

(ˌæpənˌdɪkjʊˈlɛərɪən) zoology
of or relating to a family of molluscs (Appendicularia) characterized by their long tail appendages
a member of this family of molluscs
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Copepodid stages and adults of the shallow- and deep-water species of the Oncaeidae (e.g., Oncaea Philippi, 1843 and Triconia Bottger-Schnack, 1999) are associated with appendicularian houses, in particular discarded ones, on which phyto- and zooplankters still remain and are consumed by the copepods (Alldredge 1972; Ohtsuka and Kubo 1991; Ohtsuka et al.
On the southern Gulf of Mexico, it can represent up to 49 % of appendicularian abundance (Flores-Coto, San Vicente-Anorve, & Sanchez-Ramirez, 2010).
The fate of discarded appendicularian houses: degradation by the copepod, Microsetella norvegica, and other agents.
Here we use fluorescence confocal microscopy and BrdU labeling to provide the first quantitative analysis of appendicularian notochord development and growth, including cell numbers and morphologies at different developmental stages.
Here we test the hypothesis that age of a specific developmental stage in the urochordate appendicularian Oikopleura dioica Fol, 1872, can be predicted from the number of endostyle cells and temperature, thus serving as such a reference system.
Such differences resulted from the disparity between copepod and appendicularian abundances.
The cultivation of an appendicularian through numerous generations.
Discarded appendicularian houses as sources of food, surface habits, and particulate matter in planktonic environments.
The remaining 5% of the zooplankton community was composed of cladocerans, ostracods, doliolids, polychaete larvae, medusae, fish eggs, ctenophores, salps, cephalopod paralarvae, bivalves, isopods, appendicularians, pyrosomes, mysiids, heteropods and echinoderms larvae, stomatopods and cirripeds.