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This paper presents an overview of the Malawi energy situation and the potential of renewable energy resources including solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal. Despite a range of efforts by local and international stakeholders to... more
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      Renewable EnergyMalawiPESTEL Analysis
This paper presents an overview of the Malawi energy situation and the potential of renewable energy resources including solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal. Despite a range of efforts by local and international stakeholders to... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyMalawiPESTEL Analysis
The study of profitability is important in assessing the health of organisations. However, profitability of the banking sector is particularly crucial as the soundness of the sector is closely related to the soundness of the entire... more
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      FinanceAccountingCorporate GovernanceMalawi
Experts acknowledge that communication projects would benefit from the use of open-ended interviews, focus groups, surveys, trials of behaviors, observation, and other research techniques to identify community and individual knowledge,... more
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      EducationMethodologyHealth EducationMalaria
This study investigated the challenges of decentralization in Malawi with emphasis on Lilongwe City Assembly. The objectives were to identify the constraints of decentralization in Malawi, as well as recommend ways to improve the... more
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      Public AdministrationMalawiLocal authoritiesPublic Policy
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      Border StudiesImmigrationMozambiqueSouthern Africa
Experts acknowledge that communication projects would benefit from the use of open-ended interviews, focus groups, surveys, trials of behaviors, observation, and other research techniques to identify community and individual knowledge,... more
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      EducationHealth EducationMalariaSurvey Research
Since its rise to a prominent position as a key approach to understanding and explaining African politics, governance, and political economy, a number of critiques have been published on neopatrimonialism and its perspective on African... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology
In January 2015, Malawi faced its worst flood disaster on record that affected 15 of its 28 districts. A post-disaster needs assessment was conducted that culminated in the development of a national recovery framework. This paper presents... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationDisaster risk managementAfricaSub-Saharan Africa
During a research trip to Malawi in 2012, a senior government official commented that nearly two decades after the government had renewed its commitment to democratic decentralisation, the working of local government was something of a... more
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      Development StudiesForeign AidInstitutions (Political Science)Malawi
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      Political EconomyEnvironmental LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. ABSTRACT... more
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      Urbanization in Developing AreasWater qualityAfricaUrban Planning
His next edited volume on how to build democratic institutions through diplomacy and media engagement will have a section that addresses social media and behavioral science.
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      Media StudiesDevelopment StudiesParticipatory MediaHIV/AIDS
Despite the tectonic changes that have taken place in Southern Africa since the demise of apartheid, South Africa is still widely considered a hegemonic regional power by scholars, practitioners and pundits. This article challenges this... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryAfrican StudiesInternational RelationsSocial Sciences
Análisis de la gestión del riesgo de desastres en Colombia: un aporte para la construcción de políticas públicas Todos los derechos reservados Primera edición en español: Marzo de 2012
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More information about this series at
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      Climate ChangeHaitiDroughtThailand
The present study was carried out to investigate on the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) towards agricultural information access among smallholder farmers. The study employed a cross-sectional research... more
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      AgricultureICT in AgricultureMalawi
This is a collection of papers originally presented at a series of research seminars hosted by the Department of Media Studies in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Botswana during September to November 2013. The work... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesSocial MediaTelevision
This book is a compilation of research papers written by authors from East and Southern African and American based social and environmental advocacy groups. The papers were prepared and presented during the 2009 Skills Share and Learning... more
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      Community DevelopmentEnvironmental ManagementUgandaSouthern Africa
There is a crying need for an in-depth study into the quality, quantity of corporate social disclosure and identification of areas for future improvement so that transparency can be ensured, especially in developing countries where CSR... more
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      Business EthicsFinanceCorporate Social ResponsibilityAccounting
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      Development StudiesPovertySustainable DevelopmentMigration
Information and communication technology (ICT) has been believed as one of the breakthroughs to addressing multiple global challenges in communication. ICT has demonstrated its potential in improving access to financial, health services... more
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      ICTInformation and Communication technologyAgricultural extensionMalawi
Studies on mobile phone usage indicate a rising trend of the same in many countries. Studies furthermore show an increasing use of Messaging or Chat Apps, which makes SMS passé for many smartphone users. While the use of mobile phones and... more
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      Mobile PhonesMalawiUniversity Students
In this article, I argue that Malawian TfD is little changed since it was first developed. The problem begins with the training of practitioners from Chancellor, who then end up working with NGOs, but without adequate training and even... more
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Theatre for DevelopmentMalawi
A Case Study Of The Malawi Standard Deck Bridge. (Submitted in partial fulfillment of the award of honors degree in civil engineering)
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      Civil EngineeringMalawiHIGHWAY ROADS AND BRIDGES
ABSTRACT  At an understaffed and underresourced urban African training hospital, Malawian medical students learn to be doctors while foreign medical students, visiting Malawi as clinical tourists on short-term electives, learn about... more
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      Medical EducationGlobal HealthAnthropology of BiomedicineMalawi
Tobacco is arguably one of the most important commodities for individual use traded extensively in the world despite widely recognized health risks associated with it. It is extensively investigated in various disciplines including but... more
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      GlobalizationPolitical EcologyTobaccoNeoliberalism
Between 2004 and 2005, the first multi-sited clinical trial tested whether an existing, marketed antiretroviral drug, Tenofovir (TDF), could prevent HIV transmission. Referred to as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), most of these trial... more
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologyEthicsBioethics
This study was carried out to investigate the extent and purposes of social media uses among higher learning students. The study was conducted at the Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU) in Tanzania and Lilongwe University of Agriculture... more
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      Social MediaTanzanian StudiesLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationTanzania
This thesis addresses how Malawians engaged in the capitalist economy of Southern Africa on their own terms from 1935 to 1961. It firstly accounts for local motivations in emigration patterns by looking at the local economies of... more
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      African HistoryMigration HistoryInformal EconomySouth African history
In his book 'A demolidora das prazeres' ('A demolisher of the pleasures', 1993), the Mozambican Islamic scholar Shaykh Aminuddin Mohamad Ibrahimo deals, amongst others, with the Islamic concepts of death and life in the hereafter. He... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAnthropologyHistory of Religion
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      International LawAfricaOil and gasMalawi
Following the advent of democracy, many in Malawi lament the decline of genuine volunteerism and civic responsibility among its citizens, particularly the youth. This article maps the changing landscape of service and volunteering in... more
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      Youth Civic EngagementVolunteerismYouthMalawi
Single-to multiple-year drought episodes posed significant challenges for agrarian communities across southern Africa during the nineteenth century and hence are widely recorded in a variety of historical documents. However, the ways in... more
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      Climate ChangeDroughtSouth Africa (History)Southern Africa
We investigated the relationship between Chichewa (L1) and English (L2) literacies in Malawi. Through our use of hierarchical linear modeling, we found that cross-language literacy transfer between Chichewa and English did occur, but that... more
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      EnglishMalawiBilingualismLanguage and Literacy Development
Negative assessments of African democracy still dominate the literature, and Tanzania has been described as a ‘hybrid regime’—formally a multi-party democracy where the dominant party, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM), engages in... more
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      Nigerian LiteraturePolitical SociologyAfrican StudiesPolitical Philosophy
L’attuale sistema economico si fonda sulla produzione di massa. Il mercato è una dimensione costante nella vita di ogni individuo. I contratti che concludono nell’arco di una giornata sono innu si merevoli:... more
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      Constitutional LawEconomicsInternational StudiesHuman Rights Law
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The following collection of assorted materials gives a brief overview of the composition of the LCBT (which obtained its first office space in 1976) along with a bit of its history, the various NTs and Bibles produced, plus a selection of... more
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      African StudiesTranslation StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrica
Baseline Survey for UNICEF Child Friendly Schooling programme in Malawi
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      EducationSurvey ResearchMalawiChild-Friendly Schools
This dissertation is about the people of Metangula, a small town on the shore of Lake Niassa in northwest Mozambique. It describes how they defined and navigated a meaningful existence, and where this manifested and took shape in local... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)MozambiqueSouthern AfricaWellbeing
Analyses were done to assess the water requirements, sources and irrigation technology options for the Malawi's Green Belt Irrigation Programme (GBI). GBI is a Government of Malawi irrigation programme to increase hectarage under... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAgronomyRenewable EnergyIrrigation
A B S T R A C T Future threats of climate variability and change and accelerated soil degradation in southern Africa have increased the need for more sustainable and " climate-smart " agriculture practices. Manual systems of conservation... more
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      Adaptation to Climate ChangeProductivityMozambiqueClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
Global benchmarks (re)shape political conversations and institutionalise authoritative languages. It does not necessarily follow, however, that benchmarks can exert a lasting or significant influence over policies and behaviour of... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesSocial IndicatorsWorld Bank
Una experiencia de vida, una novela, un documental, una PELICULA: el niño perdido en una aldea en medio de AFRICA que logra saltar de sus imposibilidades culturales a la construcción de un MOLINO DE VIENTO que le permite generar energía... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Cultural World Heritage SitesCentral AfricaPrehistoric Rock Art
A B S T R A C T Smallholder farming in southern and eastern Africa is constrained by low water-use efficiency, frequent dry spells, and drought. Conservation agriculture (CA), defined as minimal soil disturbance, year-round ground cover,... more
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      MalawiConservation Agriculture (CA)No Till (Conservation Agriculture)
Establishing long-term records of rainfall variability is essential for understanding changes in the magnitude and frequency of extreme events. The need is particularly pressing for much of Africa, where the instrumental meteorological... more
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      ClimatologyMalawiHistorical ClimatologyRainfall
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      Music EducationPopular MusicAfrican MusicMalawi