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Could you reference what part of the ToS they're in violation of? I've got a site that does similar and when I had a look through I couldn't find anything that might put me in hot water

5.E.iii in https://www.youtube.com/t/terms (although I don't see any obvious ads there, so the term "ad-enabled" could be disputed here).

Is that the correct section? When I click on that, there is no section 5 E, only A, B, C and D. The heading on section 5 here is "5. Your Use of Content".

Edit: It seems to be allowed here. Section 4 E ii, note the double negative in 4 E:

4. General Use of the Service—Permissions and Restrictions

E. Prohibited commercial uses do not include:

* showing YouTube videos through the Embeddable Player on an ad-enabled blog or website, subject to the advertising restrictions set forth above in Section 4.D

Fascinating, thank you. I get completely different terms and conditions when I click on the same link - it includes the text you posted under section 4 D instead, but then adds a clause E specifically allowing use of the Embeddable Player on sites with ads:


So it looks like depending when you live, it may or may not be against the terms & conditions.

A good way to get around that, and monetize the site would maybe be simply throw up some optin forms/subscribe mechanisms. Build a mailing list, then advertise via newsletter. That'd probably be how I'd monetize the site. That way there'd be no ads on-site, but it could still be commercialized via email.

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