* + - Slavina
appendiculata + - Slavina evelinae * + - Slavina isochaeta * + - Nais + - Nais communis + + Nais variabilis + + Nais pseudobtusa * + - Tubificidae n.i.
MALVACEAE (12/23) Apeiba membranacea (T), Ceiba pentandra (T)*, Goethalsia meiantha, Hampea
appendiculata (TH)*, Heliocarpus appendiculatus *, Herrania purpurea, Luehea seemannii*, Malvaviscus concinnus (T)*, Melochia melissifolia, Ochroma pyramidale (T), Pachira aquatica, Pavonia schiedeana, Quararibea bracteolosa (T), Q.
pronotum tegmen Agennis parallelinervis * 4.8 29 B.v.W., 1891 Anchispora
appendiculata * 6.2 46 B.v.W., 1891 Arantia (Arantia) dentata * 7.5 48 Saussure, 1899 Arantia (Euarantia) mauritiana * 8.5 60 Saussure, 1899 (a) Cosmozoma coelebs Carl, 1914 * 9 62 1889 Cosmozoma doenitzi Karsch, * 6 37 Cosmozoma sikorae B.v.W., 1891 * 5 30 Cosmozoma vespertilio Carl, * 10 65 1914 Cosmozoma voluptaria B.v.W., * 8.2 43 1891 Eucatopta heringi Karsch, 1889 * 3.5 12.5 Eurycorypha brevipennis * 5 21 Karsch, 1889 Eurycorypha brunneri Brancsik, * 5.5 35 1893 Eurycorypha cereris (Stal, * 5 28 1857) Eurycorypha prasinata Stal, * * 5 30 1874 Holochlora biloba Stal, 1874 * *?
We further test whether our results would change when six rare species of our dataset (that were formerly common but with most of their populations recently decreased) were considered, instead, as common ones (e.g., three Calanthe species, Cremastra
appendiculata var.
Life history of Dulichiella
appendiculata (Amphipoda, Senticaudata, Melitidae) in the Maryland Coastal Bays, USA.
Two clarifications are required in regard to the floristic content compiled by Oberdorfer (1960): 1) When Oberdorfer chose the asso ciation name he did not select either of the two Caltha species occurring in this community, namely Caltha
appendiculata and C.
The creatures have since been identified as Macroplea
appendiculata - nicknamed Chandler and Kilvy in honour of the schools involved in their discovery.
The first instar larva of Aulacoscelis
appendiculata n.
Debido a que no fue posible encontrar material de herbario original de Aristolochia
appendiculata y A.
kaupi; the otodontid Cretolamna
appendiculata, the serratolamnid Serratolamna serrata; the odontaspidids Carcharias heathi, Carcharias aff.