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Community CCB Agenda: December 01 2021

Gerardo E. Cruz-Ortiz edited this page Dec 1, 2021 · 1 revision


FSW Workshop 2022 is around the corner!!

  • FREE Registration!
  • Abstracts are due on FRIDAY, December 3rd
  • Interesting Panels:
    • Operating Systems
    • Cybersecurity
    • Containers
    • Flight Software Frameworks
  • Fun demo by Alan Cudmore combining RTEMS, cFS, and a BeagleBone Black!

CF Status and Plan

Moved CF issue tracking to GitHub! Thanks Joe!

Will tag current gateway delivery and probably have to release a minor update by February

What is the team working on?

  • Continue working on App testing using CTF
  • Running cFS functional test app on RTEMS

Latest IC: Caelum+dev1

Doing version bumps and re-baselining

cFS PR #2001

cFE PR #2001
osal PR #2001
PSP PR #2001

ci_lab PR #101
sch_lab PR #102
to_lab PR #112
sample_app PR #163

cFS-GroundSystem PR #201
elf2cfetbl PR #98

Items for discussion

None today

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