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Khristiansky Vostok 9/15 (2021) 77–94
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      Near Eastern StudiesMiddle East StudiesManuscript StudiesSyriac Studies
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsAsceticismChristian Mysticism
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Architecture
Since the publication of the long-lost Gospel of Judas in 2006, there has been a flurry of interest in canonical and noncanonical traditions about the famous betrayer of Christ. One text overlooked in this excitement is the Legend of the... more
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      ChristianityArabic LiteratureSyriac StudiesApocrypha/Pseudepigrapha
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      History of AstrologyLate AntiquitySyriac StudiesManichaeism
Along the lines of a reappraisal of the so-called Byzantine “Dark Ages,” this contribution addresses the question of the re-emergence of classical culture in Byzantium in the 9th century and how Syriac sources can throw some light on the... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesIslamic StudiesSyriac StudiesEarly Islam
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      Near Eastern StudiesHagiographyArabicEastern Christianity
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      ReligionTheologyHebrew BibleTextual Criticism
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asia (History)
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    • Syriac Studies
The past few decades have witnessed a proliferation of theories on the origins of Islam which have called into question long-held scholarly axioms. One such axiom is the traditional date of 632 CE for the death of the prophet Muhammad,... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesLate Antiquity
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
Lebanon has entered its third year as a country hosting the highest number of Syrian refugees in the region. All geographical areas with a high concentration of Syrian refugees in Lebanon share a similar protracted marginality,... more
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      Middle East StudiesLebanonMiddle Eastern StudiesSyriac Studies
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      PoetrySyriac StudiesSyriac Apocalypse of Baruch (2 Baruch)
As the crisis in Syria keeps escalating and the violent crackdown of the Bashar al-Assad regime results in more civilian deaths, the growing instability and civil opposition is significantly challenging the die-hard regime and raises... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesIsrael/PalestineLebanon
يهدف هذا البحث إلى فهم التّحدّيات التي تواجه النّساء السّوريّات بعد النّزاع، في المناطق التي خرجت عن سيطرة النّظام السّوريّ، وخاصّةً مع انسحاب المؤسّسات الحكوميّة منها، وتشكيل مؤسّساتٍ جديدةٍ غير تابعةٍ للحكومة لتنظيم أمورها. من أجل ذلك،... more
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      Gender StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesHuman Rights LawLaw and Society
Syrian Churches and Mongols in the 13th Century In the 13th century major part of the so called Syrian Christians lived in the Mongol Empire. This article discusses how these Christians viewed the Mongols, what was their opinion of the... more
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      Medieval HistorySyriac StudiesMongols
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac Christianity in IndiaSyro-Malabar Church
This blog was prepared for Holy Week 2020. In it, I describe illustrations relating to various stages of the Passion of Christ found within the British Library's holdings of Syriac manuscripts. I explore some of the variations in style... more
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      Art HistoryManuscript StudiesChristologyMiddle Eastern Studies
This is the introduction of my released book including all arabic editorials of the magazines Kawkab Madenho, Bethnahrin and Huyodo of Naum Faiq (1868-1930). All articles were transcripted from Garshuni (arabic in syriac letters) to... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesSyriac StudiesLate Ottoman Period
Umschlagbild: Inschrift am Haupteingang der Kirche Notre Dame d'Ilige, Mayfouk/Libanon. Alter Sitz der maronitischen Patriarchen (Foto: Hans Hollerweger) Gedruckt mit Unterstützung von: ZECO -Zentrum zur Erforschung des Christlichen... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literature
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesSyriac StudiesSyriaSyriac Christianity
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      Israel StudiesIranian StudiesIsrael/PalestineSyrian Studies
The word χαλκολιβανον (chalcolibanon) in Revelation 1:15, describing the feet of a visionary presence, which appears nowhere else in classical literature, is usually explained as meaning “brass of Lebanon”. Since Lebanon has never been... more
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      New TestamentRevelationSyriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)
This chapter examines discourses on polygyny among East Syrian Christians in late antique and early Islamic Iraq and Iran. Through such discourses, articulated principally in legal texts but also in chronicles and biographical... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryMedieval IslamAbbasid History
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      Israel/PalestineSyro-Palestinian archaeologySyriac StudiesLebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine (History and Archaeology)
L’invenzione del dialogo raccoglie una serie di testi letterari cristiani in lingua siriaca, di un genere in cui questa letteratura si distinse ed eccelse: l’innografia e la poesia piegate a esporre temi e motivi teologici, esegetici e... more
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      EgyptologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesArabic LiteratureLiturgy
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      Persian LiteratureHistory of MedicineSanskrit language and literatureSyriac Studies
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      HagiographyXVIII centurySyriac StudiesSyriac (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper presents a Polish translation from Syriac of four Odes of Solomon (29, 36, 40, 41), which have never yet been published in Polish. The translation is introduced by a short introduction and accompanied by a basic linguistic and... more
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      Syriac StudiesOdes of SolomonSyriacPoezja Chrześcijańska
The Arabic paraphrase of Enn 4.8.1 seems to conflate the noetic and transnoetic accounts found in the Plotinian corpus, in order to furnish a complete depiction of the mystical life. In its own account of the ascent of the soul, the... more
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A saying claims that trade has no religion; it even adapts to a war situation, as demonstrated by the real-time reorganisation of trade channels at the Turkish-Syrian border.
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      Syriac StudiesSyrian ConflictTurkey and Syria CrisisSyrian Civil War
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      African StudiesEgyptologyGender StudiesTheology
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Jewish StudiesHistorical Linguistics
Odes de Salomon 7,3a -Observations sur un hellénisme dans le texte syriaque Joosten, Jan Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Ã#lteren Kirche; Jan 1, 1998; 89, 1; ProQuest pg. 134
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      Translation StudiesEarly ChristianitySyriac Studies
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      PhonologySemitic languagesSyriac StudiesTheoretical Linguistics
In 2019 we wrote a paper (Tendeiro & Kiers, 2019) in Psychological Methods over null hypothesis Bayesian testing and its working horse, the Bayes factor. Recently, van Ravenzwaaij and Wagenmakers (2021) offered a response to our piece,... more
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      BotanyHistory of MedicineHistory of SciencePharmacognosy
Victor, Bishop of Tunnuna Chronicon Continuans ubi Prosper Desint Edited by Brian Duvick A XVIII consulatu Theodosii Junioris, Victor episcopus Tununensis Ecclesiae Africae historiam prosequitur ubi Prosper reliquit. Igitur Theodosio... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoryRoman Historiography
Revue annuelle publiée par l'Association Semitica & classica, avec le concours du CNRS et le soutien de l'UMR 8167 « Orient & Méditerranée » (Mondes sémitiques, Antiquité classique et tardive, Monde byzantin, Médecine grecque, Islam... more
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      PatristicsMysticismEschatology and ApocalypticismSyriac Studies
Back in the 1990s we were returning to Damascus from the TalSalhap Sugar plant. We had made a proposal for a steam boiler for the sugar factory, and we were returning. Our guide, our representative from Syria, wanted to show an ancient... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriaSyria (Archaeology)Crusaders
1960’lı yıllardan itibaren, Türkiye’den Avrupa’nın muhtelif ülkelerine Süryani göçleri meydana gelmiştir. Bu ülkelerden birisi de Hollanda olmuştur. Nitekim Avrupa’daki ilk Süryani Ortodoks Kilisesi (Apostel Johannes Kerk) ve abraşiye... more
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      History of ReligionSyriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityNetherlands
Published in W. Th. van Peursen, R. B. ter Haar Romeny, eds., Text, Translation and Tradition. Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday,... more
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      Translation StudiesTextual CriticismSyriac StudiesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianityGarshuniMaronites
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      HagiographySyriac StudiesSasanian HistoryNestorian Christianity
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      HistoryMonetary EconomicsRoman HistoryLate Antique Archaeology
يتطرق أطلس الشرق الأوسط العربي للمتغيرات في سوريا ولبنان والأردن والأراضي الفلسطينية حيث الزراعة مهددة والنمو السكاني متسارع والمرأة تحتل حيزا متناميا في الحياة الاقتصادية ناهيك عن مشاكل الجفاف والإفراط في استغلال الموارد المائية والمشاكل... more
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      Human GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsMiddle East StudiesArabic
The study of the Samaritan version of Saadya Gaon’s translation of the Pentateuch (the tafsīr), mainly based on MS London BL OR7562, shows that a Saadyan version in Arabic Characters was adopted by the Samaritans and adapted to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesSemitic languagesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
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      ReligionArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchitecture
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      Syriac StudiesSasanian HistorySassanian PersiaSassanid Empire
A guide to children, parents and student of Syriac, with twenty-two illustrations. Each pair of facing pages introduces a single letter of the alphabet with a word that begins with the letter in question on one side, and an illustration... more
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      Syriac StudiesAlphabetic WritingAlphabets