As with large manufacturers YOFC, Hengtong Optic-electric, Futong Group and Corning (Hainan) Optical Communication, in 2019 other main optical fiber preform suppliers in China, like Jiangsu
Etern, Tianjin Futong Xinmao Science & Technology, Hangzhou Cable, STL-Sterlite Technologies and Hebei Far East Communication System Engineering (HBFEC), also have deployed optical fiber preform projects.
cious w wise
etern Span "We will be eternally grateful to the mystery Spanish gent who gave her a chance of life and the opportunity to have 14 more months," they wrote on her website after her death.
(WAPDA) Monday signed the contract equivalent to $ 25 million with M/s
ETERN CCCE HEI, a consortium of three Chinese Companies, for up-gradation of the existing Switchyard of Tarbela Hydel Power Station for dispersal of electricity from Tarbela Hydel Power Station after completion of the 1410 MW Tarbela 4th Extension Hydropower Project.
Lahore -- Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) signed the contract costing to US$ 25 million with
Etern - CCCE - Hei, a consortium of three Chinese Companies, for up-gradation of the existing Switchyard of Tarbela Hydel Power Station for dispersal of electricity from Tarbela Hydel Power Station after completion of the 1410 MW - Tarbela 4th Extension Hydropower Project.
European Tropical Forest Research Network (
ETERN) News issue 52, December 2010.
ETERN Willo will b Bleak Chr raunc storie Bu straig anno can't big la But will Amanda, right, be able to keep a straight face when she has to, as Holly did once, announce, "Next we meet a woman who wear trousers because her vagina's so big" or "up next, the man with the world's largest penis"?
NOICA, Constantin, Ce e
etern si ce e istorie in cultura romaneasca, in volumul Istoricitate si eternitate, Editura Capricorn, Bucuresti, 1989
He first asks, 'Is not that the noblyst thyng in dede / That of all other thyngis hath lest nede, / As God which reynith
etern in blysse?
Iata cateva mostre de critica, de extractie paradoxista, fara doar si poate: "Taioasa, ca o razbunare de critic literar, poezia lui Florentin Smarandache te tine incordat la maxim gorki (.) Impur si simplu, Florentin Smarandache este un Caragiale reciclat la limba de briceag a paradoxului iesit din matca, asemenea Nilului, primavara" (Un binom inteligent); "Starea paradisiaca a non-jocului ii permite poetului sa lase razboiul in pace, sa cada din pat in absurd si, alergic la alergie, din obisnuinta neobisnuintei, isi pune singur bete-n roate"(Revolutie
etern revoluta); "Volumul Distihuri paradoxiste este o farmacie de pastile inteligente, oferite gratis celor dornici de nemurirea din spatele banalului" (Minuni duale).