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(German apənˈtsɛl; ˈapəntsɛl)
1. (Placename) a canton of NE Switzerland, divided in 1597 into the Protestant demicanton of Appenzell Outer Rhodes and the Catholic demicanton of Appenzell Inner Rhodes. Capitals: Herisau and Appenzell, respectively. Pop: 53 200 and Pop: 15 000 (2002 est) respectively. Areas: 243 sq km (94 sq miles) and 171 sq km (66 sq miles) respectively
2. (Placename) a town in NE Switzerland, capital of Appenzell Inner Rhodes demicanton. Pop: 5447 (2000)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(Ger. ˈɑ pənˌtsɛl)

a canton in NE Switzerland, divided into two independent areas.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This year's gathering of Swissmem members at Appenzell in the summer season was a perfect break before the ITMA takes off in September 2011.
The 67-year-old from Appenzell canton joined the Federal Council (Swiss coalition Cabinet) in January 2004.
There were only a few people who disagreed when citizens of Appenzell Inner Rhodes, a region regarded as a favourite among nude hikers, voted to impose a 200 Swiss franc fine on violators.
The cantons of Uri, Obwaldwen, Schaffhausen, Basel-Landschaft and Solothurn -- as well as French-speaking Neuchatel -- forbid dancing on Good Friday while the puritans of Appenzell Innerrhoden ban it during the whole of Holy Week.
The beer's original label depicted a harvest scene with a character sitting under a tree smoking a distinctive, traditional Appenzell pipe.
GRAND TOUR OF SWITZERLAND: Cosmos Tourama (0870 264 6012) offers seven night tour from Aug 5 for pounds 714, incl seven breakfasts, three dinners, and tour director via Bernina Express glacier train, Appenzell, Vauduz, Gruyere, Interlaken, and Lakes Como and Geneva.
Gallen and Appenzell, Switzerland, Signer's birthplace).
This has as the effect, for instance, that in a constitutional referendum, the vote of a citizen of the half-canton of Appenzell (which counts only as a half-cantonal vote) has a value 37 times higher than the vote of a citizen of the most populated canton, Zurich.
For those looking to hydrate with a non-alcoholic beverage, enjoy yourself an Appenzell Flauder from the beverage section of any local market.