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This paper is an abject lesson in how communal memory can be formed hundreds of years after the fact through substituting knowledge with organized religion. A curious visitor read back the content of the dedicatory inscription inside the... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryArchaeologyHistory of Religion
Cyrille, archevêque d'Alexandrie en Égypte (vers 375-444), est un des plus grands exégètes et théologiens de son temps. Il est également un des plus célèbres représentants de l'école théologique alexandrine. Il nous a légué un immense... more
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      Patristic ExegesisPatristic StudiesArianismCyril of Alexandria
Cuando Eusebio de Dorilea, un "simple laico" de tan sólo unos veinte años, en la vigilia de Navidad del año 428 se alzó en protesta en la magnífica catedral de Santa Sofía de Constantinopla, en pleno centro político y cultural del... more
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      Cyril of AlexandriaNestorianismEphesusTHEOTOKOS
Kirja-arvio TA:n numerossa 5/2020.
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      Dogmatic theologyChurch of the East theologyNestorianismChurch of the East
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)
وضع نسطور أثناء وجوده بالمنفى رسالة قام فيها بتبرير نفسه ونسبها إلى هيراقليدس الدمشقي، احتراساً من إحراقها. فعرف ايفاغريوس سكولاستيكوس (594–536) بوجودها14. فلم يسلم الكتاب على أصله اليوناني الى أيامنا هذه. بيد ان جاثليق كنيسة المشرق مار... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorianism
This article summarizes the comprehensive archaeological excavations of a medieval settlement located in the Ili River valley in southeastern Kazakhstan, which is partially occupied by the modern village of Usharal, Panfilov district near... more
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      ArchaeologySyriac StudiesCentral AsiaOld Turkic
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
I shall argue that the combination of classical theism and a traditional three-part dyothelite Christology runs afoul of the Two Sons Worry because it cannot offer an account of the hypostatic union. After offering some preliminary... more
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      ConsciousnessChristologyDoctrine of GodIncarnation of Christ
On Monday, September 11, 2017, we shall meet in St George's Round Church to begin our discussion of The Descent of the Dove. I shall very briefly introduce the work and the character of our consideration of it. We shall move on to... more
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      MetaphysicsEarly ChristianityMetaphysics of TimeSocialisms
Book review: Erica C. D. Hunter and Mark Dickens, eds., Syrische Handschriften. Teil 2: Texte der Berliner Turfansammlung/Syriac Texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 5.2
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      AristotleSyriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityGraeco-Arabic translation movement
The Lake Urmia region in northwest Iran is one often overlooked not only in terms of Syriac studies, but also when it comes to Eastern Christianity and especially art and architecture – not the least because many western scholars have... more
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      AestheticsArchitectureIranian StudiesIslamic Art
Review of Philip Jenkins, The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia—and How it Died (New York: HarperOne, 2008).
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      HistoryCultural StudiesDemographyAfrican Studies
Peter Yoshirō Saeki was an eminent Japanese scholar who devoted much of his career to the study of Nestorian/Syriac Christianity in China. One overlooked aspect of his work is the development of the concept that Nestorians had both... more
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese ReligionsChinese ReligionsJapanese History
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      HagiographyNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyTalmudEducation History
World culture in the world polity: a century of international non-governmental organizations. American Sociological Review, 62, 171-90.
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      ReligionBuddhismHinduismSocial Movements
The Eucharist is central to Christian doctrine. This may be seen by comparing Oriental Orthodox and Reformed doctrines of the Eucharist. The Eucharist and debates over it have never simply involved how we speak of the Sacrament in... more
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      Theodoret of CyrrhusChristologyEucharistJohn Calvin
Quelles sortes de communautés réunissent les hommes ? Comment sont-elles construites ? Où est l’unité, où est la multiplicité de l’humanité ? Les hommes peuvent former des communautés distinctes, antagonistes, s’opposant violemment. La... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistory of ChristianityIdentity (Culture)
Cyrille, archevêque d'Alexandrie en Égypte (vers 375-444), est un des plus grands exégètes et théologiens de son temps. Le Commentaire de Cyrille d’Alexandrie sur l’Épître aux Hébreux (CPG 5209 (3)) ne nous est parvenu que dans les... more
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      Patristic ExegesisPatristic StudiesArianismCyril of Alexandria
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      Eastern ChristianityChurch of the East theologyNestorianismChurch of the East
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      Historical TheologyChristologyHomileticsVirgin Mary
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      NestorianismNestorian ChristianityChristianity in ChinaFranciscan missionaries in China
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      ChristianitySocial MovementsSociology of ReligionHistorical Sociology
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      Chinese StudiesSinologyYuan DynastyChinese history (History)
Prior to the sixteenth century, the Assyrian communities of Hakkari were hardly an important part of the Church of the East which, at that time, was a successful missionary institution strongly rooted in the urban centres of Mesopotamia... more
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      AramaicSyriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literature
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      ChristologyCyril of AlexandriaNestorianismNestorius
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      Aramaic DialectologyAramaicIranian Azarbaijan(Atrpatakan)Ethnic minorities
Scheda di approfondimento sul martirio di quattro francescani in India. Thāṇe è una citta oggi compresa nell'area metropolitana di Mumbai (Bombay). Questo martirio è particolarmente interessante sia per la sua rappresentazione da parte di... more
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      ReligionArt HistoryMedieval HistoryHagiography
The work of St Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, is primarily focussed on Christology. He is possibly most famous for his part in the Nestorian controversy, where he argued that Θεοτόκοσ (God-bearer) is an appropriate and necessary title... more
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      PatristicsChurch HistoryCyril of AlexandriaNestorianism
This paper engages with the Christology presented by the Old English poem 'The Dream of the Rood', comparing it to that presented by homilies penned contemporaneously to when we know the poem to have existed in manuscript form. It... more
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      Anglo-Saxon Studies (History)ChristologyAnglo-Saxon literature and cultureChristian Theology
The objective of the present article is to give a brief, introductory description of some Neo-Aramaic manuscripts belonging to a private collection authored and compiled by Khivron ‘Azīzī (Urmia) that has remained completely unknown to... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksAramaic DialectologyAramaicRare Books and Manuscripts
Il-Ḵh̲ānid Tabrīz became not only a nodal point in the spatial imagination of Christian merchants and missionaries, but was promoted even to a significant landmark in the Biblical and apocalyptic topography of 13th and 14th century... more
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      Economic HistoryInternational RelationsLate Antique and Byzantine HistorySocial Networks
“Nestorianism”, “Syrian Eastern Church”, “Church of the East”, “East Syrian Christianity”, “Religion of Light” – these are just some of the many names of early Christianity, which reached the Tang empire during the first half of the 7th... more
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Digital Dictionary of Buddhism entry. November, 2016. A survey of materials and scholarship concerning Nestorianism / East-Syriac Christianity in China.
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      ChristianityBuddhismTheologyHistory of Religion
The present study examines the social history of the Graeco-Arabic translation movement from the perspective of the Christian communities that participated in it. Special attention is given to Melkite and Nestorian translators active in... more
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic PhilosophyByzantine StudiesArabic Philosophy
For nearly fifteen centuries, the rugged highlands of Hakkari served as a cradle of Syriac Christianity and a refuge for adherents of the Church of the East, from which they could protect themselves from persecution. The mountain... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationSyriac Studies
This article offers a historical analysis of different attitudes toward Nestorius of Constantinople which became "traditional" and which formed opposing tendencies in various branches of Christianity. The main focus of the article is on... more
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      Manuscript StudiesTheodoret of CyrrhusByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
The text and translation of the selected letters presented here (twenty-one in all) forms part of a hitherto unpublished corpus of letters in Syriac, Neo-Aramaic and Arabic written and sent during the 1880’s from Mosul to Berlin by... more
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      Arabic LiteratureAramaic DialectologyArabicAramaic
La question d’image reste un sujet sensible dans le dialogue entre les chrétiens et les musulmans. Pour l’aborder, l’article commence par une courte présentation des principales caractéristiques de l’attitude des musulmans à l’égard des... more
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      IconoclasmSyriac StudiesTheology and the ArtsSyriac Christianity
St. John Damascene’s writings on heresies – specifically those texts against Nestorianism and Monophysitism – demonstrate a careful consideration of how thin the line is between schism and heresy. In the texts on heresies, Damascenus... more
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      HeresyHeresy and OrthodoxyJohn of DamascusNestorianism
Draft for the workshop: “Linking the Mediterranean. Regional and Trans-Regional Interactions in Times of Fragmentation (300 -800 CE)”, Vienna, 11th-13th December 2014 (see:... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
A look into the Judeo-Dravidian origins of the native Malankara Nasrani Christians, otherwise known as St. Thomas Christians of Malabar. Probably Malankara Nazranies(St.Thomas Christians for the western world ) have long been wrongly... more
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      History of ChristianityAramaicHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of the Christian Orient
This thesis studies the fifth-century christological controversy surrounding Cyril of Alexandria (c. 378-444) and Nestorius of Constantinople (c. 381-451) and their debate around the person and nature of Jesus Christ, sparked by the... more
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      ChristologyIncarnation of ChristCyril of AlexandriaNestorianism
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      ChristianityHistoryCultural HistoryComparative Literature
Since his autocracy to his death, Constantine the Great helped the Christianity to be the main religion to all over the empire. This period of time many heresies appeared. They put the unity of Christianity and its teaching in a great... more
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      Holy SpiritNestorianismAriusConstantine the Great, Roman Empire, Early Christianity
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionComparative LiteratureChurch Music
The text being discussed is found in many manuscripts of the Divan (collection of poems) of an East Syriac poet Khāmīs bar Qardāḥē (late 13th century). The edition demonstrates the discrepancies in rendering glosses in the Turkish... more
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      ChristianityNear Eastern StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The “Book of Sessions” (Kitāb al-majālis) of Elias of Nisibis, Metropolitan of the Church of the East (975–1046), with his Muslim vis-à-vis, vizier Abū ʾl-Qāsim al-Maghribī (981–1027), is a remarkable example of the Christian Arabic... more
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      ChristianityArabic LiteratureHistory of ChristianityArabic Language and Linguistics
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicArab Christian Studies
Information on a talk I will be giving March 10, 2022
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      Central Asia (History)Silk RoadSilk Road StudiesSyriac Studies