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No âmbito da investigação sobre povos e lugares do mundo pré-romano e romano do Ocidente hispânico, os problemas relativos aos Lancienses da Lusitânia constituem um dos tópicos que originaram mais ampla discussão e maior diversidade de... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Pre-Roman peoples of the Iberian PeninsulaRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman Architecture
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman EmpireLusitania (Archaeology)Hispania
Exhibition Google Arts & Culture "The Mosaic of the Muses" This exhibition is the result of a joint initiative of the... more
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      Ancient MosaicsLusitania (Archaeology)MusesRoman Lusitania
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      History of ReligionPortuguese StudiesHistoriographyRoman Religion
"A rede viária que servia as ligações terrestres entre a capital provincial e o seu porto marítimo representa um importante eixo de circulação no território lusitano. Embora este não seja um tema ignorado pela investigação arqueológica,... more
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      Roman roadsLusitania (Archaeology)Augusta EmeritaAntonine Itineraries
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      MuseumLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMuseology
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Arqueología romana / Roman archeologyAntiguidade TardiaRoman Lusitania
The imperial sanctuary devoted to the Sun and to the Moon is situated at the coast of Ager olisiponensis, at the Cape Roca's area, also called the Promunturium Magnum, definitely the finis terrae of the Ancient World. The inscriptions CIL... more
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      Roman ReligionLusitania (Archaeology)Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)Solar and Astral deities
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaLusitania (Archaeology)Roman Lusitania
On 2012, two of the authors conducted research in the amphora collection of the National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano/MNAR) in Mérida (Spain). Their attention was attracted by one of the museum's finds. It was an... more
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      Jewish StudiesEpigraphy (Archaeology)Roman EpigraphyLate Roman Archaeology
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)Lusitania (Archaeology)History of Archaeology
Trabalhos desenvolvidos pela equipa de arqueologia do troiaresort, responsável pelas Ruínas Romanas de Tróia desde 2006, revelaram dados novos para a interpretação do edifício conhecido como «basílica paleocristã». Permitiram ainda a... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)CristianismoRoman LusitaniaTróia (Portugal)
Previous studies on the subject coincide in giving priority to one type of document, epigraphy, iconography, and a few lines of Strabo, or in proposing a comparison between Indo-European traditions on the species of sacrificed victims.... more
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      Animal Sacrifice (Anthropology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Lusitania (Archaeology)
Administración, correspondencia e intercambios: Museo Nacional de Arte Romano; c/ José Ramón Mélida s/n. 06800 Mérida (Badajoz), España.
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      Roman HistoryHistoriographyRoman PotteryRoman Epigraphy
Actualización de la hipótesis de una fundación cesariana de Mérida anterior al que sería nuevo asentamiento de veteranos de Augusto tras las Guerras Cántabras. Éste sería seguido tiempo después de la concesión del nombre de Augusto, del... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)HispaniaStoria antica ed epigrafia latinaAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Roman LusitaniaArquitectura romana
Archivo fotográfico del MNAR (imágenes del capítulo 38, así como la segunda del capítulo 2, primera del 13, la primera del 15, y la primera del 40). Consorcio de la Ciudad Monumental de Mérida (segunda imagen del capítulo 22). Manuel de... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMuseumHistory of MuseumsMuseums and Exhibition Design
This thesis is a synthesis of all the concrete elements which confirm the Christianisation of South Lusitania between the 4th and the beginning of the 8th century. Given that the documentary sources are already known, we have chosen to... more
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      ChristianityArchaeologyEarly ChristianityChurch History
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArms and Armor StudiesMetallurgy
O projeto de “Recuperação e Musealização das Fábricas Romanas” de Sines, executado pela Câmara Municipal de Sines e atualmente em curso, permitiu reconhecer novos contextos arqueológicos de cronologia romana. O presente artigo descreve... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)- MineríaCeramica RomanaMinería Romana
La technique de fermentation du vin en récipients d’argile remonte au tout début de l’histoire de la vitiviniculture. Cette méthode primitive de vinification s’est perpétuée jusqu’à nos jours dans trois régions du monde ancien : en... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman History
Viriato es un personaje propicio al ciclo que la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos dedicada al tema héroes y traidores en el Mundo Antiguo. La historia del jefe lusitano enfrentado al expansionismo de la República romana, o más... more
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      Republican RomeArchaeology of Roman HispaniaLusitania (Archaeology)Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      Roman EmpireLusitania (Archaeology)Römische KaiserzeitKaiserkult
ABSTRACT GALLAECIA GOTHICA: FROM CONSPIRACY OF DUX ARGIMUNDUS (589/590 AD) TO INTEGRATION IN THE VISIGOTHIC KINGDOM OF TOLEDO. The rebellion of the dux Argimundus was one of the most delicate moments of the reign of Reccared. We have... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyRoman History
The study of the interior of the old Roman province of Lusitania during the Early Middle Ages is weighed down, despite the important advances made in recent years, due to the lack of systematic research. A historiographic problem that... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyLate AntiquityEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyHistory of Toys and PlayRoman PotteryArchaeology of Roman Hispania
This paper tried to frame the urban reality of Toletum within the overall process of transformation that participated Hispanic and other cities in the Western Mediterranean during the Late Antiquity. The urban landscape of Toletum... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
El propósito del presente artículo es el de ofrecer una perspectiva sobre las diferentes posturas mantenidas en torno a la identificación de Turibriga. Tal topónimo se evidencia exclusivamente a través de la epigrafía, concentrándose las... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaHispania (Archaeology)Lusitania (Archaeology)Lusitania Gallaecia Ataegina Turobriga Panoias god names
Hace ya algunos años, escribimos un artículo de carácter divulgativo en el que veníamos a plantear la teoría que desarrollaremos algo más en el presente trabajo. Y es la del posible uso del edificio del anfiteatro emeritense durante el... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityArchaeology of Roman Hispania
The stratigraphic contexts identified in the archaelogical survey in Rua de S. Mamede proved to be very substantial for the understanding of solid residues and waste disposals as transformation agents of the urban landscape, in a high... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Roman Pottery
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval Studies
The aim of this project is the archaeological knowledge of the architectural ensembles of religious character (church and funeral) that marked the landscape of cities and their territoria in the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Antiquity... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesIslamic ArchaeologyLate Antique Archaeology
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Lusitania lusitanianLusitania Gallaecia Ataegina Turobriga Panoias god namesRoman Lusitania
Resumen La palabra lancea, de origen hispano según Varrón, y sus derivados Lancia (topónimo), Lancienses (etnónimos) y Lan-cius (antropónimo) confirman la importancia de la lanza como arma de guerra de la iuventus desde la Edad del Bronce... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Juventus
La guerra constituyó un elemento primordial para las sociedades que habitaron la península ibérica durante la Protohistoria, un elemento que se proyectaba en múltiples dimensiones, desde la legitimación política y la afirmación étnica, a... more
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      Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Celtiberian HistoryLusitania (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian Culture
RESUMEN Se somete a una completa revisión técnica, puramente epigráfica (o más bien “microepigráfica”), la muy famosa y citada inscripción conocida de siempre como “del orarium Igaeditanis” o “del reloj de los Igaeditanos”. Se añaden... more
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      Latin EpigraphyLusitania (Archaeology)Storia antica ed epigrafia latinaTeónimos
On some inscriptions of Olisipo This article proposes some new readings of well-known and studied inscriptions of Olisipo its contents in later studies of greater scope. Olisipo, conventus Scallabitanus.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassics
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      ArchaeologyLusitania (Archaeology)Roman SculptureAugusta Emerita
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
El MNAR ha celebrado en este año 2021 sus XXXV años de existencia en la nueva sede, casi tantos cómo números de la Revista Anas están ya en la calle. Y ello ha sido posible por el decidido empeño de numerosas personas e instituciones que... more
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      ZooarchaeologyLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
Study of thirty small bronze goat figurines. They appear in the southwest of Hispania, from Bajo Alemtejo to Alta Extremadura, in the southern territory of the Provincia Lusitania. Its dispersion coincides with epigraphs dedicated to the... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Celtic religionRoman BronzesHellenistic Bronzes
RESUMEN. Como resumen y corolario de investigaciones comenzadas en 1987 a partir de una decisiva revisión filológica crítica del famoso texto de Dión Casio LIII.26.1, la autora detalla hasta 24 argumentos (históricos, arqueológicos,... more
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      Cassius DioLusitania (Archaeology)AugustusJulius Caesar
Drawing on recent research and expanding some of the  author's ideas about  warfare in Peninsula during the Iron Age, this paper summarizes some new views on Viriathus, neither guerrilla leader nor sheperd,
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      Roman military historyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Lusitania (Archaeology)
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      GeographyRoman HistoryPortuguese HistoryLate Antiquity
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      IconographySculptureArchaeology of Roman HispaniaHispania (Archaeology)
El mausoleo tardorromano de Las Vegas es uno de los edificios funerarios más singulares de Hispania durante la Antigüedad Tardía. Sus características constructivas y el hallazgo de un sarcófago figurado con los apóstoles in situ lo... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Visigothic SpainPaleochristian and Late Antique ArchaeologyAntigüedad Tardía
This thesis is the result of a preventive archaeological work carried out during the project "Recovery and Musealisation of the Roman Factories of Sines" promoted by the Municipality of Sines, designated with the acronym SALGAS, between... more
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      Lusitania (Archaeology)Roman AmphoraeRoman Mining and MetallurgyCeramica Romana
This work focuses on a hardly analysed issue in Roman urbanism studies, namely the drainage of runoff water from streets and public areas. We present the cases of two cities located in the province of Lusitania, Augusta Emerita and... more
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      Roman HistoryArchaeology of Roman HispaniaHispania (Archaeology)Lusitania (Archaeology)