Complaints Channel (Compliance)

Complaints Channel (Compliance)

Photo: Aaron Burden / Unsplash

In accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, ISGlobal makes available to its workers, managers, collaborators and suppliers a complaints channel in order to receive communications regarding actions or omissions that may constitute a violation of European Union Law; criminal offence; or serious or very serious administrative infraction.

Communications must be made through the email address [email protected], which will be managed externally by the law firm “Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, S.L.P”, under the strictest confidentiality criteria. Complaints addressed to the channel may be anonymous.

Individuals who communicate must have sufficient evidence, taking into account the circumstances and information available to them at the time of the communication, that the facts brought to ISGlobal’s attention are true. This requirement is an essential safeguard against malicious, frivolous or abusive communications, to ensure that those who, at the time of communication, deliberately and knowingly provide incorrect or misleading information do not receive the protection afforded by the measures against retaliation.

The “ISGlobal Management, Investigation and External Response to Complaints Protocol” regulates the investigation process and the guarantees of communicators.