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In Issuing convertible bonds has become a popular way of raising capital by corporations in the last few years. An important subgroup is convertibles linked to a price index or exchange rate. The valuation model of inflation-indexed (or... more
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      BusinessInflationCredit SpreadExchange rate
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBusinessInformation Systems
Note: This exhibit reports the average buy-and-hold returns of buying one convertible bond at the issuance date. The first column indicates the holding period. The second column reports the returns of the pure long CBs portfolio;... more
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      Market efficiencyConvertible Bonds
CASSAZIONE CIVILE, I Sezione, 7 gennaio 2010, n. 11125 -CARNEVALE Presidente -PATRONE Relatore -(diff.) P.M. -C.C. S.P.a (avv. Fusillo, Nardulli e Cossu) c. Russo (avv. Zacchia e Crispo). Cassa e decide nel merito, App. Genova, 28 ottobre... more
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      WarrantsPublicly Owned CorporationsSocietà Per AzioniPublic Company
Efek derivatif merupakan efek turunan dari efek utama baik yang bersifat penyertaan maupun utang. Efek turunan dapat berarti turunan langsung dari efek utama maupun turunan selanjutnya. Derivatif merupakan kontrak atau perjanjian yang... more
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      WarrantsOptionsConvertible BondsPasar Modal
This paper analyzes convertible arbitrage, one of the most successful hedge fund strategies. We start by identifying convertible arbitrage activities. We find convertible bonds to be underpriced at the issuance dates. At the same time,... more
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      Portfolio ManagementAlternative InvestmentsHedge FundsConvertible Bonds
The literature on the motives for the issuance of convertible debt is reviewed. This literature shows a large discrepancy between theory and practice. Surveys show that managers base their motives for the use of convertible debt on... more
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      Survey dataEmpirical evidenceCross SectionAgency Costs
This report is the result of a collaboration between CGAP and J.P. Morgan. CGAP is solely responsible for the printing and distribution of this Occasional Paper. CGAP is not affiliated with J.P. Morgan. Our objective is to provide... more
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      Information SystemsAccountingTransaction CostsCorporate Governance
In this paper we discuss the significant computational simplification that occurs when option pricing is approached through the change of numeraire technique. The original impetus was a recently published paper (Hoang, Powell, Shi 1999)... more
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      Convertible bondStock PriceConvertible BondsOption pricing
In this paper we discuss the significant computational simplification that occurs when option pricing is approached through the change of numeraire technique. The original impetus was a recently published paper (Hoang, Powell, Shi 1999)... more
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      DerivativesConvertible bondStock PriceConvertible Bonds
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceCredit RiskVariational Inequality Problems
We compare valuation effects associated with debt issuance under SEC Rule 144A versus issuance in the public market. We find that nonconvertible debt Rule 144A issuers experience an incremental positive announcement effect when compared... more
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      Convertible BondsMarket Timing
In this paper we solve a two-factor convertible bonds model that ÿts the observed term structure, calibrates the volatility parameters to market data and allows for correlation between the state variables. We propose the method of... more
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      Economic TheoryFinite ElementsFinite ElementApplied Economics
The literature on the motives for the issuance of convertible debt is reviewed. This literature shows a large discrepancy between theory and practice. Surveys show that managers base their motives for the use of convertible debt on... more
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      Survey dataEmpirical evidenceCross SectionAgency Costs
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceCredit RiskVariational Inequality Problems
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      Financial EconomicsConvertible BondsConvertible Bond Arbitrage
Since the seminal work of Ingersoll (1977b) the optimal time in which a firm should redeem its outstanding convertible bonds has received large attention by the financial literature. Several studies have put forward a number of possible... more
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      Applied MathematicsSurvival AnalysisFixed IncomeConvertible Bonds
1 The economics literature does show that risk averse agents have an incentive to purchase insurance from risk neutral agents, i.e., insurance companies, in a competitive insurance market but the analysis has not been replicated in a... more
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      Risk ManagementCapital StructureFinancial MarketConvertible Bonds
... The payoff to the underwriter per bond, ignoring transaction costs, is FS whenm * SL CUw,Huw=FS+FT+m'SLCL.V when m*SL CL,IV. ... in the underwrittencall sample; the difference is significant at the 0.01 level... more
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      Financial EconomicsConvertible Bonds
This paper analyzes the effect of corporate debt offerings on stock prices. Straight debt offerings have non-positive price effects, while convertible debt offerings have significantly negative effects. Public utility mortgage... more
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      Financial EconomicsCapital StructureAdverse SelectionPublic Utilities
The principle of “numerus clausus” of securities issued by Société Anonyme (shares, bonds, founding titles, warrants) and its disintegration Οι εξελισσόμενες ανάγκες χρηματοδότησης των επιχειρήσεων, οι αυξανόμενες απαιτήσεις των... more
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      Securities LawCapital MarketsWarrantsCorporate and Securities Law
Convertible exchangeable preferred stock includes an option for the issuer to exchange the preferred for convertible bonds with identical pre-tax cash flows and conversion terms. In other respects this innovative corporate security is... more
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      FinanceInstitutional InvestorsProfitabilityStatistical Significance
This thesis examines development of equity-linked securities market in Europe, volumes of which have increased significantly only during the last decade. The area of this study has enjoyed little academic attention that makes this paper... more
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    • Convertible Bonds
It is now established that under quite general circumstances, including in models with jumps, the existence of a solution to a reflected BSDE is guaranteed under mild conditions, whereas the existence of a solution to a doubly reflected... more
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      FinanceMathematicsApplied MathematicsStatistics
Arbitrage-free price bounds for convertible bonds are obtained assuming equity-linked hazard rates, stochastic interest rates and different assumptions about default and recovery behavior. Uncertainty in volatility is modeled using a... more
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      Mathematical SciencesStochastic VolatilityConvertible bondConvertible Bonds
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      EconomicsQuantitativeQuantitative FinanceMathematical Sciences
The paper examines the pricing performance of a convertible bond valuation model developed within the Duffie and Singleton (1999) reduced-form credit risk valuation framework. A sample of monthly US convertible bond prices observed during... more
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    • Convertible Bonds
Convertible bonds (CBs) are an important asset class but their analysis in function of the equity and bond components has received insufficient attention in France. This study investigates the relation between announcement effects and... more
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      EconomicsCorporate FinanceConvertible BondsInvestment Decision
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceCredit RiskVariational Inequality Problems
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      FinanceAsset PricingManagement ScienceSeasonality
This paper shows that the probability of exercise of convertible bonds issued against a firm’s stock directly affects the liquidity of the stock itself. Using the ratio of absolute stock return to its dollar volume as a proxy for stock... more
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      Time SeriesCapital StructureLiquidityFirm Size
This paper provides new insight into the relationship between short sales and stock market returns using a sample of stocks sold short in Canada. Short interest is defined in relation to trading volume. The results strongly support the... more
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      Applied MathematicsSmall FirmsStocksConvertible Bonds
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    • Convertible Bonds
A convertible bond (CB) is a hybrid security containing elements of both common stock and straight debt. Still, empirical investigations on CB issue announcements have failed to discern any pattern in the stock market reaction that is... more
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      FinancialConvertible Bonds
This report is the result of a collaboration between CGAP and J.P. Morgan. CGAP is solely responsible for the printing and distribution of this Occasional Paper. CGAP is not affiliated with J.P. Morgan. Our objective is to provide... more
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      Information SystemsAccountingTransaction CostsCorporate Governance
Issuing convertible bonds has become a popular way of raising capital by corporations in the last few years. An important subgroup is convertibles linked to a price index or exchange rate.The valuation model of inflation-indexed (or... more
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      InflationCredit SpreadExchange rateSTOCK EXCHANGE
Indian convertible bonds have two peculiar features that make them possibly unique in the world: a) the bonds are compulsorily converted into equity without any option, and b) the conversion terms are not specified at the time of issue... more
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      Convertible BondsFirm ValueHedge Ratio
We report the average costs of raising external debt and equity capital for U.S. corporations from 1990 to 1994. For initial public offerings (IPOs) of equity, the direct costs average 11.0 percent of the proceeds. For seasoned equity... more
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      EconomicsCorporate FinanceInitial public offeringExternal Debt
In this paper, we identify and document the empirical characteristics of the key drivers of convertible arbitrage as a strategy and how they impact the performance of convertible arbitrage hedge funds. We show that the returns of a... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceHedge FundsRisk factors
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      Corporate GovernanceCommercial LawAutonomyDecentralization
While convertible bond models recently have come to rest on solid theoretical foundation, issues in model calibration and numerical implementation still remain. This paper highlights and quantifies a number of such issues, demonstrating,... more
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    • Convertible Bonds
Clawback provisions allow the issuer to partially redeem a bond issue often within three years of issuance using proceeds only from new equity issues. Empirical evidence indicates the clawback provision is rarely exercised. This poses an... more
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      Convertible BondsCorporate Bonds
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      BusinessApplied MathematicsCorporate GovernanceQuantitative analysis
This article discusses the underlying theory of the numeraire technique, and illustrates it with five pricing problems: pricing savings plans that offer a choice of interest rates; pricing convertible bonds; pricing employee stock... more
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      BusinessDerivativesSocial Science Research NetworkConvertible bond
We report the average costs of raising external debt and equity capital for U.S. corporations from 1990 to 1994. For initial public offerings (IPOs) of equity, the direct costs average 11.0 percent of the proceeds. For seasoned equity... more
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      EconomicsCorporate FinanceInitial public offeringExternal Debt