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Modeler _modeler_building_models_add_notes

Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision

Adding notes/constraints to elements

There are two ways to add notes or constraints to elements:

  • Using the “Create a note” or “Create a constraint” button in the diagram palette.

  • Using the Properties or Notes & constraints view on the concerned element.


Adding a note to a class in the “Notes & constraints” view


  1. Select the element you want to add a note to.

  2. In the “Notes & constraints” view, click on the “Add a note” icon.

  3. In the “Add note(s)” window, select the type of note(s) you want to add and click OK.

  4. The new note then appears, and you can enter its contents in the dedicated zone.

HTML editor for Description notes


Description Notes can be edited in HTML


  1. Select the MIME type of the note.

  2. Use the HTML editor.

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