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This paper tests the hypothesis that irrational market misvaluation affects firms' takeover behavior. We employ two contemporaneous proxies for market misvaluation, pre-takeover book/price ratios and pre-takeover ratios of residual income... more
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      FinanceBehavioral FinanceBehavioral EconomicsTakeovers
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      MarketingLaw and EconomicsBehavioral EconomicsFinancial Markets
An alternative definition for market efficiency, based on statistical rather than financial arguments is suggested, which, though equivalent with the existing one, has some comparative advantages. Further, the implications that results... more
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      Applied MathematicsProbability TheoryEconometricsStatistics
In this paper, the authors maintain that the prevalence of technical analysis in professional investment argues that such techniques should perhaps be taken more seriously by academics. They use the new technique of genetic programming to... more
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      Time SeriesApplied EconomicsTechnical AnalysisEfficient Market Hypothesis
Modern corporate organizations listed in the security markets periodically communicate their financial performance to stakeholders through earnings announcements. Efficient markets immediately absorb and reflect the new information into... more
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      FinanceAccountingSecurities & Exchange Board of IndiaEvent
The efficiency of the corporate bond market is not well understood. Although many of the factors used to analyze stock market efficiency translate with some adjustments to corporate bond markets, the cause-effect factor is not intuitive... more
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      Corporate GovernanceMarket efficiency
We test for a relation between football match results and the specific national stock index returns during the period 1990–2006 by means of an event study approach. We employ two different econometric frameworks to cross-check our results... more
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      FootballEvent StudyRegression AnalysisMarket efficiency
Roman Kräussl), [email protected] (André Lucas), [email protected] (David Rijsbergen), [email protected] (Pieter Jelle van der Sluis), and [email protected] (Evert Vrugt). We thank Hersh Shefrin, and seminar... more
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      Political EconomyApplied EconomicsMarket efficiency
This is an experimental study in economics of mandated benefits. Most individuals who have health insurance in the US obtain it through their employer. Some states either have or are considering government mandates that require employers... more
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      EconomicsHealth insuranceUnited StatesLabor Market
Saunders (1993) and Hirshleifer and Shumway (2001) document the effect of weather on stock returns. The proposed explanation in both papers is that investor mood affects cognitive processes and trading decisions. In this paper, we use a... more
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      Decision MakingVolatilityDeveloping CountryCognitive Process
Many previous studies on insider trading are based on data in the U.S. capital market and conclude that insiders can earn abnormal profits. This paper examines abnormal price performance associated with insider trading in the Hong Kong... more
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      Stock MarketSmall FirmsProfitabilityInsider Trading
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      Monetary EconomicsEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsMonetary Policy
any traders in futures markets believe in the predictive power of technical ' W e say that t, is a Martingale Difference if c I = XI-EIX, I I l-i l whtvr I,-I is the informalion set available at the time t-1. In [his sensr, the error... more
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      Technical AnalysisFutures marketsMarket efficiencyFinance and Investment Banking
One form of confirmation bias is the tendency for people to ignore information that is inconsistent with their current beliefs. While confirmation bias is the subject of both analytical models and experiments in accounting and finance,... more
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      Behavioral FinanceApplied EconomicsConfirmation biasMarket efficiency
The phenomenon of low-balling reported in the financial press involves downward biased projections of earnings by managers or analysts, thereby artificially lowering market expectations and creating a positive earnings surprise when... more
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      Stock MarketInsider TradingFinancialMarket efficiency
Increasing complexity of the functionalities and the resultant growth in number of gates integrated in a chip coupled with shrinking geometries and short cycle time requirements bring in several challenges into the design of present day... more
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      Signal IntegrityData acquisitionMarket efficiencyCycle Time
The market effects of quality variability and uncertainty have classically been studied in the particular context of asymmetric information, focusing on the sellers' expected behavior and the phenomenon of adverse selection. Looking... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryAdverse SelectionAsymmetric Information
This paper develops a conceptual and methodological framework for the analysis and measurement of economic resilience. The working definition of economic resilience adopted in this paper is the "nurtured" ability of an economy... more
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      Social DevelopmentMarket efficiencyUniversity of MaltaGDP Per Capita
Hypothesis of Market Efficiency is an important concept for the investors who wish to hold internationally diversified portfolios. With increased movement of investments across international boundaries owing to the integration of world... more
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      MarketingBusiness EconomicsApplied EconomicsStock Market
Keywords: Adaptive markets hypothesis Market efficiency Nonlinear tests US stock market UK stock market This paper empirically investigates the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) in three of the most established stock markets in the world;... more
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      LawFinancial AnalysisMarket efficiency
This paper tests for random walks and weak-form market efficiency in European equity markets. Daily returns for sixteen developed markets (
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      Stock MarketCzech RepublicUnited KingdomEmerging Market
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsProfitabilityMarket efficiency
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      EconomicsAgriculturePepperRisk Management
There is considerable speculation about the correlation between investments in telecommunications and economic development. Mobile phones, by virtue of their role as carriers and conduits of information, ought to lessen the information... more
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      EconomicsMacroeconomicsMarket efficiency
The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence on the profitability of technical analysis. The empirical literature is categorized into two groups, 'early' and 'modern' studies, according to the characteristics of testing procedures.... more
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      EconometricsForeign Exchange MarketApplied EconomicsStock Market
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      Applied MathematicsBankingVolatility ForecastingMarket efficiency
Viewing the detection of earnings management from the perspective of a crime scene investigator sheds new light on prior research on earnings management and its close relative, earnings quality. The works of Ball and Shivakumar [2008.... more
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      Earnings ManagementInitial public offeringApplied EconomicsMarket efficiency
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      BusinessFinanceBehavioral FinanceBehavioral Economics
The paper provides a survey of the work that has been done in financial econometrics in the past decade. It proceeds by first establishing a set of stylized facts that are characteristics of financial series and then by detailing the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceAsset PricingEconometric Theory
This study addresses the question of whether the adaptive market hypothesis provides a better description of the behaviour of emerging stock market like India. We employed linear and nonlinear methods to evaluate the hypothesis... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconometricsNonlinear dynamicsMedicine
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      Information TechnologyEconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalization
We investigate triangular arbitrage within the spot foreign exchange market using highfrequency executable prices. We show that triangular arbitrage opportunities do exist, but that most have short durations and small magnitudes. We find... more
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      Foreign Exchange MarketHigh FrequencyMathematical SciencesProfitability
This paper evaluates monthly stock index price from the Taiwan stock market for evidence of weak form market efficiency. Four empirical methodologies are employed: the Ljung-Box Q test, the binomial distribution test, the runs test and... more
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      Applied EconomicsApplied Economics LettersMarket efficiencyEmpirical evidence
In this paper we examine the long-run relationship between gold and oil spot and futures markets. We draw on the conceptual framework that when oil price rises, it creates inflationary pressures, which instigate investments in gold as a... more
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The few existing studies on equity price dynamics and market efficiency for Latin American emerging equity markets show conflicting results. This study uses multiple varianceratio and auto-regressive fractionally integrated moving-average... more
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      Random WalkProfitabilityFinancialLatin American
An efficient market incorporates news into prices immediately and fully. Tests for efficiency in financial markets have been undermined by information leakage. We test for efficiency in sports betting markets-real-world markets where news... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsBehavioral EconomicsPrediction Markets
A facsimile apparatus uses a single memory in a facsimile system and a printer system without using an interface between the two systems. In the facsimile apparatus, a FAX controller stores data received via a communication line. A... more
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      EconomicsEmerging MarketError CorrectionMarket efficiency
In this paper, economic vulnerability is defined as the exposure of an economy to exogenous shocks, arising out of its inherent characteristics, typically associated with smallness, while economic resilience is the policy-induced ability... more
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      Human GeographyApplied EconomicsGood GovernanceSocial Development
This paper examines the profitability of trading strategies derived from stock rankings published in Investor's Business Daily. The best system provides market-adjusted abnormal monthly returns of 1.81% from buying S&P 500 stocks, and a... more
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      ProfitabilityFinancialMarket efficiencyTrading Strategy
ABSTRACT The responsiveness of the market financial instruments in terms of prices to reflect market information and the inability of information privileged market participant(s) to out-perform other counterparts pose the quest to test... more
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      Mutual FundsInformationPortfolioRandom Walk
We examine three strategic issues that have been frequently discussed and debated in e-tailing: early mover advantages, bricks and clicks combinations as compared with pure-plays, and generalizing versus specializing. We develop... more
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      BusinessMultidisciplinaryProfitabilityMarket efficiency
Note: This exhibit reports the average buy-and-hold returns of buying one convertible bond at the issuance date. The first column indicates the holding period. The second column reports the returns of the pure long CBs portfolio;... more
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      Market efficiencyConvertible Bonds
This paper uses recent experimental studies of financial accounting to illustrate our view of how such experiments can be conducted successfully. Rather than provide an exhaustive review of the literature, we focus on how particular... more
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      Experimental EconomicsExperimental ResearchComparative AdvantageExperimental Study
The OTC derivatives markets all over the world have shown tremendous growth inrecent years. In the wake of the present financial crisis, which is believed to have beenexacerbated by OTC derivatives, increasing attention is being paid to... more
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      Risk ManagementStabilityApplied EconomicsFinancial Crisis
The Momentum effect is a capital market puzzle. International evidence has found anomalies that market efficiency-based explanations have been so far unable to explain. If it is pervasive, the Momentum effect should be present in the... more
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      BusinessAsset PricingEmerging MarketsTrading Strategies
This paper examines problems of food marketing and security in Nigeria, using maize marketing in Kwara State as a case study. This is against the background of persistent food crisis being experienced for sometimes now in the country.
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      Food SecuritySeasonalityMaizeCase Study
A well-documented anomaly in racetrack betting is that the expected return per dollar bet on a horse increases with the probability of the horse winning. This socalled "favorite-longshot bias" is at odds with the presumptions of market... more
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    • Market efficiency
Market Efficiency has been a subject of main debate of traditional finance for a long period of time. It emphasizes that security prices are rationally connected to many logical and psychological realities and always incorporate all the... more
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      FinanceIndian Capital MarketCapital Asset Pricing ModelMarket efficiency
Forecasting methods are routinely employed to predict the outcome of competitive events (CEs) and to shed light on the factors that influence participants’ winning prospects (e.g., in sports events, political elections). Combining... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMarket efficiencyEuropeanForecast Combination
An organization has two essential elements that form the overall worth of that organization, that is it’s the equity and debt. For business executives to expose their entities to public ownership, there is the need to sell out ownership... more
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      Capital MarketsCorporate FinanceGlobal LeadershipEfficient Market Hypothesis