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Community CCB Agenda: October 21 2020

Gerardo E. Cruz-Ortiz edited this page Oct 21, 2020 · 5 revisions


  • IDEA: Making the CCBs open internally?

Integration Candidate

IC 2020-10-20:

Items for Discussion


  1. cFE #951 cES1503 requirement failure


  1. cFE #958 Potential for missed log messages between dump + clear commands #958

  2. cFE PR #960 Fix #28, provide library API


  1. osal PR #626 Fix #625, Apply standard formatting

  2. cFE PR #947 Fix #928 and #929 - Modularize software bus routing, add msg map hash
    Previously planned discussion in CCB-20201014

Invite list

[P] = Present today


  • Jacob Hageman (cFS Framework Lead) [P]
  • Jonathan Wilmot (cFS Program Manager)
  • Alan Cudmore (cFS Architect) [P]
  • Gerardo Cruz-Ortiz (cFS Management) [P]
  • Dan Knutsen (cFS Developer) [P]
  • Jay Czarnecki (Software Process Imp) [P]
  • Beth Timmons (GSFC Apps) [P]
  • Dwaine Molock (Project Developer)
  • Anhelina Yurkova (cFS Test Automation) [P]
  • Olanrewaju Amoo [P]
  • Jandlyn Bentley
  • Yasir Khan [P]
  • Eric Pollack
  • Ariel Adams [P]
  • Steven Seeger [P]
  • Rhonda Whitelocke (Code 372) [P]
  • Elaine Gunter (Code 372) [P]


  • Steve Duran, PSP and OSAL Developer
  • Ron Maglothin, Lunar CATALYST Developer
  • Allen Brown, AES Developer
  • Thomas Brain, AES Integration
  • Tam Ngo, AES Lead [P]
  • Carrejo, Daniel Systems
  • Schlesinger, Adam Avionics and Software
  • Thad Fleming [P]
  • Jonatahn Brandenburg [P]


  • Chris Knight(@CDKnight), SBN Developer & Researcher [P]
  • Joseph (Pat) Castle
  • Michael Scott
  • Craig Pires [P]


  • Chris Thames, Lead/FSW Management
  • Noah Ryan, Software Developer


  • Deanna Whitehead
  • Stefanie Justice [P]
  • Lisa Vanderaar, Software lead


  • Joe Hickey(@jphickey), cFS Developer [P]


  • Matt Grub, SmallSat baseline and build testing [P]


  • Chris Monaco


  • Dave McComas, NASA-GSFC Emeritus
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