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Modeler _modeler_managing_projects_importing_elements

Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Importing elements from existing projects

Overview of element import

The element import feature is used to import elements from other projects into your current project.

Importing elements from another project


Running an element import operation

  1. Select the work model into which you wish to import model elements.

  2. Launch the Import/Export > Import > Import model… command.

  3. Select the ‘project.conf’ file of the project you wish to import elements from.

  4. Select the elements you wish to import.

  5. Launch the Import.

Imported elements

Elements that can be imported into your project are presented in a standard hierarchy (packages containing classes). To view the classes contained in an importable package, simply click on the “+” on the left of the package name.

The following list describes exactly what is imported for each type of element.

  • Project : The entire project (packages, classes, …)

  • Package : Classes (with their operations, attributes, “visible” associations), documents, tagged values, diagrams

  • Class : Operations, attributes, “visible” associations, documents, tagged values, diagrams

Non-imported objects are:

  • Reference links from a package to another element that is not imported and that does not already exist in the current project

  • Non-oriented associations (no visibility on either side)

The import will fail if there is any inconsistency between imported elements.

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