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Stories from July 26, 2024 (UTC)
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1. Bayesian Statistics: The three cultures (columbia.edu)
218 points by luu 10 hours ago | 85 comments
2. Show HN: Haystack – an IDE for exploring and editing code on an infinite canvas (haystackeditor.com)
503 points by akshaysg 1 day ago | 188 comments
3. A Swiss town banned billboards. Zurich, Bern may soon follow (bloomberg.com)
588 points by toomuchtodo 23 hours ago | 540 comments
4. Show HN: Wat – Deep inspection of Python objects (github.com/igrek51)
366 points by igrek51 1 day ago | 88 comments
5. Applied Machine Learning for Tabular Data (aml4td.org)
145 points by sebg 1 day ago | 18 comments
6. Real-Time Procedural Generation with GPU Work Graphs [pdf] (gpuopen.com)
112 points by ibobev 4 days ago | 19 comments
7. Launch HN: Undermind (YC S24) – AI agent for discovering scientific papers
278 points by jramette 1 day ago | 120 comments
8. NASA Graphics Standards Manual (1975) (standardsmanual.com)
230 points by agomez314 4 days ago | 64 comments
9. When British Railways deliberately crashed a train (therailwayhub.co.uk)
128 points by timthorn 4 days ago | 63 comments
10. From Linux to NetBSD, with SSH Only (cloudbsd.xyz)
176 points by jaypatelani 4 days ago | 21 comments
11. Monumental proof settles geometric Langlands conjecture (quantamagazine.org)
135 points by jandrewrogers 10 hours ago | 13 comments
12. Startup Finance for Founders – Part I, Accounting (2016) (rein.pk)
170 points by sebg 1 day ago | 17 comments
13. Why does the chromaticity diagram look like that? (jlongster.com)
165 points by samwillis 9 hours ago | 53 comments
14. Counting bytes faster than you'd think possible (mattstuchlik.com)
104 points by asicsp 3 days ago | 20 comments
15. Alexandre Grothendieck, The New Universal Church (1971) [pdf] (uwo.ca)
75 points by vinnyvichy 1 day ago | 35 comments
16. Fair Chess and Simultaneous Games (asvarga.github.io)
68 points by mlavrent 3 days ago | 43 comments
17. Repulsive Shells [video] (youtube.com)
104 points by RafelMri 10 hours ago | 17 comments
18. Call the compiler, fax it your code [video] (youtube.com)
139 points by ayoreis 10 hours ago | 35 comments
19. A simple procedural animation technique [video] (youtube.com)
103 points by Meleagris 10 hours ago | 12 comments
20. Bcachefs, an Introduction/Exploration (asleson.org)
147 points by marbu 21 hours ago | 174 comments
21. A hash table by any other name (lwn.net)
105 points by signa11 21 hours ago | 25 comments
22. Finding a random seed that solves a LeetCode problem (2023) (mcognetta.github.io)
76 points by mcyc 10 hours ago | 21 comments
23. Zen 5's 2-ahead branch predictor: how a 30 year old idea allows for new tricks (chipsandcheese.com)
154 points by matt_d 9 hours ago | 66 comments
24. The Many Lives of Null Island (stamen.com)
79 points by sebg 1 day ago | 14 comments
25. Show HN: I built a tool to expand your network (that introverts will love) (moreoverlap.com)
201 points by jbrueck 3 days ago | 34 comments
26. The Linux audio stack demystified (rtrace.io)
123 points by ruffyx64 4 days ago | 49 comments
27. Stripe acquires Lemon Squeezy (lemonsqueezy.com)
209 points by drecoe 11 hours ago | 130 comments
28. France high-speed rail traffic disrupted by 'malicious acts' on Olympic ceremony (lemonde.fr)
172 points by Kuinox 19 hours ago | 472 comments
29. How to optimize a CUDA matmul kernel for cuBLAS-like performance (2022) (siboehm.com)
94 points by mpweiher 13 hours ago | 24 comments
30. 'New El Nino' discovered south of equator (reading.ac.uk)
47 points by geox 1 day ago | 15 comments

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