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Vladimiro Giacché, La fabbrica del falso. Strategie della menzogna nella politica contemporanea, 3a ed., Reggio Emilia, Imprimatur, 2016, rist. 2018. I diritti di pubblicazione appartengono esclusivamente all’autore. È consentita la... more
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      Guy DebordAfghanistanLanguage and PowerTruth
On the basis of the theories of consumer sociology, this article aims to conceptualize branding of unique concept hotel, a genre of hotels that has grown substantially the latest decades, as a movement of cultural meaning. A content... more
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      BrandingBoutique Hotels, Chain of Independent Hotels, Marketing and trends for HospitalitySociety of Consumers
The domestic consumer electronics and durables sector has witnessed a substantial growth over the last few years. This sector plays an important part in the economy of the country and provides employment to millions of people, more... more
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      Consumer DurablesSociety of Consumers
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      Surveillance StudiesGilles DeleuzeICTMichel Foucault
Sur la base des théories de la sociologie de consommation, cet article vise à conceptualiser la construction de l'image de marque dans l'industrie de la mode et du luxe, un domaine qui a considérablement augmenté, en tant qu’un transfert... more
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      Fashion BrandingSociety of ConsumersSociete De Consommation
This paper reports the findings from an explorative, qualitative research project that was designed to understand how consumers use and make decisions based on content provided by members of a consumer review website. Websites such as... more
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      MarketingConsumers & ConsumptionDigital MediaIMC-Integrated Marketing Communications
At a moment when the future of global capitalism seems altogether uncertain, we want to take another look at Wal-Mart, the world’s largest corporation. Despite its importance to the American and global economy, surprisingly little... more
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      ICTNeoliberalismConsumer CultureSurveillance
The aim of this article is to analyze the concept of a consumer society, based primarily on the work of Zygmunt Bauman. Bauman’s works synthesize and modernize previous ideas about this type of society. The article presents the most... more
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      ConsumerismConsumer CultureCommodificationConsumer Society
Książka stanowi pierwsze na rynku polskim tak gruntowne i kompleksowe opracowanie myśli Jeana Baudrillarda. Zapełnia ona istotną lukę w polskiej humanistyce pokazując także, że autor Symulakrów i symulacji okazał się bardzo inspirujący... more
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      SociologyPolitical PhilosophyCommunicationMedia Studies
Öz: Tarihi süreç içerisinde sadece ihtiyacı olan kadarını tüket-miş olan insanoğlu, günümüzde ihtiyacı olandan daha fazlası-nı tüketme çabasına girmiştir. Daha önce hiç bilinmeyen yeni ihtiyaçlar listesi oluşturan ve bunları tatmin... more
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      TextilesMessagingAdvertising and BrandingSociety of Consumers
Masyarakat modern adalah masyarakat konsumtif. Masyarakat yang terus menerus berkonsumsi. Konsumsi telah menjadi budaya, yaitu budaya konsumsi. Dewasa kini budaya konsumerisme bukanlah hal yang baru di era globalisasi. Dengan arus... more
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      GlobalizationPopular CultureConsumerismJean Baudrillard
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionSociologySocial Movements
A critical recension of the book: Lipovetsky, Gilles e Serroy, Jean (2014). O capitalismo estético na era da globalização, Lisboa: Edições 70 (English version)
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      HipermodernitySociety of Consumers
"In his hugely influential book Discipline and Punish, Foucault used the example of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon prison as a means of representing the transition from the early modern monarchy to the late modern capitalist state. In the... more
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      ICTMichel FoucaultUtilitarianismBentham
Skupljanje albuma sa sličicama istraženo je iz aspekta razvoja potrošačkog društva i popularne kulture u Jugoslaviji, ali i iz drugih aspekata kao što su socijalni i obrazovni. Uz korištenje albuma i dostupne literature, provedeno je i... more
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      Popular CultureYugoslaviaConsumer CultureSocialism
F*ck May 68, Fight Now: Exploring the Uses of the Radical Past from 1968 to Today Session 1: History is a Weapon June 8, 2018 Department of History, University of Liverpool... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryCultural History
SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1. O modelo aberto eleito pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor e a importância dos princípios para seu adequado funcionamento. 2. Todo consumidor é vulnerável ? 3. O princípio da transparência. 4. O papel da boa-fé... more
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      Civil LawConsumers & ConsumptionInterpretationSociety of Consumers
We are haunted by waste. While we try to stack away our nuclear waste in places that don’t change too much and that–hopefully–no one will ever return to, burying and burning “residual” waste, it keeps coming back. Not full circle, but in... more
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      HauntologySociety of ConsumersDerrida Hauntology
"La globalización ha impulsado históricamente el modelo de la cultura cercana a la “blanca” como uno civilizado y de progreso. Un ejemplo de ello es el desarrollo de las clases criollas en el caribe antillano, las cuales se volvieron... more
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      GlobalizationPostcolonial StudiesMarginalized IdentitiesSociety of Consumers
BIB, São Paulo, nº 71, 1º semestre de 2011, pp. 25-43. Quando aparece uma nova instituição ou um novo campo científico, nem sempre se tem, imediatamente, a dimensão do que está surgindo e nunca se sabe aonde as mudanças produzidas vão nos... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial TheoryLegal Education
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      Consumers & ConsumptionConsumers RightsSociety of Consumers
The presence of competitive and complex objective, strategic, as a rule loosely structured problems, increasing complexity of processes and avenues of action reflect the extremely demanding ambiance of modern (industrial) marketing... more
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      Marketing ManagementSociety of Consumers
Este estudo, depois de inventariar cada uma das vertentes dogmáticas que se propõem -no território brasileiro -a discorrer acerca de qual deve ser o prazo para a correção do vício do produto ou serviço e de verificar que aparentemente... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionConsumers RightsConsumersSociety of Consumers
Este artigo é dedicado aos Estudos de Vigilância e à sua aplicação à obra de Tolkien, Senhor dos Anéis. Nesta análise, é feita uma introdução histórica aos Estudos de Vigilância, uma contextualização histórica e social do autor,... more
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      Power (social)J. R. R. TolkienSurveillance StudiesICT
Resumo: Os autores analisam os elementos da relação de consumo, o estado da arte acerca do conceito de consumidor e os enquadramentos jurisprudencial e doutrinário acerca das hipóteses em que a pessoa jurídica é considerada consumidora no... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionConsumersSociety of Consumers
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
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      Information SystemsManagementMarketingSociology
Recensão crítica ao livro Lipovetsky, Gilles e Serroy, Jean (2014). O capitalismo
estético na era da globalização, Lisboa: Edições 70 - Versão em português.
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      HipermodernitySociety of ConsumersAesthetic Capitalism
Brands are always considered as one of the most valuable assets of an organization. Making strong brands and essentiality of strong presence in mind are the proprieties of most organizations. Because in general believes, the strong brands... more
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      ManagementSocial SciencesConsumers & ConsumptionStrategic Management
This is a final draft. Please cite only the published in Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker and Michael J. Thompson, Radical Intellectuals and the Subversion of Progressive Politics: The Betrayal of Politics (New York: Palgrave Macmillan,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial MovementsSocial Theory
"Urban-Public Space Crisis: Personalized Tele-Visual Spaces; A News Agenda on Reminding and Making Forget" 17 th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium CIM 2020 November 5-6 2020 p. 236 (Bildiri Özeti) Özet Örgütlü ve... more
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      Urban StudiesPublic SpaceTelevision NewsSociety of Consumers
Structured Abstract Purpose: Previous research suggests that constructions of legitimacy play a central role in the development of markets, yet little attention has been given to how that legitimacy is constructed through the material... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer CultureSociety of Consumers
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      TrustCommercialismSociety of Consumers
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      Environmental ScienceDevelopment StudiesConsumers & ConsumptionNanotechnology
The analysis of this work is focused on the erosion of statehood and democratic civic culture from the colonization of the state apparatus in the hands of organized crime, more specifically, drug trafficking. the central thesis is that... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityDrugs And AddictionWelfare StateSociology of Crime and Deviance
The paper analyzes the birth and historical development of consumer societies. Historians see their source in major European centers, mostly in London and Paris, in the eighteenth or nineteenth century. This period is characterized by the... more
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      Fashion HistoryHistory of ConsumptionConsumer SocietyHistory of Consumer Culture
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial MovementsSocial Theory
The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) introduced a highly automated and much cheaper systematic observation of personal data. ICTs advance the intensification and the extension of surveillance, such that an expanding... more
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      ICTSurveillanceSocial ControlPanopticon
... The Forest of Symbols, Aspects of Ndembu Ritua. ... school colors' has its own entry within the US Library of Congress classification system, suggesting that at some point it was considered a worthwhile subject of scholarly... more
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L'ordoliberalismo scioglie l'individuo entro un ordine di mercato entro il quale si conoscono solo produttori e consumatori. Entrambi assolvono a compiti in qualche modo loro delegati da uno Stato di polizia economica. Da questo punto di... more
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      ConsumerismConsumption and Consumer SocietyConsumer LawRazzismo
Özet Günümüzde gündelik hayat, modernitenin özelliklerini yitirmekle birlikte postmodern özellikler kazanmaktadır. Tüketim kültürü çerçevesinde gündelik hayatın kazanmış olduğu anlam kendisini geçmişe dönüşte göstermektedir. Özellikle... more
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      Popular CulturePostmodernismMass cultureKitsch
Öz İnsanın yaşamının normal döngüleri arasında bulunan yaşlılık günümüzde bir sosyal sorun olarak tanımlanarak kaçınılması, dolayısıyla geciktirilmesi gereken bir durum olarak algılanmaktadır. Bu durum yaşlılığın toplumsal boyutuna... more
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      AgingYaşlılıkSociety of Consumers
Japan has often been considered by the rest of the world as an orderly country without much civil unrest. As evidence of that, Prime Minister Abe speech promoting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic Games emphasized the fact that the city was... more
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      Japanese StudiesMulticulturalismYouth StudiesHeterotopia
This paper analyzes the use of surveillance by activist groups opposed to the extensive securitization of the US-Mexico border and examines the implications of their activities for scholarship on borders, surveillance, and empowerment.... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistory of Science and TechnologySociology
Este artigo argumenta sobre o nascimento do Panóptico1 na Rússia absolutista do século XVIII, passando pelo seu percurso histórico, arquitectónico, teórico e social, terminando com a análise do conceito de Panóptico Digital, nos dias de... more
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      Information TechnologyPhilosophyInternet StudiesPower (social)
В статье рассматриваются основные вызовы, с которыми сталкивается христианская традиция в эпоху господства технологий. Несмотря на то, что христианская община является меньшинством в секулярном обществе потребления, у неё сохраняется... more
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      Christian EthicsEastern Orthodox TheologySociety of ConsumersEshatology
Os fragmentos unidos às linhas que compõem esse singelo ensaio emergem da colisão havida entre (a) raciocínios lastreados em um direito construído visando à solução de problemas existentes em um tempo que, paradoxalmente, embora tenha se... more
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      Consumers & ConsumptionContract LawDerecho de DañosConsumers
RESUMO: Os brasileiros engordam em ritmo preocupante. Aparentemente, esse fenômeno está intimamente conectado, em boa parte, à mudança de hábitos alimentares e ao consumo excessivo de açúcares. Mais precisamente, ao menos por aqui, ao... more
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      Information SecurityConsumers RightsConsumer ResearchFood Security
Rumi's " Muhammad and the Huge Eater " is a story that tells us how obsessive desires devastate the soul and rob us of things of true value. This text appeared on my PM Press blog, Dec. 17, 2017.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySelf and IdentitySocial Philosophy
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      CriminologyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionCorporate Social Responsibility