Recent papers in Karaite
This paper is a critical edition of Jehoszafat Kapłanowski’s (a Trakai-born Karaim-speaking Odessan) two letters written in Hebrew script that were sent in 1868 to Lutsk. The critical apparatus that accompanies the transcription and... more
The article deals with Saadia's approach to the Golden Calf story. Saadia believed Aaron wanted to test the people and see which people would worship the Calf so that he could later kill them, similarily to what Jehu did (2Kgs 10). The... more
What do Jews think scripture is? How do Jews view the anthology they variously call Tanakh, Miqra or “the Bible? Until now, no book has surveyed the answers Jews through the ages have given to these questions. This is the more surprising,... more
The article introduces a newly identified fragment of Kitāb al-Mughnī fī abwāb al-tawḥīd wa-l-ʿadl du Qāḍī ʿAbd Al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī (d. 415/1025) from the (Second) Shapira Collection of the British Library. Together with MS St.... more
The problem of origin and existence of Karaites was investigated in the article with a focus on the interwar period. The main theories of the origin of this ethnoreligious community were given and analyzed and also presented the author’s... more
The present contribution offers an analysis of the first Jewish Arabic text ever discovered in the undertext of a Sinaitic palimpsest: a previously unknown Karaite Arabic translation of Genesis and Exodus (undertext of Sinai gr. 930).... more
This monograph presents the contents of a Crimean Karaim manuscript of Samuel, son of rabbi Kohen in the second half of the nineteenth century, namely in 1876 with short fragments copied in 1875 and 1879. The manuscripts of this type are... more
This article draws the attention of historians of scriptural exegesis to the relevance of uṣūl al-fiqh — both as a literary genre and as a discipline of the religious sciences — to an understanding of the semiotic foundations and the... more
Title: Studies in Eshkol Hakofer of Judah Hadassi Submitted by: Moshe Firrouz Dissertation Advisor: Prof. Daniel J. Lasker The subject of the present study is Eshkol Hakofer (i.e., Cluster of Henna), a book of commandments authored by... more
In this article two manuscripts are compared: the oldest known Western Karaim and the oldest known Eastern Karaim translation of Biblical texts — both found by the present author. These texts are juxtaposed with the Eupatorian printed... more
This volume offers the first comprehensive study on the history of Middle Western Karaim dialects. The author provides a systematic description of sound changes dating from the 17th–19th-centuries and reconstructs their absolute- and... more
7 המערכת דבר גאון? סעדיה רב לשיטת המלאכים על נעלה האדם האם 9 בשיר נביה למערב מזרח בין -אגרסיבית גיה למַ כמקרה-מבחן אדם של בגופו שד הכנסת 55 עמי תן ואלון סופר גל אלקרקסאני... more
For many years, Karaite exegesis was relatively unknown to numerous Biblical scholars. This situation has been changing with an increasing access to source materials. As a result, more and more Karaite exegetical treasures representing... more
This article is an attempt to establish the time-frame and relative chronology of the š > s and ö, ü > e, i changes that occurred in south-western Karaim. The sample material used for the present article comes from Halych Karaim... more
Hazar İmparatorluğu döneminde Bizans Karaileri tarafından gerçekleştirilen misyonerlik çalışmaları sonucunda Musevilikle tanışan Hazar Türkleri, devletlerinin yıkılışının ardından Orta Avrupa’ya yayılmışlar ya da Kırım yarımadasında... more
The present article is a continuation of a description of manuscript III-73, which contains the earliest known Western Karaim Torah translation (from 1720) along with the North-Western Karaim translation of four books of Ketuvim – more... more
Most of the inhabitants of Lithuania and those interested in the history of the East European Karaites (Karaims) still remember the 600 year anniversary of the arrival of the Tatars and Karaites to Lithuania celebrated in 1997, just a few... more
In this article an early Bible translation into north-western Karaim is described. The man-uscript, written in Hebrew script (in its Karaim semi-cursive variant), dates back to 1720 what makes it the oldest western Karaim Bible... more
Mikhail Kizilov. "The Karaites of the Crimea through the Travelers’ Eyes.” In Karaite Judaism. A Guide to Its History and Literary Sources. Edited by Meira Polliack. Leiden: Brill, 2003, 789-818.
In early February 2012 Professor Andrzej Zaborski (Cracow) handed the author of this paper a handwritten copy of Ananiasz Zajączkowski’s “Sufiksy imienne i czasownikowe w języku zachodniokaraimskim” [i.e. “Nominal and Verbal Suffixes in... more
This short review-article contains a number of observations regarding the new Crimean Karaim–English dictionary authored by Aqtay and Jankowski (2015) and the state of Crimean Karaim lexicography, as well as remarks on the discussion of... more
This volume consists of an edition, translated into English and with an extensive introduction, of the Arabic translation and commentary on the book of Esther by one of the preeminent litterateurs of the Karaite “Golden Age” (10th–11th... more
Poznański is rightlyc onsidered ap ioneer in the study of the history and literature of the Jews in the medieval Islamicate world. The present article situates his writingsa gainst the background of his general worldview and attempts to... more
Gazi Türkiyat, Güz 2019/25: 253-258
Mikhail Kizilov, “The History of the Karaite Book Printing and the Fate of the Library Karay Bitikligi.” In Knigi karaimov Kryma. Katalog vystavki iz fondov Rossiiskoi gosudarstvennoi biblioteki. Edited by Konstantin Burmistrov. Moscow:... more
This paper discusses three topics related to a Crimean Karaim translation of the Hebrew drama entitled Melukhat Sha’ul. The translation was made in the first half of the nineteenth century, approximately in the 1840s, by a Karaim scholar... more
This article aims to discuss the characteristics of the written language used by the Crimean Karaites, which was preserved in handwritten books called mejumas. The study will be performed on the basis of the heretofore examined mejumas,... more
Late Imperial Russia’s multifaceted presence in Persia retains many fascinating life-stories of its actors, who often exerted crucial influence on the course of the history of Russian-Iranian relations of the time. Drawing on... more
I I UDK 323.15(474.5)(=5 12.145)(091) Ti 152 Specialus ,,Lietuvos istorijos studij 4 " leidinys (t. 11) Special issue of the scientific journal ,,Lietuvos istorijos studijos" (vol. 11) Periodinis rnokslo leidinys ,,Lietuvos istorijos... more
[Title in English: The process of diversification of Western Karaim into dialects and the question of its periodisation]
The present article presents an analysis of a Lutsk Karaim literary work, namely Sergiusz Rudkowski’s Dostłar, which was published in two parts in 1931 and 1939. The two charac-ters of the drama use colloquial language and therefore the... more
This article is an attempt to establish the time-frame and relative chronology of the evolu-tion of consonant harmony in north-western Karaim. The sample material used for the present article comes from a Karaim handwritten Bible... more
This article presents the results of academic research conducted by a group of scholars in the years 2012–2016 on Karaim manuscripts owned by Polish individuals. The research was financed by the National Science Centre (Poland) (research... more
Te'uda: The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies Research Series, Vol. 29, pp. 177-192. YAD MOSHE Studies in the History of the Jews in Muslim Countries in Memory of Moshe Gil. Editors Elinoar Bareket, Yoram Erder, Meira Polliack.... more
Mikhail Kizilov, “Stanovlenie etnicheskogo samosoznaniia i istoricheskikh vzgliadov vostochnoevropeiskikh karaimov v kontekste obshcheevropeiskoi istorii kontsa XVIII – nachala XXI veka” [The formation of the ethnic self-consciousness and... more