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Related to etatism: etatisme


a form of state socialism.
See also: Politics
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To do this, Ataturk developed the combination of his ideology and thought, framed by six principles: nationalism, republicanism, secularism, reformism, populism, and etatism. By employing these principles, he eventually set up a social engineering program to replace the traditional and religious formats of Turkish society.
Europeans still have and want a protective shield of welfare corseted in a degree of etatism. They are prepared to pay the price in taxation for good public schools, efficient and affordable medicine, clean and secure streets, functioning public transport systems, and all other things that contribute to a more inclusive if not necessarily egalitarian society.
(17) In Western and Russian scholarship, politarism is often referred to as "Asiatic mode of production" (Karl Marx), "patrimonial state" (Richard Pipes), "etatism" (Vadim Radaev and Ovsei Shkaratan), "redistributive economy" (Ol'ga Bessonova)," "state feudalism" (Leonid Milov), and so on.
(9) This is due in no small part to the fact that elements of the subtext in Lenin's ideas and rhetoric and its reception have not been taken into account: for example, his rough polemics and rhetoric of hatred; the fetishizing of the working class; (10) the self-righteousness that rested on the claim to be avant-garde; the camouflaged equation of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" with the de facto dictatorship of a party elite; the juxtaposition of anarchy, brutal disciplinary demands, and etatism; and, last but not least, the mystique of loyalty--the banning of factions and the "unity of the party." All this is inadequately illuminated, not to mention the battle for Lenin's legacy in the subsequent decades and in various countries.
Secularism, republicanism, nationalism, populism, reformism, and etatism composed the six pillars of Ataturk's Westernization theory (Kemalism) and regime.
It was as incompatible with etatism as was free trade.
(21.) See, among others, David Brandenberger, 'Proletarian Internationalism, 'Soviet Patriotism' and the Rise of Russocentric Etatism during the Stalinist 1930s', in Left History 6, 2, 2000, pp80-100.
Note that this is not simply a response to National Socialism (which, Foucault points out, was in any case the rule of a party not of a state) but to the far longer history of etatism in Germany--Weimar, World War I's planned economy, Bismarck, polizei, cameralism, and so forth.
Kemalism, is generally understood to comprise six major principles, namely: republicanism, nationalism, populism, etatism (i.e.