Recent papers in Geohazards
In the United Kingdom Permian and Triassic halite (rock salt) deposits have been affected by natural and artificial dissolution producing karstic landforms and subsidence. Brine springs from the Triassic salt have been exploited since... more
Besides precipitation triggered landslides, a major thread from landslides is related to earthquake triggered landslides, which account for the majority of catastrophic landslides. This fact is complicated due to the progressive... more
Early warning systems are becoming one of the main pillars of disaster prevention in natural hazards especially where mitigation strategies are not realizable. Therefore, the call for multi-hazard early warning systems and improvement of... more
Flash floods occur almost exclusively in small basins, and they are common in small Mediterranean catchments. They pose one of the most common natural disasters, as well as one of the most devastating. Such was the case of the recent... more
Society and economy are only two of the dimensions of vulnerability. This paper aims to elucidate the state of the art of data sources, spatial variables, indicators, methods , indexes and tools for the spatial assessment of socioeconomic... more
The geoindicator concept has been applied in this study for the assessment of geohazard vulnerability. A vulnerability conceptual framework has been used to integrate geoindicators and to explain the relationshisp between geohazards and... more
Extreme Geohazards: Reducing the Disaster Risk and Increasing Resilience Hans-Peter Plag, Sean Brocklebank, Deborah Brosnan, Paola Campus, Sierd Cloetingh, Shelley Jules-Plag, and Seth Stein Extreme geohazards have the potential to... more
That talk is never disinterested complicates the relationship between the environment and the claims people make about it. Talk about place, and one's self in it, is particularly complex when the environment poses risk or is otherwise... more
This report aims to summarize Ireland’s most pressing issue, global warming as an anthropogenic geohazard. The causes of greenhouse gas emissions in Ireland are identified as well as quantified and compared to the members of the European... more
Modern, so called Ad-Hoc wireless sensor networks (WSN) arec haracterized by as elf organization and self-healing capacity of the system (autonomous systems), without predefined infrastructures . It permits an on hierarchic data exchange... more
Hydrocarbon transmission pipeline projects are major infrastructure developments that involve numerous technical, environmental, political and social challenges. Pipeline route selection is multidisciplinary task where the construction... more
Over the past 10 years inspections (site visits, boat based surveys or diver surveys) have been completed at nearly 20,000 pipeline watercourse crossings for 20 different pipeline owners. During the last 10 years there have been 721... more
The paper focuses on the identification of potential geoindicators for the assessment of landslides in the District of Hulu Langat. Physical parameters related to landslide occurrences are identified and discussed within the context of... more
Besides precipitation triggered landslides, a major thread from landslides is related to earthquake triggered landslides, which account for the majority of catastrophic landslides. This fact is complicated due to the progressive... more
The objective of the integrated geohazard evaluation and preliminary risk map development is two-fold: (1) to compile the available data contributing to the un-engineered fill, cavity, and other risk factors related to ground subsidence... more
Hydrogeochemical investigations with emphasis on groundwater fluoride concentrations were carried out in the Shivani watershed area, Karnataka, South India. This drought-prone watershed is characterised by poor groundwater potential and... more
A risk management framework, consisting of geohazard identification, assessment and management, can be used to significantly reduce pipeline failure rates from geohazards compared to industry averages. Since the late 1990s, BGC... more
Analysis of changing channel pattern of flood prone Damodar River of West Bengal is very much essential for the investigation of surface expression of hidden hydrogeomorphic changes. It provides a sound basis for predicting future changes... more
Le tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 et le nombre considérable des victimes qu'il a causé a été à l'origine d'une prise en conscience générale des scientifiques et des politiciens sur ce type de risques en raison de la forte concentration de la... more
Calatayud in NE Spain is an historically important city built on recent alluvial deposits underlain by gypsum and other soluble rocks. Since its foundation by the Muslims in 716 AD, the city development has been strongly influenced by... more
Marine geohazard research has developed during recent decades, as human activities intensified towards deeper waters. Some recent disastrous events (e.g., the 2004 Indian Ocean and 2011 Japan tsunamis) highlighted geohazards socioeconomic... more
High arsenic (As) concentrations in groundwater in different zones of Cambodia have become a major concern in recent years. This paper attempts to review, synthesize, and analyze data from available literature in order to give an... more
The Pliocene section is considered as a target in the Nile Delta and offshore Mediterranean. A varying seismic response has been highlighted within the Neogene succession in the Nile delta central sub-basin, off-shore, the Lower Pliocene... more
The Causse of El Hajeb belongs to the Tabular Middle Atlas (TMA), in which thousands of karst landforms have been identified. Among them, collapse dolines and dissolution sinkholes have been highlighted as a source of environmental risks... more
India has 2% of the total land area of the world but supports more than 17% of global population. Due to diverse geological environment and geodynamic processes, the country faces several types of geohazards including earthquakes,... more
The stress field at a specific location is the sum of regional stress, controlled by plate-scale tectonic processes, with local sources. Here we evaluate and discuss the different sources (from geodynamic to local scale) and the... more
""Начиная с 2011 г. ПРООН Таджикистана проводит работы по реализации проекта Tajik-Afghan Poverty Reduction Initiative (TAPRI), финансируемого правительством Японии и направленного на решение проблем в приграничных районах на юге... more
Mbuta area is situated along the M1 road from Mzuzu city to Karonga district in northern Malawi. It is located on a gently sloping area comprising talus materials that are probably eroded from a tectonic slope west of Mbuta. Slope... more
Submarine landslides on open continental slopes can be prodigious in scale. They are an important process for global sediment fluxes, and can generate very damaging tsunamis. Submarine landslides are far harder to monitor directly than... more
Soft sensitive clays like quick clays are well known in Scandinavia and in some regions in Canada. The salt pore water of these marine clays has been leached out since last glaciations and left a brittle mineral structure. Slides in quick... more
This research focused on the mode of magnesite mineralisation within the host rocks in Folovhodwe deposit. Two hostrocks and the hanging wall were sampled from Folovhodwe Mine. The investigation was undertaken to establish the... more
Structural studies of synorogenic basins in Timor using field and remote sensing techniques provide new structural and geomorphic evidence for syn-collisional extension in the converging plate boundary zone between the Australian Plate... more
This study aims at evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction hazard potential at Probashi Palli Abasan Project area of Tongi, Gazipur, exploiting standard penetration test (SPT) data of 15 boreholes, following Simplified Procedure.... more
"Beginning from 2011, UNDP has been implementing Tajik-Afghan Poverty Reduction Initiative (TAPRI), financed by the Government of Japan and aimed at addressing cross-border issues in the south of Tajikistan and the north of... more
This paper describes the systematic and holistic approach to geo-risk reduction that has been developed and applied to numerous deep water oil and gas projects and is now being used for shallow water wind farm developments. Key elements... more