Governing bodies - Title

Governing bodies

Governance - Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

Governance - Executive Committee
Governing Bodies - Steering Committee

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) plays an important role as both leader and decision-maker, and should ensure that it is well-informed in its decisions through effective planning, monitoring and review of the organization and its activities. The SC is composed by the General Director (SC Chair), Scientific Director (SC vice-Chair), General Manager, Policy and Global Development Director, Training and Education Director, Innovation Director, Directors of Initiatives and Directors of Programs (up to 4) and up to three ad hoc members.

Advisory bodies - Title

Advisory bodies

Governing Bodies - Academic Commitee

Academic Commitee

Governing Bodies - EAC

External Advisory Committee (EAC)

  • Annette Peters

    Chair Director of the Institute of Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center of Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany.
  • Chetan Chitnis

    Vice Chair Head of the Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Unit, Institut Pasteur, France.
  • Zeno Bisoffi

    Director of the Centre for Tropical Diseases at the Sacro Cuore Hospital of Negrar, and Associate Professor at the Department of Diagnostics and Public Health, University of Verona, Italy.
  • Simon Croft

    Professor of Parasitology, Faculty of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK.
  • Montserrat Garcia-Closas

    Co-Director of Imperial College London, and Professor of Epidemiology, The Institute of Cancer Research, London, UK.
  • Zorana Jovanovic Andersen

    Professor, University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health, Section of Environmental Health, Denmark.
  • Joel D. Kaufmann

    Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and Epidemiology at the University of Washington, Departments of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Seattle, USA.
  • André Kengne

    Director of Programs, in charge of Research at the African Population Health Research Center (APHRC), Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Andy Morse

    Professor of Climate Impacts, Geography and Planning, University of Liverpool, UK.
  • Philippa Musoke

    Professor Emeritus, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Makerere University; Co-Principal Investigator for the Johns Hopkins University-Uganda Clinical Trials Unit, based at the Makerere University-Johns Hopkins University Clinical Research Site (MUJHU), Kampala, Uganda.
  • Francine Ntoumi

    Director of the Congolese Foundation for Medical Research, Republic of Congo, and Research Group Leader at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
  • Mercedes Pascual

    Professor of Ecology and Evolution, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago, USA.
  • Milo Puhan

    Director of the Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Constance Schultsz

    Member of the Executive Board, AIGHD; Professor of Global Health and Deputy Head of the Department of Global Health; Clinical Microbiologist, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Marleen Temmerman

    Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health, and Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aga Khan University East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Alfonso Valencia

    Life Sciences Department Director, Computational Biology Life Sciences Group, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain.
  • Gavin Yamey

    Director of the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health at the Duke Global Health Institute, Durham, USA.