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(Philosophy) philosophy a person who believes in the eternal existence of matter or the world
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Thomas speculatively suggests (if hesitantly) that contemporary antirealist eternalist views have their roots in the early modern debates about absolutism.
ETERNALIST won with plenty in hand on her latest visit to Musselburgh and can follow up on her return to the Scottish track.
| Eternalist trainer Jim Goldie, pictured here left of Euchen Glen
<B Trainer Jim Goldie has high hopes for Eternalist
The Uplawmoor handler can also claim the five-furlong handicap with ETERNALIST (3.25).
MUSSELBURGH: 2.20 Twilight, 2.50 Kilbarchan, 3.25 ETERNALIST (NAP), 3.55 Falcon's Fire, 4.30 Jacob Black, 5.00 Four Kingdoms, 5.35 Nora Batt.
Despite its eternalist leanings, Whitman's evocation of identity implies vital distinctiveness, a locus of singularity as well as of essential solitude.
Eternalist can employ her front-running style to good effect in the Lycetts Maiden Stakes.
They claim the Pali conception of the person involves a middle-way posit between nihilist (anatman: the negation of the existence of a self) and eternalist (atman: soul, conceived as eternal) extremes, and they conclude that Pali Buddhism "falls under the general rubric of compatibilism and 'soft' determinism" (289).
In part because the authors do not wish to prejudge any metaphysical disputes--in particular they do not want to take a stand on whether one ought to be a possibilist rather than an actualist, or an eternalist rather than a presentist--they scrupulously offer very careful explications of current actualist and possibilist modal semantics as well as eternalist and presentist tense semantics.