Eternal City

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Eternal City

(Placename) the Eternal City Rome
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Noun1.Eternal City - capital and largest city of ItalyEternal City - capital and largest city of Italy; on the Tiber; seat of the Roman Catholic Church; formerly the capital of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire
lustrum - a ceremonial purification of the Roman population every five years following the census
catacomb - an underground tunnel with recesses where bodies were buried (as in ancient Rome)
circus - (antiquity) an open-air stadium for chariot races and gladiatorial games
Amphitheatrum Flavium, Colosseum - a large amphitheater in Rome whose construction was begun by Vespasian about AD 75 or 80
pantheon - (antiquity) a temple to all the gods
Sistine Chapel - the private chapel of the popes in Rome; it was built by and named after Sixtus IV in 1473
toga virilis - (ancient Rome) a toga worn by a youth as a symbol of manhood and citizenship
Seven Hills of Rome - the hills on which the ancient city of Rome was built
Italia, Italian Republic, Italy - a republic in southern Europe on the Italian Peninsula; was the core of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD
Lateran - the site in Rome containing the church of Rome and the Lateran Palace
Holy See, State of the Vatican City, The Holy See - the smallest sovereign state in the world; the see of the Pope (as the Bishop of Rome); home of the Pope and the central administration of the Roman Catholic Church; achieved independence from Italy in 1929
Bacchus - (classical mythology) god of wine; equivalent of Dionysus
Roman - a resident of modern Rome
augur, auspex - (ancient Rome) a religious official who interpreted omens to guide public policy
centurion - (ancient Rome) the leader of 100 soldiers
gladiator - (ancient Rome) a professional combatant or a captive who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat
pontifex - a member of the highest council of priests in ancient Rome
procurator - (ancient Rome) someone employed by the Roman Emperor to manage finance and taxes
sibyl - (ancient Rome) a woman who was regarded as an oracle or prophet
tribune - (ancient Rome) an official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests
Romanic, Roman - of or relating to or derived from Rome (especially ancient Rome); "Roman architecture"; "the old Roman wall"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
John Lateran, the Campagna, the Appian Way, the Seven Hills, the Baths of Caracalla, the Claudian Aqueduct, the Cloaca Maxima--the eternal bore designed the Eternal City, and unless all men and books do lie, he painted every thing in it!
This kind of answer given in a measured official tone, as of a clergyman reading according to the rubric, did not help to justify the glories of the Eternal City, or to give her the hope that if she knew more about them the world would be joyously illuminated for her.
The Emperor had ceased to dwell in Rome when the Eternal City fell into the hands of barbarians.
The handles of the litter were supported by four men, who were from time to time relieved by fresh relays, -- even as the bearers of Mother Cybele used to take turn and turn about at Rome in the ancient days, when she was brought from Etruria to the Eternal City, amid the blare of trumpets and the worship of a whole nation.
He set out, and on the Saturday evening reached the Eternal City by the mail-coach.
Miss Bordereau sailed with her family on a tossing brig, in the days of long voyages and sharp differences; she had her emotions on the top of yellow diligences, passed the night at inns where she dreamed of travelers' tales, and was struck, on reaching the Eternal City, with the elegance of Roman pearls and scarfs.
They received an early visit from Mrs Merdle, who led that extensive department of life in the Eternal City that winter; and the skilful manner in which she and Fanny fenced with one another on the occasion, almost made her quiet sister wink, like the glittering of small-swords.
ESCAPE TO THE ETERNAL CITY THIS summer sees the arrival of NH Collection Fori Imperiali in Rome, joining the NH Hotel Group's other five properties in the Italian capital.
Set within a splendid palazzo, the 42-room boutique hotel, decorated in 19th-century style, a stone's throw from some of the Eternal City's most famous sites.
VEL TRA NEWSLATEST TRAVEL ADVICE, OFFERS AND NEWS ESCAPE TO THE ETERNAL CITY THIS summer sees the arrival of NH Collection Fori Imperiali in Rome, joining the NH Hotel Group's other five properties already open in the Italian capital.
Historians and art historians explore early modern Rome from the perspectives of governing the city and international politics; living in the city and Campagna; mapping, planning, building, and display; and intellectual life in the Eternal City. Among specific topics are diplomatic culture in early modern Rome, Romanus and Catholicus: Counter-Reformation Rome as Caput Mundi, Roma theatrum mundi: festivals and processions in the Ritual City, Roman church architecture: the early modern facade, and printers and publishes in early modern Rome.
Detroit Is No Dry Bones: The Eternal City of the Industrial Age