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Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Available style properties

Modelio v4.0

Here is the complete list of all property keys usable for IDiagramGraphic.getProperty(String) and IDiagramGraphic.setProperty(String key, String value) . See Diagram services/Changing the style properties for help on their usage.

This list is up to date for Modelio 3.8.0 at October 05th, 2018 and is subject to changes.

The keys are grouped per category as in the style editor dialog and sorted alphabetically.


  • ABSTRACTION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ABSTRACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ABSTRACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ABSTRACTION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ABSTRACTION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • ABSTRACTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ABSTRACTION_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ABSTRACTION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ABSTRACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ABSTRACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ABSTRACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Accept Call Event Action

  • CALLEVENT_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • CALLEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CALLEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CALLEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CALLEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CALLEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CALLEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CALLEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CALLEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CALLEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Accept Change Event Action

  • CHANGEEVENT_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • CHANGEEVENT_EXPRESSIONFONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Change Event’s body font.

  • CHANGEEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CHANGEEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CHANGEEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CHANGEEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CHANGEEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CHANGEEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CHANGEEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CHANGEEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CHANGEEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Accept Signal Action

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACCEPTSIGNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Access (ArchiMate)

  • ACCESS_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ACCESS_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ACCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACCESS_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ACCESS_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • ACCESS_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACCESS_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ACCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ACTION_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • ACTION_BODYFONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Action’s body font.

  • ACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ACTIVITY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ACTIVITY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ACTIVITY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACTIVITY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACTIVITY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACTIVITY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ACTIVITY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTIVITY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACTIVITY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Activity Final Node

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ACTIVITYFINAL_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACTIVITYFINAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ACTOR_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • ACTOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ACTOR_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ACTOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ACTOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ACTOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ACTOR_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ACTOR_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ACTOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ACTOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Actor – Attributes

  • ACTOR_ATT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Attributes font.

  • ACTOR_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • ACTOR_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTOR_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • ACTOR_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public

      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ACTOR_ATT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Attributes font color.

Actor – Internal structure

  • ACTOR_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • ACTOR_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • ACTOR_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • ACTOR_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTOR_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • ACTOR_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Actor – Operations

  • ACTOR_OP_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Operations font.

  • ACTOR_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • ACTOR_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • ACTOR_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ACTOR_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • ACTOR_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ACTOR_OP_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Operations font color.

Aggregation (ArchiMate)

  • AGGREGATION_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • AGGREGATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • AGGREGATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • AGGREGATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • AGGREGATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • AGGREGATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • AGGREGATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • AGGREGATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • AGGREGATION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • AGGREGATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • AGGREGATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • AGGREGATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Analyst Container (Analyst)

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Analyst Element (Analyst)

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GENERIC_ANALYST_ELEMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

And Junction (ArchiMate)

  • ANDJUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ANDJUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ANDJUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ANDJUNCTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ANDJUNCTION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ANDJUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ANDJUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ANDJUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Collaboration (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONCOLLABORATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Component (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONCOMPONENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Event (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Function (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONFUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Interaction (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONINTERACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Interface (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONINTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Process (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONPROCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Application Service (ArchiMate)

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • APPLICATIONSERVICE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ARTIFACT_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • ARTIFACT_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARTIFACT_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • ARTIFACT_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ARTIFACT_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • ARTIFACT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ARTIFACT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ARTIFACT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARTIFACT_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • ARTIFACT_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • ARTIFACT_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ARTIFACT_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARTIFACT_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • ARTIFACT_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ARTIFACT_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • ARTIFACT_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

  • ARTIFACT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ARTIFACT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ARTIFACT_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • ARTIFACT_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • ARTIFACT_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARTIFACT_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • ARTIFACT_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ARTIFACT_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

  • ARTIFACT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ARTIFACT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ARTIFACT_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • ARTIFACT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARTIFACT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARTIFACT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ARTIFACT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Artifact (ArchiMate)

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARCHIMATE_ARTIFACT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Assessment (ArchiMate)

  • ASSESSMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ASSESSMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ASSESSMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ASSESSMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ASSESSMENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ASSESSMENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ASSESSMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ASSESSMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ASSESSMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Assignment (ArchiMate)

  • ASSIGNMENT_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ASSIGNMENT_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ASSIGNMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ASSIGNMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ASSIGNMENT_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ASSIGNMENT_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • ASSIGNMENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ASSIGNMENT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ASSIGNMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ASSIGNMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ASSIGNMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ASSOC_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ASSOC_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ASSOC_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ASSOC_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ASSOC_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ASSOC_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ASSOC_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • ASSOC_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ASSOC_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the Association’s cardinality.

  • ASSOC_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ASSOC_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the Association’s navigability.

  • ASSOC_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the Association’s roles.

  • ASSOC_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ASSOC_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ASSOC_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ASSOC_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Association (ArchiMate)


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARCHIMATE_ASSOCIATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Association – Information Flows

  • ASSOC_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • ASSOC_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ASSOC_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • ASSOC_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • ASSOC_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.


  • ATTRIBUTE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ATTRIBUTE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Automatic layout (ArchiMate)

  • VIEW_POINT_DIAGRAM_AUTOLAYOUT : Activate the automatic layout using the options defined below.

  • VIEW_POINT_DIAGRAM_ELEMENTSIZE : Define the size of the diagrams thumbnails.

    Possible values: SMALL MEDIUM ** LARGE

  • VIEW_POINT_DIAGRAM_LAYOUTCOLUNMS : Define the number of columns on which the diagrams thumbnails will be displayed.

BPMN Behavior

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNBEHAVIOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

BPMN Collaboration

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNCOLLABORATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

BPMN Diagram (BPMN)

  • DIAGRAM_FILLALPHA : Modify the diagram background alpha (0-225).

  • DIAGRAM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DIAGRAM_FILLIMAGE : Allow to specify a background image for the diagram.
    The path must be a URL (ex : file:https:///c:/test/bitmap.jpg).

  • DIAGRAM_GRIDALPHA : Modify the grid alpha (0-225).

  • DIAGRAM_GRIDCOLOR : Modify the grid color.

  • DIAGRAM_GRIDSPACING : Modify the grid spacing.

  • DIAGRAM_HORIZONTAL_LANES : Whether the lanes in this diagram should be displayed horizontally or vertically.

  • DIAGRAM_PAGE_SIZE : Modify the page size. Supported string format: discrete values: A5H,A4H,A3H,A2H,A1H,A0H,A5V,A4V,A3V,A2V,A1V,A0V (H is used for Horizontal mode, V is used for Vertical mode) – inches values: ‘8,5" x 3,4"’ – mm values: ‘210 mm x 297 mm’

  • DIAGRAM_SHOW_PAGES : Show or mask the page boundaries.

  • DIAGRAM_SHOW_SMARTLINK_HANDLE : Show the “Smart links” handle when hovering over elements.
    This is a quick way to create links between elements.

  • DIAGRAM_SNAPTOGEOMETRY : Snap to other nodes edges and center.

  • DIAGRAM_SNAPTOGRID : Activate the grid.

  • DIAGRAM_VIEWGRID : Show or mask the grid.

BPMN Process

  • BPMNPROCESS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNPROCESS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNPROCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNPROCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNPROCESS_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNPROCESS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNPROCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNPROCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNPROCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

BPMN Shared Definition

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNSHAREDDEFINITIONS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Boundary Event (BPMN)

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BOUNDARYEVENT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BOUNDARYEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Actor (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSACTOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSACTOR_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSACTOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSACTOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSACTOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSACTOR_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSACTOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSACTOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSACTOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Collaboration (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSCOLLABORATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Event (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Function (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSFUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Interaction (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSINTERACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Interface (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode' property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSINTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Object (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSOBJECT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSOBJECT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Process (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSPROCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSPROCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Role (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSROLE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSROLE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSROLE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSROLE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSROLE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSROLE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSROLE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSROLE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSROLE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Rule (Analyst)

  • BUSINESSRULE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSRULE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSRULE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSRULE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSRULE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSRULE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSRULE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • BUSINESSRULE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSRULE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSRULE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Rule Container (Analyst)

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSRULE_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Business Service (ArchiMate)

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BUSINESSSERVICE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BUSINESSSERVICE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Call Behavior Action

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CALLBEHAVIOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CALLBEHAVIOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Call Operation Action

  • CALLOPERATION_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • CALLOPERATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CALLOPERATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CALLOPERATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CALLOPERATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CALLOPERATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CALLOPERATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CALLOPERATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CALLOPERATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CALLOPERATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Capability (ArchiMate)

  • CAPABILITY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CAPABILITY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CAPABILITY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CAPABILITY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CAPABILITY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CAPABILITY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CAPABILITY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CAPABILITY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CAPABILITY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Central Buffer Node

  • CENTRALBUFFER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CENTRALBUFFER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CENTRALBUFFER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CENTRALBUFFER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CENTRALBUFFER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CENTRALBUFFER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CENTRALBUFFER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CENTRALBUFFER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CENTRALBUFFER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • CHOICE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CHOICE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CHOICE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CHOICE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CHOICE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CHOICE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CHOICE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • CHOICE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CHOICE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CHOICE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • CLASS_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • CLASS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CLASS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CLASS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CLASS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CLASS_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CLASS_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CLASS_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • CLASS_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • CLASS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CLASS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CLASS_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • CLASS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Class – Attributes

  • CLASS_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • CLASS_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CLASS_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • CLASS_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

Class – Inner elements

  • CLASS_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • CLASS_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • CLASS_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • CLASS_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CLASS_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • CLASS_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • CLASS_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Class – Internal structure

  • CLASS_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • CLASS_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • CLASS_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • CLASS_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CLASS_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • CLASS_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Class – Operations

  • CLASS_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • CLASS_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • CLASS_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CLASS_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • CLASS_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • CLASS_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Class Association

  • CLASSASSOC_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • CLASSASSOC_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • CLASSASSOC_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CLASSASSOC_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • CLASSASSOC_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.


  • COLLABORATION_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • COLLABORATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COLLABORATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COLLABORATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COLLABORATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • COLLABORATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • COLLABORATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COLLABORATION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • COLLABORATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COLLABORATION_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • COLLABORATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Collaboration – Inner elements

  • COLLABORATION_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • COLLABORATION_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • COLLABORATION_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATION_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • COLLABORATION_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Collaboration – Internal structure

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • COLLABORATION_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Collaboration Use


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.



  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • COLLABORATIONUSE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COLLABORATIONUSE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • COLLABORATIONUSE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COLLABORATIONUSE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Collaboration Use – Internal structure


  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Attributes font.

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • COLLABORATIONUSELINK_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Attributes font color.

Combined Fragment

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMBINEDFRAGMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Communication Channel

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.



  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.



    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Communication Network (ArchiMate)

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMMUNICATIONNETWORK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Communication Node

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMMUNICATIONNODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • COMPONENT_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • COMPONENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COMPONENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COMPONENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMPONENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • COMPONENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • COMPONENT_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COMPONENT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • COMPONENT_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • COMPONENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMPONENT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • COMPONENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Component – Attributes

  • COMPONENT_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • COMPONENT_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENT_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • COMPONENT_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

Component – Inner elements

  • COMPONENT_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • COMPONENT_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • COMPONENT_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • COMPONENT_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENT_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • COMPONENT_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • COMPONENT_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Component – Internal structure

  • COMPONENT_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • COMPONENT_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • COMPONENT_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • COMPONENT_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENT_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • COMPONENT_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Component – Operations

  • COMPONENT_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • COMPONENT_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • COMPONENT_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENT_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • COMPONENT_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • COMPONENT_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Component Realization


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.



  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMPONENTREALIZATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Composition (ArchiMate)

  • COMPOSITION_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • COMPOSITION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • COMPOSITION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COMPOSITION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • COMPOSITION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • COMPOSITION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • COMPOSITION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • COMPOSITION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • COMPOSITION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMPOSITION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COMPOSITION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Conditional Clause

  • CLAUSE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CLAUSE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Conditional Node

  • CONDITIONAL_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • CONDITIONAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CONDITIONAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CONDITIONAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONDITIONAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONDITIONAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONDITIONAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CONDITIONAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONDITIONAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONDITIONAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Connection Point Reference

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CONNECTIONPOINT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONNECTIONPOINT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • CONNECTOR_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • CONNECTOR_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • CONNECTOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CONNECTOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONNECTOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONNECTOR_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • CONNECTOR_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • CONNECTOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the cardinality of the element.

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • CONNECTOR_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the connector’s navigability.

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the role labels present on the element.

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONNECTOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Connector – Information Flows

  • CONNECTOR_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • CONNECTOR_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONNECTOR_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • CONNECTOR_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • CONNECTOR_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.


  • CONSTRAINT_ALIGNMENT : Modify the text alignment.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • CONSTRAINT_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • CONSTRAINT_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


Constraint (ArchiMate)

  • CONSTRAINT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CONSTRAINT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CONSTRAINT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONSTRAINT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONSTRAINT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONSTRAINT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CONSTRAINT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONSTRAINT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONSTRAINT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Contract (ArchiMate)

  • CONTRACT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • CONTRACT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • CONTRACT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONTRACT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONTRACT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONTRACT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • CONTRACT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONTRACT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONTRACT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Control Flow

  • CONTROLFLOW_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • CONTROLFLOW_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • CONTROLFLOW_GUARDVISIBLE : Show or mask the Control flow’s guard.

  • CONTROLFLOW_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • CONTROLFLOW_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • CONTROLFLOW_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • CONTROLFLOW_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • CONTROLFLOW_NAMEVISIBLE : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • CONTROLFLOW_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • CONTROLFLOW_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONTROLFLOW_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • CONTROLFLOW_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • CONTROLFLOW_WEIGHTVISIBLE : Show or mask the Control Flow’s weight.

Control Flow – Information Flows

  • CONTROLFLOW_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • CONTROLFLOW_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • CONTROLFLOW_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • CONTROLFLOW_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • CONTROLFLOW_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

Course Of Action (ArchiMate)

  • COURSEOFACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • COURSEOFACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • COURSEOFACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • COURSEOFACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • COURSEOFACTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • COURSEOFACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • COURSEOFACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COURSEOFACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • COURSEOFACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Association (BPMN)

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.



    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNDATAASSOCIATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Object (ArchiMate)

  • DATAOBJECT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DATAOBJECT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DATAOBJECT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DATAOBJECT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DATAOBJECT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DATAOBJECT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DATAOBJECT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATAOBJECT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DATAOBJECT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Object (BPMN)

  • DATA_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DATA_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DATA_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DATA_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DATA_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DATA_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DATA_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • DATA_SHOWREPRESENTED : Show or mask the element represented by the Data Object.

  • DATA_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATA_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DATA_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Store Node

  • DATASTORE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DATASTORE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DATASTORE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DATASTORE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DATASTORE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DATASTORE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DATASTORE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATASTORE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DATASTORE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Type

  • DATATYPE_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • DATATYPE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DATATYPE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DATATYPE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DATATYPE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DATATYPE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DATATYPE_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DATATYPE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • DATATYPE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATATYPE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DATATYPE_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • DATATYPE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Data Type – Attributes

  • DATATYPE_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • DATATYPE_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATATYPE_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • DATATYPE_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

Data Type – Internal structure

  • DATATYPE_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • DATATYPE_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • DATATYPE_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • DATATYPE_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATATYPE_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • DATATYPE_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Data Type – Operations

  • DATATYPE_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • DATATYPE_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • DATATYPE_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DATATYPE_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • DATATYPE_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • DATATYPE_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Decision-Merge Node

  • DECISIONMERGE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DECISIONMERGE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DECISIONMERGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DECISIONMERGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DECISIONMERGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DECISIONMERGE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DECISIONMERGE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • DECISIONMERGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DECISIONMERGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DECISIONMERGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Deep History

  • DEEPHISTORY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DEEPHISTORY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DEEPHISTORY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DEEPHISTORY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DEEPHISTORY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DEEPHISTORY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DEEPHISTORY_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • DEEPHISTORY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DEEPHISTORY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DEEPHISTORY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Deliverable (ArchiMate)

  • DELIVERABLE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DELIVERABLE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DELIVERABLE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DELIVERABLE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DELIVERABLE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DELIVERABLE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DELIVERABLE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DELIVERABLE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DELIVERABLE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • DEPENDENCY_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • DEPENDENCY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DEPENDENCY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DEPENDENCY_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • DEPENDENCY_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • DEPENDENCY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DEPENDENCY_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • DEPENDENCY_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • DEPENDENCY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DEPENDENCY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DEPENDENCY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Device (ArchiMate)

  • DEVICE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DEVICE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DEVICE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DEVICE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DEVICE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DEVICE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DEVICE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DEVICE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DEVICE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_FILLALPHA : Modify the diagram background alpha (0-225).

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_FILLIMAGE : Allow to specify a background image for the diagram.
    The path must be a URL (ex : file:https:///c:/test/bitmap.jpg).

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_GRIDALPHA : Modify the grid alpha (0-225).

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_GRIDCOLOR : Modify the grid color.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_GRIDSPACING : Modify the grid spacing.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_PAGE_SIZE : Modify the page size. Supported string format: discrete values: A5H,A4H,A3H,A2H,A1H,A0H,A5V,A4V,A3V,A2V,A1V,A0V (H is used for Horizontal mode, V is used for Vertical mode) – inches values: ‘8,5" x 3,4"’ – mm values: ‘210 mm x 297 mm’

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_SHOW_PAGES : Show or mask the page boundaries.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_SHOW_SMARTLINK_HANDLE : Show the “Smart links” handle when hovering over elements.
    This is a quick way to create links between elements.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_SNAPTOGEOMETRY : Snap to other figures center and edges.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_SNAPTOGRID : Activate the grid.

  • ABSTRACT_DIAGRAM_VIEWGRID : Show or mask the grid.

  • USECASE_DIAGRAM_SHOW_SYSTEM : Show or mask the System Boundary (Diagram’s parent Package).

Dictionary (Analyst)

  • DICTIONARY_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • DICTIONARY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DICTIONARY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DICTIONARY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DICTIONARY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DICTIONARY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DICTIONARY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DICTIONARY_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • DICTIONARY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DICTIONARY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DICTIONARY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Distribution Network (ArchiMate)

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DISTRIBUTIONNETWORK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Driver (ArchiMate)

  • DRIVER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DRIVER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DRIVER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DRIVER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DRIVER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • DRIVER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • DRIVER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • DRIVER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • DRIVER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Element Import

  • IMPORT_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • IMPORT_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • IMPORT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • IMPORT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • IMPORT_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • IMPORT_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • IMPORT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • IMPORT_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Element Import’s Information Flows.

  • IMPORT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • IMPORT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • IMPORT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • IMPORT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Element Realization


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ELEMENTREALIZATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ELLIPSE_FILLALPHA : Modify the element background alpha (0-225)

  • ELLIPSE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ELLIPSE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ELLIPSE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ELLIPSE_HALIGN : Modify the element’s label horizontal positioning.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • ELLIPSE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ELLIPSE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • ELLIPSE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ELLIPSE_TEXTALIGN : Modify the element’s label alignment.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • ELLIPSE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • ELLIPSE_VALIGN : Modify the element’s label vertical positioning.

    Possible values: Top Center ** Bottom

End Event (BPMN)

  • ENDEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ENDEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ENDEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ENDEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ENDEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ENDEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ENDEVENT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ENDEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENDEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ENDEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Entry Point

  • ENTRY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ENTRY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ENTRY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ENTRY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ENTRY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ENTRY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ENTRY_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ENTRY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENTRY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ENTRY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • ENUM_FEATURES_FILTER : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • ENUM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ENUM_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ENUM_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ENUM_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ENUM_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ENUM_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ENUM_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ENUM_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENUM_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ENUM_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ENUM_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Enumeration – Attributes

  • ENUM_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • ENUM_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENUM_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • ENUM_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

Enumeration – Inner elements

  • ENUM_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • ENUM_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • ENUM_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • ENUM_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENUM_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • ENUM_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ENUM_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Enumeration – Literals

  • ENUM_LIT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Enumeration Literals font.

  • ENUM_LIT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Enumeration Literals.

  • ENUM_LIT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENUM_LIT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ENUM_LIT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Enumeration Literals font color.

Enumeration – Operations

  • ENUM_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • ENUM_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • ENUM_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ENUM_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • ENUM_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • ENUM_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Equipment (ArchiMate)

  • EQUIPMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EQUIPMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EQUIPMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EQUIPMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EQUIPMENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • EQUIPMENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • EQUIPMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • EQUIPMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • EQUIPMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Exception Handler

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • EXCEPTIONHANDLER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EXPANSIONNODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • EXPANSIONNODE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • EXPANSIONNODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • EXPANSIONNODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Execution Occurrence Specification

  • EXECUTIONOCCURENCESPECIFICATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.


    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

Execution Specifications

  • EXECUTIONSPECIFICATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EXECUTIONSPECIFICATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EXECUTIONSPECIFICATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


Exit Point

  • EXIT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EXIT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EXIT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EXIT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EXIT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • EXIT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • EXIT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • EXIT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • EXIT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • EXIT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Expansion Region

  • EXPANSIONREGION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EXPANSIONREGION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EXPANSIONREGION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EXPANSIONREGION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EXPANSIONREGION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • EXPANSIONREGION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • EXPANSIONREGION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • EXPANSIONREGION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • EXPANSIONREGION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Facility (ArchiMate)

  • FACILITY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • FACILITY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • FACILITY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FACILITY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • FACILITY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FACILITY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • FACILITY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FACILITY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FACILITY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Final State

  • FINALSTATE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • FINALSTATE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • FINALSTATE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FINALSTATE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FINALSTATE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • FINALSTATE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • FINALSTATE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FINALSTATE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FINALSTATE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Flow (ArchiMate)

  • FLOW_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • FLOW_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • FLOW_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FLOW_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • FLOW_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • FLOW_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • FLOW_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FLOW_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • FLOW_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FLOW_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FLOW_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Flow Final Node

  • FLOWFINAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • FLOWFINAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • FLOWFINAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FLOWFINAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • FLOWFINAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FLOWFINAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • FLOWFINAL_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • FLOWFINAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FLOWFINAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FLOWFINAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • FORK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • FORK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • FORK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FORK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • FORK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FORK_ORIENTATION : Modify the Fork Pseudostate’s orientation.

    Possible values: HORIZONTAL VERTICAL

  • FORK_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • FORK_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • FORK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FORK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FORK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Fork/Join Node

  • FORKJOIN_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • FORKJOIN_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • FORKJOIN_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • FORKJOIN_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • FORKJOIN_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • FORKJOIN_ORIENTATION : Modify the Fork/Join Node’s Orientation.

    Possible values: HORIZONTAL VERTICAL

  • FORKJOIN_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • FORKJOIN_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • FORKJOIN_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • FORKJOIN_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • FORKJOIN_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Gap (ArchiMate)

  • GAP_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GAP_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GAP_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GAP_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GAP_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GAP_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GAP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GAP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GAP_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • GATE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GATE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GATE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GATE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GATE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GATE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GATE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • GATE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GATE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GATE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Gateway (BPMN)

  • GATEWAY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GATEWAY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GATEWAY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GATEWAY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GATEWAY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GATEWAY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GATEWAY_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • GATEWAY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GATEWAY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GATEWAY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • GENZ_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • GENZ_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • GENZ_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GENZ_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GENZ_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GENZ_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • GENZ_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • GENZ_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GENZ_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GENZ_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GENZ_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • GENERICLINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • GENERICLINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GENERICLINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GENERICLINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • GENERICLINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • GENERICLINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GENERICLINK_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • GENERICLINK_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • GENERICLINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GENERICLINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GENERICLINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Generic node

  • GENERICNODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GENERICNODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GENERICNODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GENERICNODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GENERICNODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GENERICNODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GENERICNODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GENERICNODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Goal (Analyst)

  • GOAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GOAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GOAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GOAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GOAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GOAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GOAL_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • GOAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GOAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GOAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Goal (ArchiMate)

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARCHIMATE_GOAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Goal Container (Analyst)

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GOAL_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • GOAL_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GOAL_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Graph nodes

  • IMPACT_NODE_BRANCH_FILLCOLOR : Define the fill color for standard nodes.

  • IMPACT_NODE_BRANCH_FILLMODE : Define the fill mode for standard nodes.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • IMPACT_NODE_BRANCH_FONT : Define the font for standard nodes.

  • IMPACT_NODE_BRANCH_LINECOLOR : Define the line color for standard nodes.

  • IMPACT_NODE_BRANCH_TEXTCOLOR : Define the text color for standard nodes.

  • IMPACT_NODE_LEAF_FILLCOLOR : Define the fill color for terminal nodes. A terminal node is a node that has no more impact link in the impact model.

  • IMPACT_NODE_LEAF_FILLMODE : Define the fill mode for terminal nodes. A terminal node is a node that has no more impact link in the impact model.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • IMPACT_NODE_LEAF_FONT : Define the font for terminal nodes. A terminal node is a node that has no more impact link in the impact model.

  • IMPACT_NODE_LEAF_LINECOLOR : Define the line color for terminal nodes. A terminal node is a node that has no more impact link in the impact model.

  • IMPACT_NODE_LEAF_TEXTCOLOR : Define the text color for terminal nodes. A terminal node is a node that has no more impact link in the impact model.

  • IMPACT_NODE_ROOT_FILLCOLOR : Define the fill color for root nodes. A root node is the start point of an impact graph displayed in the diagram.

  • IMPACT_NODE_ROOT_FILLMODE : Define the fill mode for root nodes. A root node is the start point of an impact graph displayed in the diagram.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • IMPACT_NODE_ROOT_FONT : Define the font for root nodes. A root node is the start point of an impact graph displayed in the diagram.

  • IMPACT_NODE_ROOT_LINECOLOR : Define the line color for root nodes. A root node is the start point of an impact graph displayed in the diagram.

  • IMPACT_NODE_ROOT_TEXTCOLOR : Define the text color for root nodes. A root node is the start point of an impact graph displayed in the diagram.

Grouping (ArchiMate)

  • GROUPING_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • GROUPING_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • GROUPING_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • GROUPING_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • GROUPING_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • GROUPING_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • GROUPING_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • GROUPING_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • GROUPING_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • NAMESPACEUSE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NAMESPACEUSE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NAMESPACEUSE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • NAMESPACEUSE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NAMESPACEUSE_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • NAMESPACEUSE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Impact graph layout

  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_CHILDREN_HGAP : Define the horizontal space between elements as a % of the node width. See node size option.

  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_CHILDREN_SORTING_MODE : Define the sorting mode for the impact elements.


  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_CHILDREN_TOP_ALIGN : Align children on top.

  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_CHILDREN_VGAP : Define the vertical space between elements as a % of the node height. See node size option.

  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_DOWNSTREAMDEPTH : Define the maximum downstream analysis depth.

  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_NODE_SIZE : Define the size of the nodes representing the impacted elements. Note that vertical and horizontal spacings depends on the node size.


  • IMPACT_DIAGRAM_UPSTREAMDEPTH : Define the maximum upstream analysis depth.

  • IMPACTLINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • IMPACTLINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • IMPACTLINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • IMPACTLINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • IMPACTLINK_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • IMPACTLINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Implementation Event (ArchiMate)

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • IMPLEMENTATIONEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Influence (ArchiMate)

  • INFLUENCE_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • INFLUENCE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • INFLUENCE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INFLUENCE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INFLUENCE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • INFLUENCE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • INFLUENCE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INFLUENCE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INFLUENCE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INFLUENCE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INFLUENCE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Information Flow

  • INFOFLOWLINK_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • INFOFLOWLINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • INFOFLOWLINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_SHOWFLOWARROW : Show or mask the Information Flow’s arrow.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INFOFLOWLINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Information Flow – Information Items

  • INFOFLOWLINK_ITEMS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_ITEMS_SHOWGROUP : Show or mask the Information Items.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_ITEMS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INFOFLOWLINK_ITEMS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • INFOFLOWLINK_ITEMS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

Information Item

  • INFOITEM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INFOITEM_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INFOITEM_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INFOITEM_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INFOITEM_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INFOITEM_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INFOITEM_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INFOITEM_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INFOITEM_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INFOITEM_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Information flows

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • COMMUNICATIONCHANNEL_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

Initial Node

  • INITIAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INITIAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INITIAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INITIAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INITIAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INITIAL_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INITIAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INITIAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INITIAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Initial State

  • INITIALSTATE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INITIALSTATE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INITIALSTATE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INITIALSTATE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INITIALSTATE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INITIALSTATE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INITIALSTATE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INITIALSTATE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INITIALSTATE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Input Pin

  • INPUTPIN_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INPUTPIN_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INPUTPIN_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INPUTPIN_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INPUTPIN_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INPUTPIN_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INPUTPIN_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INPUTPIN_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INPUTPIN_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INPUTPIN_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • INSTANCE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INSTANCE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INSTANCE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INSTANCE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INSTANCE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INSTANCE_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INSTANCE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INSTANCE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INSTANCE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INSTANCE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Instance – Internal structure

  • INSTANCE_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • INSTANCE_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • INSTANCE_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • INSTANCE_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INSTANCE_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • INSTANCE_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Instance – Slots

  • INSTANCE_SLOT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Attributes font.

  • INSTANCE_SLOT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attribute Links.

  • INSTANCE_SLOT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INSTANCE_SLOT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • INSTANCE_SLOT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Attributes font color.

  • INSTANCELINK_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • INSTANCELINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • INSTANCELINK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INSTANCELINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INSTANCELINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INSTANCELINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • INSTANCELINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • INSTANCELINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the cardinality of the element.

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the Connector’s Association navigability.

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the role labels present on the element.

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INSTANCELINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • INSTANCELINK_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • INSTANCELINK_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INSTANCELINK_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • INSTANCELINK_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • INSTANCELINK_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.


  • INTERACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INTERACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INTERACTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INTERACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INTERACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Interaction Operand

  • INTERACTIONOPERAND_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERACTIONOPERAND_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • INTERACTIONOPERAND_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Interaction Use

  • INTERACTIONUSE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERACTIONUSE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INTERACTIONUSE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERACTIONUSE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INTERACTIONUSE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INTERACTIONUSE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERACTIONUSE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERACTIONUSE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • INTERFACE_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • INTERFACE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERFACE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INTERFACE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • INTERFACE_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INTERFACE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INTERFACE_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • INTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERFACE_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • INTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Interface – Attributes

  • INTERFACE_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • INTERFACE_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACE_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • INTERFACE_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

Interface – Inner elements

  • INTERFACE_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • INTERFACE_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • INTERFACE_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • INTERFACE_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACE_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • INTERFACE_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • INTERFACE_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Interface – Internal structure

  • INTERFACE_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • INTERFACE_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • INTERFACE_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • INTERFACE_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACE_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • INTERFACE_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Interface – Operations

  • INTERFACE_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • INTERFACE_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • INTERFACE_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACE_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • INTERFACE_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • INTERFACE_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Interface Realization


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.



  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERFACEREALIZATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Intermediate Catch Event (BPMN)

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERMEDIATECATCHEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Intermediate Throw Event (BPMN)

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERMEDIATTHROWEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Internal Transition

  • INTERNALTRANSITION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • INTERNALTRANSITION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • INTERNALTRANSITION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • INTERNALTRANSITION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Interruptible Activity Region

  • INTERRUPTIBLE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • INTERRUPTIBLE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.


  • JOIN_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • JOIN_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • JOIN_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • JOIN_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • JOIN_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • JOIN_ORIENTATION : Modify the Join Pseudostate’s orientation.

    Possible values: HORIZONTAL VERTICAL

  • JOIN_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • JOIN_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • JOIN_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • JOIN_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • JOIN_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • JUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • JUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • JUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • JUNCTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • JUNCTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • JUNCTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • JUNCTION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • JUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • JUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • JUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

KPI (Analyst)

  • KPI_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • KPI_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • KPI_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • KPI_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • KPI_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • KPI_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • KPI_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • KPI_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • KPI_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • KPI_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

KPI Container (Analyst)

  • KPI_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • KPI_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • KPI_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • KPI_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • KPI_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • KPI_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Lane (BPMN)

  • BPMNLANE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNLANE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNLANE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNLANE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNLANE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNLANE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNLANE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNLANE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Layout assistant

  • LAYOUTASSISTANT_AVOIDBENDDPOINTS : Consider links bendpoint as nodes in the layout.

  • LAYOUTASSISTANT_ENABLED : Move nodes to prevent overlap when creating, moving, or resizing them.

  • LAYOUTASSISTANT_KEEP_DIST_ON_RESIZE : Maintain the original distance between nodes when resizing them.
    Use it to resize nodes without breaking the existing layout.

  • LAYOUTASSISTANT_MINDIST : Minimum distance to keep between nodes.
    Enter ‘-1’ to use the grid spacing value.


  • LIFELINE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • LIFELINE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • LIFELINE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • LIFELINE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • LIFELINE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • LIFELINE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • LIFELINE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • LIFELINE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • LIFELINE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • DRAWLINE_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius' properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • DRAWLINE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • DRAWLINE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DRAWLINE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • DRAWLINE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • DRAWLINE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

Line – Source decoration

  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_KIND : Modify the decoration type.


  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_SCALEX : Modify the decoration lenght.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_SOURCE_SCALEY : Modify the decoration height.

Line – Target decoration

  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_KIND : Modify the decoration type.


  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_SCALEX : Modify the decoration length.

  • DRAWLINEDECO_TARGET_SCALEY : Modify the decoration width.

Location (ArchiMate)

  • LOCATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • LOCATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • LOCATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • LOCATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • LOCATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • LOCATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • LOCATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • LOCATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • LOCATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Loop Node

  • LOOPNODE_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • LOOPNODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • LOOPNODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • LOOPNODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • LOOPNODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • LOOPNODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • LOOPNODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • LOOPNODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • LOOPNODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • LOOPNODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • MANIFESTATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • MANIFESTATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • MANIFESTATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • MANIFESTATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • MANIFESTATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • MANIFESTATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • MANIFESTATION_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • MANIFESTATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • MANIFESTATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • MANIFESTATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Material (ArchiMate)

  • MATERIAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • MATERIAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • MATERIAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • MATERIAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • MATERIAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • MATERIAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • MATERIAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • MATERIAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • MATERIAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Meaning (ArchiMate)

  • MEANING_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • MEANING_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • MEANING_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • MEANING_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • MEANING_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • MEANING_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • MEANING_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • MEANING_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • MEANING_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • MESSAGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • MESSAGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • MESSAGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • MESSAGE_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

  • MESSAGE_SHOWSEQUENCE : Show or mask the messages' sequence numbers.

  • MESSAGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • MESSAGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • MESSAGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Message (BPMN)

  • BPMNMESSAGE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNMESSAGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNMESSAGE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_SHOWREPRESENTED : Show represented element

  • BPMNMESSAGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNMESSAGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNMESSAGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Message – Information Flows

  • MESSAGE_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • MESSAGE_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • MESSAGE_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • MESSAGE_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

Message Flow (BPMN)

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_NAMEVISIBLE : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNMESSAGEFLOW_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • METHOLINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • METHOLINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • METHOLINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • METHOLINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • METHOLINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • METHOLINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • METHOLINK_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • METHOLINK_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • METHOLINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • METHOLINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • METHOLINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

N-ary Association

  • NASSOC_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • NASSOC_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • NASSOC_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • NASSOC_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • NASSOC_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NASSOC_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NASSOC_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • NASSOC_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • NASSOC_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NASSOC_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • NASSOC_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the cardinality of the element.

  • NASSOC_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • NASSOC_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the Association’s navigability.

  • NASSOC_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the role labels present on the element.

  • NASSOC_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NASSOC_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • NASSOC_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

N-ary Association – Information Flows

  • NASSOC_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • NASSOC_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NASSOC_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • NASSOC_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • NASSOC_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

N-ary Connector

  • NCONNECTOR_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • NCONNECTOR_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • NCONNECTOR_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • NCONNECTOR_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • NCONNECTOR_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NCONNECTOR_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NCONNECTOR_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • NCONNECTOR_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • NCONNECTOR_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NCONNECTOR_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the cardinality of the element.

  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the connector’s navigability.

  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the role labels present on the element.

  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • NCONNECTOR_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

N-ary Connector – Information Flows

  • NCONNECTOR_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • NCONNECTOR_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NCONNECTOR_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • NCONNECTOR_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • NCONNECTOR_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

  • NINSTANCELINK_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • NINSTANCELINK_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • NINSTANCELINK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • NINSTANCELINK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • NINSTANCELINK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NINSTANCELINK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NINSTANCELINK_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • NINSTANCELINK_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • NINSTANCELINK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NINSTANCELINK_REPRES_MODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWCARD : Show or mask the cardinality of the element.

  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWNAVIGABILITY : Show or mask the Connector’s Association navigability.

  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWROLES : Show or mask the role labels present on the element.

  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • NINSTANCELINK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • NINSTANCELINK_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • NINSTANCELINK_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NINSTANCELINK_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • NINSTANCELINK_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • NINSTANCELINK_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.


  • NODE_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • NODE_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NODE_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • NODE_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • NODE_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • NODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • NODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • NODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NODE_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • NODE_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • NODE_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • NODE_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NODE_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • NODE_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • NODE_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

  • NODE_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • NODE_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • NODE_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • NODE_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NODE_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • NODE_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

  • NODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NODE_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • NODE_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • NODE_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NODE_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • NODE_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • NODE_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

  • NODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • NODE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • NODE_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • NODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • NODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • NODE_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • NODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Node (ArchiMate)

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARCHIMATE_NODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • NOTE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • NOTE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • NOTE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • NOTE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • NOTE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • NOTE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • NOTE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Object Flow

  • OBJECTFLOW_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • OBJECTFLOW_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • OBJECTFLOW_GUARDVISIBLE : Show or mask the Object Flows guard.

  • OBJECTFLOW_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • OBJECTFLOW_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • OBJECTFLOW_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • OBJECTFLOW_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • OBJECTFLOW_NAMEVISIBLE : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • OBJECTFLOW_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • OBJECTFLOW_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • OBJECTFLOW_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • OBJECTFLOW_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • OBJECTFLOW_WEIGHTVISIBLE : Show or mask the Object Flow’s weight.

Object Flow – Information Flows

  • OBJECTFLOW_FLOWS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Information Flows/Items font.

  • OBJECTFLOW_FLOWS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the Information Flows/Items as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • OBJECTFLOW_FLOWS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the Information Flows/Items.

  • OBJECTFLOW_FLOWS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Information Flows/Items font color.

  • OBJECTFLOW_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Information Flows.

Object Node

  • OBJECTNODE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • OBJECTNODE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • OBJECTNODE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • OBJECTNODE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • OBJECTNODE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • OBJECTNODE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • OBJECTNODE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • OBJECTNODE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • OBJECTNODE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • OPERATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • OPERATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Or Junction (ArchiMate)

  • ORJUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ORJUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ORJUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ORJUNCTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • ORJUNCTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • ORJUNCTION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • ORJUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ORJUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ORJUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Outcome (ArchiMate)

  • OUTCOME_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • OUTCOME_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • OUTCOME_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • OUTCOME_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • OUTCOME_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • OUTCOME_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • OUTCOME_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • OUTCOME_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • OUTCOME_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Output Pin

  • OUTPUTPIN_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • OUTPUTPIN_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • OUTPUTPIN_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • OUTPUTPIN_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • OUTPUTPIN_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • OUTPUTPIN_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • OUTPUTPIN_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • OUTPUTPIN_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • OUTPUTPIN_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • OUTPUTPIN_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • PACKAGE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PACKAGE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PACKAGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PACKAGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PACKAGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PACKAGE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PACKAGE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • PACKAGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PACKAGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PACKAGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Package – Content

  • PACKAGE_CONTENTS : Show the inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • PACKAGE_INSTANCEUNMASKING : Automatically unmask Instances created with the UML explorer.

Package Import

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • PACKAGEIMPORT_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • PACKAGEIMPORT_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Package Import’s Information Flows.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • PACKAGEIMPORT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PACKAGEIMPORT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Package Merge

  • PACKAGEMERGE_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • PACKAGEMERGE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • PACKAGEMERGE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Package Merge’s Information Flows.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • PACKAGEMERGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PACKAGEMERGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PACKAGEMERGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Participant (BPMN)

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNPARTICIPANT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • PARTITION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PARTITION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PARTITION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PARTITION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PARTITION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PARTITION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PARTITION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PARTITION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Path (ArchiMate)

  • PATH_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PATH_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PATH_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PATH_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PATH_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PATH_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PATH_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PATH_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PATH_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Plateau (ArchiMate)

  • PLATEAU_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PLATEAU_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PLATEAU_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PLATEAU_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PLATEAU_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PLATEAU_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PLATEAU_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PLATEAU_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PLATEAU_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • PORT_FILL_COLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PORT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PORT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PORT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PORT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PORT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • PORT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PORT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PORT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Principle (ArchiMate)

  • PRINCIPLE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PRINCIPLE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PRINCIPLE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PRINCIPLE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PRINCIPLE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PRINCIPLE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PRINCIPLE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PRINCIPLE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PRINCIPLE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Product (ArchiMate)

  • PRODUCT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PRODUCT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • PRODUCT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PRODUCT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PRODUCT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • PRODUCT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • PRODUCT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PRODUCT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PRODUCT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Provided Interface

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode' property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • PROVIDEDINTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Realization (ArchiMate)

  • REALIZATION_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • REALIZATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • REALIZATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • REALIZATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • REALIZATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • REALIZATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • REALIZATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • REALIZATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • REALIZATION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • REALIZATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • REALIZATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • REALIZATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • RECTANGLE_FILLALPHA : Modify the element background alpha (0-225)

  • RECTANGLE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • RECTANGLE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • RECTANGLE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • RECTANGLE_HALIGN : Modify the element’s label horizontal positioning.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • RECTANGLE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • RECTANGLE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • RECTANGLE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • RECTANGLE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • RECTANGLE_TEXTALIGN : Modify the element’s label alignment.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • RECTANGLE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

  • RECTANGLE_VALIGN : Modify the element’s label vertical positioning.

    Possible values: Top Center ** Bottom


  • REGION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • REGION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

Representation (ArchiMate)

  • REPRESENTATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • REPRESENTATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • REPRESENTATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • REPRESENTATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • REPRESENTATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • REPRESENTATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • REPRESENTATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • REPRESENTATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • REPRESENTATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Required Interface

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • REQUIREDINTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Requirement (Analyst)

  • REQUIREMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • REQUIREMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • REQUIREMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • REQUIREMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • REQUIREMENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • REQUIREMENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • REQUIREMENT_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • REQUIREMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • REQUIREMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • REQUIREMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Requirement (ArchiMate)

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • ARCHIMATE_REQUIREMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Requirement Container (Analyst)

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • REQUIREMENT_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Resource (ArchiMate)

  • RESOURCE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • RESOURCE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • RESOURCE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • RESOURCE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • RESOURCE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • RESOURCE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • RESOURCE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • RESOURCE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • RESOURCE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Rich Note

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • EXTERNDOCUMENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Risk (Analyst)

  • RISK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • RISK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • RISK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • RISK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • RISK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • RISK_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • RISK_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • RISK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • RISK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • RISK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Risk Container (Analyst)

  • RISK_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • RISK_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • RISK_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • RISK_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • RISK_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • RISK_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Send Signal Action

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • SENDSIGNALACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SENDSIGNALACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SENDSIGNALACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Sequence Flow (BPMN)

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_GUARDVISIBLE : Show or mask the Sequence Flow’s guard.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOW_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Sequence Flow Data Association (BPMN)

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOWDATAASSOCIATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOWDATAASSOCIATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.







    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOWDATAASSOCIATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • BPMNSEQUENCEFLOWDATAASSOCIATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.


Serving (ArchiMate)

  • SERVING_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • SERVING_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • SERVING_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SERVING_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SERVING_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • SERVING_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • SERVING_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SERVING_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • SERVING_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SERVING_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SERVING_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Shallow History

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SHALLOWHISTORY_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SHALLOWHISTORY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • SIGNAL_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • SIGNAL_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SIGNAL_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SIGNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SIGNAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SIGNAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SIGNAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SIGNAL_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • SIGNAL_SHOWPORTS : Automatically unmask Ports created with the UML explorer.

  • SIGNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SIGNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SIGNAL_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • SIGNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Signal – Attributes

  • SIGNAL_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • SIGNAL_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SIGNAL_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • SIGNAL_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private

      ~ package

Signal – Inner elements

  • SIGNAL_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • SIGNAL_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • SIGNAL_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • SIGNAL_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SIGNAL_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • SIGNAL_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • SIGNAL_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Signal – Internal structure

  • SIGNAL_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • SIGNAL_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • SIGNAL_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • SIGNAL_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SIGNAL_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • SIGNAL_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Signal – Operations

  • SIGNAL_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • SIGNAL_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • SIGNAL_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SIGNAL_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • SIGNAL_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • SIGNAL_OP_WRAPLABEL : Wrap the element’s label if it does not fit horizontally.

Specialization (ArchiMate)


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • SPECIALIZATION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • SPECIALIZATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SPECIALIZATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SPECIALIZATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SPECIALIZATION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • SPECIALIZATION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • SPECIALIZATION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SPECIALIZATION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • SPECIALIZATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SPECIALIZATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SPECIALIZATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Stakeholder (ArchiMate)

  • STAKEHOLDER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STAKEHOLDER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STAKEHOLDER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STAKEHOLDER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • STAKEHOLDER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • STAKEHOLDER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • STAKEHOLDER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • STAKEHOLDER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • STAKEHOLDER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Start Event (BPMN)

  • STARTEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STARTEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STARTEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STARTEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • STARTEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • STARTEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • STARTEVENT_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • STARTEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • STARTEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • STARTEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • STATE_AUTOSHOWPOINTS : Automatically unmask EntryPoints, ExitPoints and ConnectionPointReferences created with the UML explorer.

  • STATE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STATE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STATE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STATE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • STATE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • STATE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • STATE_SHOWINNER : Show or mask the inner states.

  • STATE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • STATE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • STATE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

State Invariant

  • STATEINVARIANT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STATEINVARIANT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STATEINVARIANT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STATEINVARIANT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • STATEINVARIANT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • STATEINVARIANT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

State Machine

  • STATEMACHINE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STATEMACHINE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STATEMACHINE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STATEMACHINE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • STATEMACHINE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • STATEMACHINE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • STATEMACHINE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • STATEMACHINE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • STATEMACHINE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Structured Activity Node

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • STRUCTUREDACTIVITY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Sub-Process (BPMN)

  • CALLACTIVITY_SHOWREPRESENTED : Show or mask the element represented by the Call Activity.

  • SUBPROCESS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SUBPROCESS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SUBPROCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SUBPROCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SUBPROCESS_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SUBPROCESS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SUBPROCESS_SHOWCONTENT : Show or mask the Sub-Process content.

  • SUBPROCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SUBPROCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SUBPROCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • SUBSTITUTION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • SUBSTITUTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SUBSTITUTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SUBSTITUTION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • SUBSTITUTION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • SUBSTITUTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SUBSTITUTION_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • SUBSTITUTION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • SUBSTITUTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SUBSTITUTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SUBSTITUTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

System Boundary

  • SYSTEM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SYSTEM_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SYSTEM_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SYSTEM_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SYSTEM_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SYSTEM_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SYSTEM_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SYSTEM_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SYSTEM_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

System Software (ArchiMate)

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • SYSTEMSOFTWARE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Task (BPMN)

  • TASK_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TASK_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TASK_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TASK_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TASK_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TASK_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TASK_SHOWREPRESENTED : Show or mask the element represented by the Task.

  • TASK_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TASK_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TASK_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Collaboration (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYCOLLABORATION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Event (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Function (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYFUNCTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Interaction (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERACTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Interface (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYINTERFACE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Process (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYPROCESS_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Technology Service (ArchiMate)

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.


  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TECHNOLOGYSERVICE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Template Binding


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • TEMPLATEBINDING_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • TEMPLATEBINDING_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • TEMPLATEBINDING_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TEMPLATEBINDING_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Term (Analyst)

  • TERM_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TERM_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TERM_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TERM_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TERM_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TERM_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TERM_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • TERM_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TERM_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TERM_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Terminate State

  • TERMINAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TERMINAL_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TERMINAL_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TERMINAL_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TERMINAL_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • TERMINAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TERMINAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TERMINAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Test (Analyst)

  • TEST_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TEST_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TEST_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TEST_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TEST_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TEST_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TEST_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • TEST_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TEST_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TEST_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Test Container (Analyst)

  • TEST_CONTAINER_AUTOSHOWCONTENTS : Automatically unmask inner elements created in the model browser.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TEST_CONTAINER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TEST_CONTAINER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • TEST_CONTAINER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TEST_CONTAINER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TEST_CONTAINER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • DRAWTEXT_ALIGNMENT : Modify the element alignment.

    Possible values: Left Center ** Right

  • DRAWTEXT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • DRAWTEXT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_SHOWFLOWS : Show or mask the Throw Link’s Information Flows.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • RAISEDEXCEPTION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Time Event

  • TIMEEVENT_AUTOSHOWPINS : Automatically unmask Pins created with the UML explorer.

  • TIMEEVENT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • TIMEEVENT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • TIMEEVENT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TIMEEVENT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TIMEEVENT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TIMEEVENT_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • TIMEEVENT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TIMEEVENT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TIMEEVENT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • TRANSITION_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • TRANSITION_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TRANSITION_GUARDVISIBLE : Show or mask the Transition’s guard.

  • TRANSITION_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TRANSITION_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • TRANSITION_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • TRANSITION_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TRANSITION_POSTCONDITIONVISIBLE : Show or mask the Transition’s post condition.

  • TRANSITION_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • TRANSITION_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • TRANSITION_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TRANSITION_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TRANSITION_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Triggering (ArchiMate)

  • TRIGGERING_CONNECTIONROUTER : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • TRIGGERING_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • TRIGGERING_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • TRIGGERING_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • TRIGGERING_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • TRIGGERING_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • TRIGGERING_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • TRIGGERING_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • TRIGGERING_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • TRIGGERING_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • TRIGGERING_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.


  • USAGE_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • USAGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • USAGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • USAGE_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • USAGE_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.

  • USAGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • USAGE_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • USAGE_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • USAGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USAGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • USAGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Use Case

  • USECASE_FEATURES : Show the Attributes, Operations and inner elements in function of their visibility:

    • All: show all elements

    • All public: show only the public elements

    • All non-Private: mask the private elements

    • Manual : show or mask the elements individually

      Possible values:

    • ALL



    • MANUAL

  • USECASE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • USECASE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • USECASE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • USECASE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • USECASE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • USECASE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • USECASE_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • USECASE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • USECASE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Use Case – Attributes

  • USECASE_ATT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Attributes font.

  • USECASE_ATT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Attributes.

  • USECASE_ATT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Attributes as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_ATT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Attributes.

  • USECASE_ATT_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Attributes visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • USECASE_ATT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Attributes font color.

Use Case – Extension Points

  • USECASE_EXTENSIONPOINT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Extension Points' font.

  • USECASE_EXTENSIONPOINT_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Extension Points.

  • USECASE_EXTENSIONPOINT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Extension Points as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_EXTENSIONPOINT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Extension Points.

  • USECASE_EXTENSIONPOINT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Extension Points font color.

Use Case – Inner elements

  • USECASE_INNERVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the inner elements (Classes, Interfaces, Enumerations…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • USECASE_INNER_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the inner elements font.

  • USECASE_INNER_SHOWNAME : Mask (Hidden) or show the element’s name:

    • in its minimal form (Simple)

    • with the names of its direct parent as a prefix (Qualified)

    • with the names of all its parents elements as a prefix (Fully qualified)

      Possible values:

    • NONE

    • SIMPLE



  • USECASE_INNER_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the inner elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_INNER_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the inner elements.

  • USECASE_INNER_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the element’s visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • USECASE_INNER_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the inner elements font color.

Use Case – Internal structure

  • USECASE_INTERNALSVIEWMODE : Mask (Hidden) or show the internal structure elements (Instances, Parts, Roles…) in textual (List) or graphical mode (Diagram).

    Possible values: NONE LIST ** DIAGRAM

  • USECASE_INTERNAL_AUTOUNMASK : Automatically unmask internal structure elements created with the UML explorer.

  • USECASE_INTERNAL_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the internal structure elements font.

  • USECASE_INTERNAL_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes present on the internal structure elements as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_INTERNAL_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the internal structure elements.

  • USECASE_INTERNAL_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the internal structure elements font color.

Use Case – Operations

  • USECASE_OP_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the Operations font.

  • USECASE_OP_GROUPVISIBLE : Show or mask the Operations.

  • USECASE_OP_SHOWSIGNATURE : Show or mask the Operations parameters.

  • USECASE_OP_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the Operations as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASE_OP_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask tagged values present on the Operations

  • USECASE_OP_SHOWVISIBILITY : Show or mask the Operations visibility:

    • public
      # protected

    • private
      ~ package

  • USECASE_OP_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the Operations font color.

Use Case Dependency

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_DRAWLINEBRIDGES : Draw bridges when links cross themselves.

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_LINEPATTERN : Modify the link pattern.


  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_LINERADIUS : Modify link corner radius.


  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_ROUTINGMODE : Modify line path style:

    • Direct: draw a straight line

    • Bendpoint: draw a polyline

    • Orthogonal: draw a right angle line (the angles can be curved by using the ‘Line corner radius’ properties)

    • Rake: connect converging links in a rake form

      Possible values:

    • DIRECT



  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • USECASEDEPENDENCY_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Value (ArchiMate)

  • VALUE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • VALUE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • VALUE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • VALUE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • VALUE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • VALUE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • VALUE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • VALUE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • VALUE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Value Pin

  • VALUEPIN_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • VALUEPIN_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • VALUEPIN_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • VALUEPIN_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • VALUEPIN_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • VALUEPIN_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • VALUEPIN_SHOWLABEL : Show or mask the element’s label.

  • VALUEPIN_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • VALUEPIN_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • VALUEPIN_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

View Point (ArchiMate)

  • VIEWPOINT_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • VIEWPOINT_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • VIEWPOINT_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • VIEWPOINT_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • VIEWPOINT_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • VIEWPOINT_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • VIEWPOINT_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • VIEWPOINT_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

Work Package (ArchiMate)

  • WORKPACKAGE_FILLCOLOR : Modify the element’s background color.

  • WORKPACKAGE_FILLMODE : Modify the element’s fill mode.

    Possible values: TRANSPARENT SOLID ** GRADIENT

  • WORKPACKAGE_FONT : Modify the type, the style and the size of the element’s font.

  • WORKPACKAGE_LINECOLOR : Modify the link font color.

  • WORKPACKAGE_LINEWIDTH : Modify link width.

  • WORKPACKAGE_REPMODE : Modify element representation:

    • Simple: minimal representation of the element

    • Structured: complete representation of the element

    • Image: representation as the image associated to the stereotypes present on the element

      Possible values:

    • SIMPLE


    • IMAGE


  • WORKPACKAGE_SHOWSTEREOTYPES : Mask (Hidden) or show the stereotypes presents on the element as icon (Icon), text (Text) or both (Text + icon).
    To show the stereotypes as image, you must use the ‘Representation mode’ property.

    Possible values: NONE ICON TEXT TEXTICON

  • WORKPACKAGE_SHOWTAGS : Show or mask the tagged values present on the element.

  • WORKPACKAGE_TEXTCOLOR : Modify the element’s font color.

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