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Modeler _modeler_interface_edition_view

Antonin Abhervé edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 1 revision

The diagrams edition view


The diagram edition view


  • 1. Name of the diagram.

  • 2. Diagram palette.

  • 3. Extended palette icon group.

  • 4. Reduced palette icon group.

  • 5. Diagram toolbar.

  • 6. Reduced Symbol view.

Main diagram edition view commands

From the diagram palette:

  • Create element [Palette icon of your choice] : Creates the element corresponding to the selected palette icon in the diagram.

From the diagram toolbar:

  • Mask [17] : Masks the selected element(s).

  • Show/Hide grid [4] : Shows or hides the grid in the diagram, making it easier to align elements.

  • Clone graphic options [5] : Clones the graphic options defined for a selected element in order to apply them to another element in the diagram.

  • Align elements [6] : Alignment tools, in which you can choose how you want to align selected elements.

  • Auto size [7] : Automatically resizes the selected element(s).

  • Copy the diagram as a graphic [8] : Copies the contents of the diagram to the clipboard.

  • Save the diagram in a file [9] : Opens the “Save as” window, in which you can configure the saving of your diagram in a file.

  • Print the diagram [10] : Prints the content of the diagram.

  • Zoom out [11] : Zooms out.

  • Zoom to 1:1 [12] : Switches to 1:1 scale.

  • Zoom in [13] : Zooms in.

From the diagram contextual menu:

  • Create element [14 – Create element] : Creates the element of your choice in the selected element.

  • Add stereotype(s) on an element [15 – Add stereotype(s)…] : Adds one or several stereotypes to the selected element.

  • Rename [20 – Rename / F2 key] : Edits the selected element name.

  • Select in explorer [16 – Select in explorer / Ctrl-Enter key] : Selects the element in the “Model” view.

  • Edit element… [21 – Edit element…] : Open the edition box of the selected element.

  • Mask an element [17 – Mask selection / Ctrl-M key] : Masks the element(s).

  • Delete an element [18 – Delete selection / Del key] : Deletes the selected element(s).

  • Unmask [Unmask] : Unmasks the element(s) of your choice.

Note: For more information, see “Creating elements in a diagram” and more generally the “Modelio diagrams” chapter.

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