held for the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, TU Wien, Summer Semester 2018.
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArchitectureMartin Heidegger
Este artículo busca interrogar el sentido de lo político en el pensamiento de Karl Marx a partir de la lectura de Carl Schmitt. Aunque, por un lado, el jurista alemán considera que el marxismo subsume los problemas políticos bajo... more
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      Carl SchmittKarl MarxFilosofía Política
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      Philosophy Of LawState TheoryCarl SchmittFilosofía Política
Tesi di laurea triennale in filosofia in cui, attraverso la lettura dei testi di A. Kojève, si cerca di rendere chiavi di lettura perfettamente idonee alla comprensione del mondo in cui viviamo quei concetti-cardine del pensiero del... more
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      MarxismHegelMartin HeideggerGiorgio Agamben
Inhalt Christoph Binkelmann: Enthusiasmus und Skepsis. Das europäische Pendel Burkhard Nonnenmacher: Kants Postulatenlehre als Prüfstein für Heideggers »These der neuzeitlichen Ontologie«? Günter Zöller : Ex aliquo nihil. Fichtes... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical TheologyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Theology)Hegel
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    • Carl Schmitt
Transcendence and Power. Carl Schmitt's Political Theology L' opera di CarI Schmitt (1888-1985) rappresenta una delle più forti provocazioni del pensiero del Novecento. La sua ricerca intellettuale e politica spazia nei diversi ambiti... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyTheologyHobbes
En este artículo el autor defiende una particular posición de realismo político, al cual denomina "crítico", distanciándose de la acepción convencional del concepto realismo. Seguidamente, analiza qué entendió Carl Schmitt por realismo,... more
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      Carl SchmittRealismo Político
"Weimar Cumhuriyeti’nin çarpıcı bir özelliği, dönemin yetkin kamu hukukçularının, karşılaştıkları güncel sorunlara yoğun bir ilgi göstermeleri ve bu çerçevede kapsamlı tartışmalar yürütmeleridir. Kelsen ve Schmitt arasındaki... more
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      Constitutional LawNatural LawDemocracyHans Kelsen
Raccolta di saggi sul concetto di katéchon con particolare riferimento a Il potere che frena di Massimo Cacciari.
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      Political PhilosophyJean-Luc NancyHegelWalter Benjamin
in: U. Baatz und G. Biffl (Hg.): Gesellschaft, Staat, Gewalt. Was uns zusammenhält. St. Pölten: NÖ Forschungs und Bildungsges.m.b.H (NFB), 2017, 99-104.
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      Simone WeilCarl SchmittFriedrich HölderlinKenosis
The twenty-first century has seen a renewal of scholarly interest in religion that might seem surprising, especially given how many scholars have for so long steadfastly behaved as though religion was in progressive decline since sometime... more
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
The Portuguese writer Fernando Pessoa once wrote that ‘the village is larger than the city’ because you can see ‘more of the world from there’ than you can from anywhere else. In this small world, the familiar and intermittent sounds of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
From the mid-1990’s on, contingency developed into one of the leading key concepts of the social science and achieved an axiomatic status in leftist political and social theory, first and foremost through the central postmarxist thesis of... more
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      Carl SchmittRadical DemocracyChantal MouffePostmarxism
Book Review of "The Space of Crisis. Images and Ideas of Europe in the Age of Crisis: 1914-1945", Vittorio Dini & Matthew D’Auria (eds.), P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels, 2013
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      European HistoryIntellectual HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
A exploração do espaço sideral é um tema recorrente na cultura pop: filmes, séries e livros dedicam suas páginas e tempo de tela às concepções imaginárias (ou “nomos” imaginários) do que seria uma vida fora do planeta Terra. Desde os... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesGeopoliticsPop CultureHistory of Piracy
[DE] Die Rezeptionsgeschichte des Werks von Carl Schmitt lässt sich grob in zwei Etappen gliedern. Während zunächst seine Kritik an der liberalen Demokratie im Zentrum des Interesses stand, verlagerte sich der Fokus nach dem Ende des... more
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      LiberalismJurgen HabermasCarl SchmittInternational Political Theory
Starting from observing the prevailing confusion about the meaning of "political theology", this paper individuates three main meanings for the concept, then showing how each of them is "impossible" in the specific sense of contradicting... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical TheologyCarl Schmitt
The rejection of conflict in the Western normative horizon and the consequent construction of Bashar al-Assad as a foe The aim of the following article is to analyse the discursive construction of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad... more
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      SyriaCarl SchmittBashar al-Assad
Book on German lawyer Carl Schmitt in Hungarian.
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      Political PhilosophyHistory of IdeasGerman HistoryWeimar Republic
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      Carl SchmittJacob Taubes
A critical analysis of Carl Schmitt's account of the conflict between sea and land power, and the metaphysical and religious underpinning of these conflicting powers.
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsPolitical TheoryGeopoliticsPolitics
Programa de curso "Violencia y política".
Segundo semestre 2015. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar.
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      Political PhilosophySociology of ViolencePolitical TheoryViolence
A soberania e sua legitimação é um dos grandes temas da filosofia política. Desde Hobbes e a construção de sua imagem do Leviatã, a figura do soberano tem sido constituída de forma a ressaltar a secularização do Estado. Todavia, a... more
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      Walter BenjaminCarl SchmittAgambenSoberania
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      Napoleonic WarsIrregular WarfareCarl SchmittMaoism
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      Martin HeideggerNihilismCarl Schmittdas Man
El presente artículo revisa la teoría de la evolución histórica de Carl Schmitt, usando como hilo conductor sus escritos sobre el concepto de nomos. En ellos se distinguen los estadios históricos por un modo específico de ordenar el... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySocial SciencesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Carl SchmittHistoria ArgentinaDerecho InternacionalRelaciones Internacionales
des Politischen" : zu einem Dialog unter Abwesenden / Heinrich Meier. -3. durchges. und erw. Aufl. -Stuttgart ; Weimar : Metzler, 2013. -200 S. ; 21 cm. -ISBN 978-3-476-02467-1 : EUR 19.95 [#3058] Es ist nicht übertrieben, wenn man das... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheologyCarl SchmittLeo Strauss
Stanley Kubrick’s political films can be revitalized regarding psychoanalytic biopolitics on power, desire, and subjectivity. Paths of Glory exemplifies how the military system renews itself by scapegoating some of its members, making... more
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanAbjectionBiopolitics
of Exception regards the conceptualization of the ambiguity between sovereignty and exception and the way these two terms have become interrelated within the legislative and executive procedures of contemporary democratic states. On one... more
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      SovereigntyGiorgio AgambenThomas HobbesCarl Schmitt
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryReligion and Politics
What is it to act in the time of the eschaton, the last days? How does the experience of time, in the shadow of the end, condition human activity? In recent decades, this question has been taken up by a variety of Italian philosophers,... more
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      Eschatology and ApocalypticismGiorgio AgambenPolitical TheologyCarl Schmitt
"…ein Denkmal des neuen Deutschlands." Der frühe Gehlen über Staat und Philosophie Einleitung Die philosophische Szene der 1930er Jahre in Deutschland zeichnet sich trotz ihrer starken Ideologisierung und Einstimmigkeit durch eine... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophical Anthropology
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      Legal TheoryGiorgio AgambenHans KelsenCarl Schmitt
ESTICA: Editoriale culturale, politice, recenzii (7 Octombrie 2014) În perioada dintre Primul război mondial şi stabilirea celui de-al Treilea Reich, criza... more
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      Race and EthnicityNationalismConservative Revolution (Revolutions)Conservatism
This thesis explores the work of two German Jewish émigré scholars, Karl Loewenstein and John H. Herz, and how they confronted the conflict between fascism and democracy throughout the 1930s and during World War II. Loewenstein, in... more
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      Intellectual HistoryConstitutional LawAmerican PoliticsWorld War II
Mein Vortrag basiert auf meiner Masterarbeit, die sich mit der Rezeption von Carl Schmitts Diagnose des Weltbürgerkrieges durch eine Reihe von Schülern auseinandersetzte. Dabei habe ich mir angesehen wie der Historiker Reinhart Koselleck,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCarl SchmittKrise
Book review on Grimm, Dieter: Recht oder Politik? Die Kelsen- Schmitt-Kontroverse zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und die heutige Lage. Berlin 2020.
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      Constitutional LawHans KelsenWeimar RepublicCarl Schmitt
La burocrazia sconcerta non perché semplicemente aliena, bensì in quanto "aumenta" la realtà con cui interagiamo. A livello percettivo facciamo un salto di quantità e di qualità rispetto al mondo che ci circonda: la classe di oggetti che... more
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      PhilosophyFranz KafkaAdministrationCarl Schmitt
Seit Menschengedenken faszinieren Himmel und Sterne den Erdenbewohner. Bis zu der kopernikanischen Wende war die Erde die Heimat der Menschen und der Himmel die Heimat Gottes (oder Göttern in nicht-monotheistischen religiösen Kontexten).... more
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      Political PhilosophyGeopoliticsSpace PolicyCarl Schmitt
Carl Schmitt continues to haunt German political thought and intellectual life. In order to track the legacy of Schmitt, this article will concentrate on his notion of the ‘decision’ and the post-Weimar development of this idea. The... more
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      Decision MakingLiberalismJurgen HabermasHistory of Political Thought
was a conservative German legal, constitutional, and political theorist. Schmitt is often considered to be one of the most important critics of liberalism, parliamentary democracy, and liberal cosmopolitanism. But the value and... more
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    • Carl Schmitt
This article investigates the significance of Kazuko Kuramoto’s Manchurian Legacy: Memoirs of a Japanese Colonist (1999) as a life narrative that foregrounds the biopolitical implications of modern subjectivity in the context of the... more
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      Giorgio AgambenBiopoliticsMemoir and AutobiographyCarl Schmitt
Jean Lacroix here summarizes the basic propositions of Klossowskis reading of de Sade.
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      AtheismViolenceRevolutionsFrench Revolution
In recent years, the West has increasingly experienced the sense that the political aspects of its social life have undergone a profound alteration. There is a sense of blockage, of non-responsiveness, a feeling that the political class... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhenomenologyMichel FoucaultCarl Schmitt
This article analyzes how infrastructures take part in constituting Europe as a material collectivity. To that end, it modifies Bruno Latour’s sociology of associations in two respects: In order to theorize the relation between... more
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      Political SociologyEuropean integrationSpace and PlaceGovernmentality
Paper for Workshop: Criticism of religion in the early enlightenment and the associated change in the understanding of nature and normativity. 27 February 2020 Frankfurt University Thomas Hobbes: Critique, Eschatology and the... more
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      Giorgio AgambenCarl SchmittEschatologyLeo Strauss
THE sample of my book forthcoming with Oxford University Press in February 2018 in Oxford Constitutional Theory series.
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      AlgorithmsPolitical TheoryInternational LawDemocratic Theory