Human Resources Excellence in Research
On July 2015 ISGlobal received the 'HR Excellence in Research' logo from the European Commission. The logo identifies the institutions and organisations as providers and supporters of a stimulating and favorable working environment, and committed in developing an HR Strategy for Researchers, designed to bring the practices and procedures in line with the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code).
On 2005 the European Commission adopted the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers . These two documents describe the rights and responsibilities of both the researchers and their employers and contribute to the creation of a labour market that is transparent, attractive and open to the researchers at an international level, as well as turning research into an attractive professional career.
The Charter and Code was endorsed in 2013 by ISGlobal. Following this commitment, on 2014 we started designing a new Human Resources Strategy for Researchers according to the Charter and Code to make ISGlobal a more attractive workplace for researchers at all levels and setting the scenario towards the application for the "HR Excellence in Research" accreditation.
ISGlobal's Action Plan applies to all staff categories and includes actions with different scopes: from short-term and hands-on actions to important and long-term ones significant to the progress of ISGlobal.
The proposed actions have been grouped into four areas in alignment with the European Code and Charter: Ethical and Professional Aspects, Recruitment, Working Conditions and Social Security and Training and Career Development. A coordinator, timeframe and indicator have been defined for each action. All the actions included in ISGlobal's Action Plan reinforce the overall aims of our Human Resources Strategy which consist in providing a high-quality environment for our staff.
2015-2017 HRS4R Action Plan
ISGlobal's Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and its Action Plan have been designed with the purpose of implementing measures that all key players have expressed are important to them and have been broadly accepted through the internal analysis process. This analysis aimed to compare ISGlobal's practices against the Charter and Code principles. As a result, ISGlobal created an Action Plan which contains feasible measures with specific actions that we are sure will make a distinction in ISGlobal's future. The internal gap analysis and action plan were developed in an inclusive and open process involving an internal Working Group with representatives from all research professional categories.
>> Download the ISGlobal 2015-2017 Action Plan
2018-2020 HRS4R Action Plan
The new 2018-2020 Action Plan was designed with the coordination of HR and the support of HRS4R Working Group, composed of representatives from all categories at the institution. For the development of the renovated HRS4R Action Plan 2018-2020, we have take into account the Strategic Action Plan 2017-2020 of ISGlobal and the recommendations from the External Advisory Committee (EAC), from its visit on November 2017 (the External Advisory Committee met with the different collectives from the Institution).
The 2018-2020 Action Plan was presented and approved by the Direction Committee on November 2018.
This Action Plan includes those actions from the Action Plan 2015-2017 that have not been yet completed.
>> Download the ISGlobal 2018-2020 Action Plan
2021-2023 HRS4R Action Plan
The new 2021-2023 Action Plan was designed with the coordination of HR and the support of HRS4R Working Group, composed of representatives from all categories at the institution. For the development of the renovated HRS4R Action Plan 2021-2023, we have to take into account the Strategic Action Plan 2019-2023 of ISGlobal and the recommendations from the External Advisory Committee (EAC), from its visit on November 2017 (the External Advisory Committee met with the different collectives from the Institution) and the actions of the Progam Severo Ochoa.
The 2021-2023 Action Plan was presented and approved by the Direction Committee on June 2020.
This Action Plan includes those actions from the Action Plan 2017-2020 that have not been yet completed.
For more information on the ISGlobal 2021-2023 HRS4R Action Plan, please download the following PDF document:
>> Download the ISGlobal 2021-2023 Action Plan
HRS4R Action Plan 2024-2026
The new Action Plan 2024-2026 has been developed by the People Development Commission-HRS4R in coordination with the HR department and the Office for Coordination & Research Management. Before being approved, it was presented to and consulted with the Plenary Scientific Group (which includes all researchers) and finally approved by the Management Committee in January 2023.
Firstly, to measure ISGlobal's compliance with the Charter & Code, the HRS4R Working Group designed a survey that included questions on the 40 principles. The survey, approved by the direction Committee was launched on July 2022, addressed to all staff.
According to the outcome of our internal gap analysis, and the needs identified in the HR area, as well as in the different ISGlobal participatory groups (PhD Committee, Postdoctoral Committee, Coordination and Research Management, Equity & Gender Commission, Compliance Committee, etc.). Always in line with the new strategic cycle as defined in Our Strategy up to 2027, the strategic lines of actions to follow in our HRS4Rs 2024-2026 Action Plan are the following:
- Awareness raising and training in research integrity, ethics and good scientific practice .
- Continue fostering recruitment procedures, which are open, efficient, transparent, supportive and internationally comparable by reinforcing procedures and guidance.
- Prepare, develop and monitor the ISGlobal research assessment reform action plan 2024-2027 in line with the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment.
- Enhance Health and Well-being by designing and fostering a framework that covers the areas: workplace relationships, mental health, work-life balance, and health and safety at the workplace.
- Further consolidation of onboarding programme, internal training and career development .
The actions proposed in the Action Plan 2024-2026 have been approved by the ISGlobal Direction Committee in January 2023. They have been grouped in four areas in alignment with the Charter & Code : Ethical and Professional Aspects, Recruitment, Working Conditions, and Training and Development. For each action has been identified the Charter & Code principle/s, the areas or unit/s in charge, a timeframe, and corresponding indicator/s.
For more information on the ISGlobal Action Plan 2024-2026 HRS4R, you can download the following PDF document:
>> Download the HRS4R Action Plan 2024-2026
Highlights HRS4R 2015-2023 . In this document we have identified the most important actions carried out within the European Logo Action Plan, from its achievement in 2015 until 2023.
Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment Policy
The ISGlobal is committed to an Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment for researchers.
The ISGlobal Recruitment Policy sets out the criteria and procedures for Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment of staff, which as a top priority of the European Research Area (ERA), is one of the pillars of the European Charter for Researchers and in particular of the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. This also takes account of current legislation relating to employment, equality and diversity, and data protection. The institute fosters a diverse, inclusive and equal-opportunity environment, and implements several policies to enable ISGlobal staff to achieve an effective balance between work and life outside the workplace.
For further information, please check out our PERSONNEL SELECTION POLICY, PRACTICAL GUIDE that it is informed by the guidelines established by the OTM-R (Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment of Researchers) principles together by ISGlobal’s values: excellence, respect for diversity, impartiality, responsibility, transparency, independence, and a commitment to public health—all supported by the highest ethical standards.