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Este artigo discute dois temas relacionados ao tratamento equitativo dos investidores no mercado de capitais: high frequency trading (HFT) e insider trading. Apresentamos duas definições de HFT e as controvérsias associadas aos serviços... more
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      Capital MarketsHigh frequency tradingInsider TradingProgramação Algoritmos
Audtralian Dollar is not doing great on the chart. This article/book identifies some of the problems, having impact on AUD, including Royal Commission's decisions and RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia).
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      EntrepreneurshipAlgorithmic TradingInsider TradingAustralian economic policy
Our paper examines how a firm's corporate governance relates to the liquidity (i.e., bidask spread) of its stock. In particular, we focus on how voluntary disclosure, analyst coverage, and adverse selection among investors mediate this... more
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      Corporate GovernanceFinancial managementAdverse SelectionInsider Trading
Many previous studies on insider trading are based on data in the U.S. capital market and conclude that insiders can earn abnormal profits. This paper examines abnormal price performance associated with insider trading in the Hong Kong... more
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      Stock MarketSmall FirmsProfitabilityInsider Trading
Banking crises are recurrent phenomena, often induced by excessive bank risk-taking, which may be due to behavioural reasons (over-optimistic banks neglecting risks) and to conflicts of interest between bank shareholders/managers and... more
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      BankingRisk TakingFinancial CrisisInsider Trading
The phenomenon of low-balling reported in the financial press involves downward biased projections of earnings by managers or analysts, thereby artificially lowering market expectations and creating a positive earnings surprise when... more
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      Stock MarketInsider TradingFinancialMarket efficiency
O presente artigo busca identificar o bem jurídico penalmente tutelado pelo delito de insider trading, previsto no art. 27-D da Lei 6.385/1976, em que se encontra tipificado sob a denominação "uso indevido de informação privilegiada".... more
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      Direito PenalInsider TradingBem JurídicoDelito Econômico
The authors thank Phil Gharghori for providing some of the data used in our regressions, Thang Do for technical assistance, and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. Hodgson acknowledges financial support from the Australian Research... more
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      AccountingFinancial DerivativesFutures marketsInsider Trading
The common view is that insider trading is always unethical and illegal. But such is not the case. Some forms of insider trading are legal. Furthermore, applying ethical principles to insider trading causes one to conclude that it is also... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInsider Trading
There is growing consensus that the insider-trading regime in the United States, the oldest in the world, is in need of reform. Indeed, three reform bills are currently before Congress, and one recently passed the House with overwhelming... more
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      Comparative LawHuman RightsComparative Criminal LawRitualism
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      Criminal LawDERECHO PENALDiritto PenaleInsider Trading
La diversidad puede considerarse en el momento actual un valor existente en la comunidad internacional, noción ésta superadora de la antigua sociedad internacional. La idea de comunidad pone de relieve que los actores comparten un... more
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      Cultural DiversityInternational Development CooperationInsider Trading
SEBI in its board meeting held on 19th November, 2014 has taken some major decisions related to Takeover, Insider Trading and Delisting regulations. These tough regulations will give SEBI much needed strength to tackle with wilful... more
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      TakeoversInsider TradingDelistingSEBI
Insider trading é alvo de olhar atento dos reguladores, dos agentes do mercado e do mundo acadêmico, sem falar da literatura e do mundo cinematográfico. O que diferencia este livro dos demais sobre o tema é a sua aptidão em fornecer ao... more
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      Capital MarketsBrazilInsider TradingSecurities Regulation
Department of Psychology consider a moral violation to be personal if it meets Princeton University three criteria: First, the violation must be likely to cause 2 Center for the Study of Brain, serious bodily harm. Second, this harm must... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingIntergroup Conflict (Psychology)
Insider trading is the negotiation in stock market misusing privileged information by people who are in exclusive position to access to such information, should be informed the market as a "relevant fact", except in an ongoing operation,... more
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      Civil LawInternational LawPrivate International LawEuropean Union
This paper provides evidence on market surveillance from stock exchanges and securities commissions from 25 jurisdictions in North, Central and South America, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. Stock exchanges as SROs engage in... more
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      BusinessManagementLawCorporate Governance
All developed countries and most emerging countries restrict insider trading in the belief that it may undermine investors' confidence and the integrity of financial markets.
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      LawApplied EconomicsDeveloping CountryInsider Trading
At the heart of the debate about public versus private in the theoretical literature than in the empirical ownership lie three questions: literature. In most cases, empirical research strongly * Does competition matter more than... more
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      Health EconomicsCorporate GovernanceEconomic TheoryCompetition Policy
Le cœur de l'ouvrage consiste en une présentation de la prohibition d'exploiter des informations d'initiés en droit américain, en droit européen ainsi que, de façon approfondie, en droit suisse. La partie de droit suisse traite autant... more
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      Criminal LawEuropean LawBanking LawEconomic Law
Thanks to the internet and technology, we don't have to pick up the phone and dial our brokers' phone number to buy and sell shares, but the question is that which trading platform should we use? This book provides you with what you need... more
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      EcommerceAlgorithmic TradingInsider Trading
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the effectiveness of insider trading enforcement actions in India and international dimensions. Design/methodology/approach – The research is based on the insider trading regulations and... more
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      IndiaInsider TradingSEBI
This paper presents a test of the returns to stockholders over intervals surrounding 86 announcements by public corporations, bidders, of their partial acquisitions of other corporations' common stock, targets. The filing of a Schedule... more
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    • Insider Trading
The existence of market confidence is intrinsic to the efficient operation of the stock market, with the accuracy of pricing resting on pertinent information being available to individuals at all times. UK regulators historically relied... more
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      Criminal JusticeCompany LawInsider DealingFinancial Services and Markets Act 2000
"Giełdowy Handel Energią Elektryczną i Gazem Naturalnym"
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      Energy EconomicsPolitical ScienceEnergyEnergy Policy
his study examined share returns following unexpected corporate announcements that are described as profit warnings. The study tested whether there are abnormal returns on share prices after the announcement of profit warnings. The report... more
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      FinanceAccountingStock MarketEfficient Market Hypothesis
Il contributo affronta il tema della responsabilità civile da insider trading, commentando una recente sentenza della Corte di Cassazione che ne riconosce la sussistenza. Vengono analizzati i diversi percorsi ricostruttivi attraverso cui... more
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      Responsabilità CivileInsider Trading
The paper posits that the regulation of insider dealing will continue to throw up a host of issues. For one, the sophistication of the financial environment within which the law and regulatory mechanisms operate, compounds the practical... more
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      LawCriminal LawCivil LawSecurities Law
The U.S. insider trading enforcement regime has been mired in controversy since it was introduced in 1961. Some have argued that insider trading should not be regulated because it actually improves market performance. Others have argued... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawStock MarketsInsider Trading
La problematica connessa all’abuso di informazioni privilegiate ha suscitato negli ultimi anni molteplici riflessioni ed analisi non soltanto all’interno del dibattito giuridico, ma anche in quello politico ed economico. Sembrerebbe,... more
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingNe bis in idem
El objetivo de este libro es enseñar cuales son los pasos idóneos para acortar el largo camino que supone "vivir del trading". De buena fe, pienso que cada uno de los capítulos del libro suponen una rama, y que unidos crean un "todo", un... more
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      Commodity TradingInsider Trading
There is no clear theoretical foundation for the crime of insider trading if the liberalist of neo liberalist view of the market it is accepted. Nevertheless, almost all advanced market countries have laws against insider trading to... more
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      Comparative LawItalian LawAustralian LawInsider Trading
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    • Insider Trading
Nosotros podemos tener la mejor metodología o el mejor sistema de trading, pero si no logramos superar nuestras limitantes internas nunca vamos a poder aprovechar el verdadero potencial de nuestra metodología. Y para poder aprovecharla... more
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    • Insider Trading
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      Commodity TradingInsider Trading
This paper examines the stock market reaction to 167 FDA announcements of new drug approvals during the period 1980 - 1999. Using an event study methodology, the study finds that there are significant positive abnormal returns on the day... more
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      New Drug DiscoveryInsider TradingStocksNew Drug Approvals
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationInternational Marketing
Tindak pidana insider trading semestinya mengedepankan penyidikan pro aktif/antisipatif dan dipadukan dengan penyidikan historical untuk menemukan pola-pola yang dapat memberikan petunjuk yang membuat terang perkara dan membantu menemukan... more
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      FinanceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsOrganized Crime
Corporate governance is founded on four pillars i.e. righteousness, truth, perseverance and social justice. The companies which trade in securities are listed either in the NSE or the BSE which are the registered stock exchanges in the... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational Law
The research paper by Julan Du and Shang-Jin Wei provides an empirical analysis quantified on the basis of a number of factors considered that can have significant impact on market volatility (including a measure of insider trading).... more
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    • Insider Trading
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    • Insider Trading
Film International 17.2 (2019): 103-06. Print.
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsFilm StudiesMasculinity Studies
L'informazione societaria a quindici anni dal T.U.F.:
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      Market AbuseInsider TradingMercati finanziari
This paper provides an overview of the German corporate governance system. We review the governance role of large shareholders, creditors, the product market and the supervisory board. We also discuss the importance of mergers and... more
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      LawCorporate GovernanceApplied EconomicsOwnership Structure
Attorney General Barr, file under: Human Trafficking Department Complaint Number TRN 1906-0489 DOJ TA 1197671 NCMEC TA 11749 ST FARM 49 F33 4564 AM FAM 01000914639 POLARIS 59004 NHTH 545121 In Re: Fareed Sepehry-Fard©, Sui Juris, not... more
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      Abolition of SlaveryEnglish Poor LawArtificial Intelligence and LawMortgage Foreclosure
Wall Street è una strada che occupa poco più di 1 kilometro, ma ha sempre destato l’interesse di tutto la letteratura cinematografica e non solo. I per- sonaggi che animano questo ristretto mondo sono a ascinanti e allo stesso tempo... more
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      Law and LiteratureMarket AbuseInsider TradingWall Street
buenisimo libro
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      Commodity TradingInsider Trading
Elsa Kelly
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      Criminal LawEthics & Compliance ManagementInsider Trading
Commento alla nota pronuncia sul caso Cremonini, con la quale la Corte riconosce la configurabilità del reato di abuso di informazioni privilegiata anche in capo a chi ne sia l'autore (c.d. insider di se stesso).
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      Criminal LawDiritto PenaleInsider TradingDiritto commerciale