Iron Man
Recent papers in Iron Man
Ballester, P., (2021, 15 mars), Le Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) et la ville simulacre. La Furia Umana, 40, Tracer les villes, Track the cities, 35.... more
Introduction / Richard J. Gray II and Betty Kaklamanidou -- Globalization. Exceptional Recognition: The U.S. Global Dilemma in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Avatar / Anthony Peter Spanakos -- "You Took My Advice About... more
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) now spans dozens of films, TV shows, and web series, dating back to 2008’s Iron Man. The enormous success of that film provided a sort of template that Marvel has followed almost to the letter in most... more
A close analysis of the male gaze in the film 'Iron Man 2' based on Laura Mulvey's essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema". This was a midterm paper for my Gender, Sex & Media course at Queens College.
Un'analisi dell'operazione editoriale "Secret Wars" operata dalla Marvel Comics tra il 2015 e il 2016.
Cet article étudie les représentations ambivalentes que la trilogie Iron Man (2008, 2010, 2013) propose du rapport entre masculinité et technologie en les replaçant dans le contexte états-unien du tournant des années 2010. Il s’agit de... more
Ballester, P., (2021), 15 march, The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the simulacre city. La Furia Umana, 40, Track the cities, Tracer les villes, 33.... more Les expositions universelles et internationales peuvent-elles servir de trame scénaristique pour les superproductions hollywoodiennes reposant sur le mythe de l’Amérique conquérante et les... more
This book addresses what a superhero body can do by developing several “x-rays” of the superbody’s sensoria, anatomic structures, internal systems, cellular organizations, and orthotic, chemical, or technological enhancements. In short,... more
This essay looks at the representation of violent responses to terrorism in the Avenger films, focusing on the treatment of civilian victims and "collateral damage" in Iron Man (2008), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), and... more
This thesis investigates the limitations and capacities of genres of the fantastic in their ability to represent the “break” between agency and structure, specifically the transformation of the former into the latter on the scale of... more
This paper examines media-propagated orientalism and Western hegemony in relation to the Middle East. There are countless films that portray Arabs as monodimensionally evil villains. One such film is the 2008 blockbuster Iron Man. This... more
Extrait de Ballester, P., (2021, 15 mars), Le Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) et la ville simulacre. La Furia Umana, 40, Tracer les villes, Track the cities, 34.... more
The proposal of the following article is to analyze, through Fairclough`s discourse analysis, the representation of the United States through the marvel's superheroes, Captain America and Iron Man and the images each one adopts. Focusing... more
The disabled body has a storied history in cinema, which stretches back to Classical Hollywood and continues to emerge in contemporary film.
PL: Zbyt ciężki ekwipunek żołnierzy może powodować kontuzje, urazy i trwałe inwalidztwo oraz zmniejszać efektywność bojową oddziałów. Dlatego amerykańskie siły zbrojne próbują zmniejszyć obciążenie swoich oddziałów, między innymi... more
Resumo: A contribuição de Stan Lee para o cenário quadrinístico e a cultura pop na segunda metade do XX e início do XXI é inquestionável. Entretanto, ao pensarmos o seu lugar social nos EUA durante a Guerra Fria, verificaremos que os seus... more
This research discusses how superhero and supervillain characters in the fi lmIron Man 3 (2013) shows a power relation as a form of superhuman superiority. The power relation that occur through the confl ict between characters are seen as... more
Can World's FAIRS WORLD EXPO serve as a backdrop for Hollywood blockbusters based on the myth of conquering America and the adventures of superheroes? In this case study, the cinema and its devices help us to think and see the city or... more
Avengers: Endgame, the final Avengers installment starts brilliantly, continues to awe its audience just like a slow magic potion and then the hell breaks loose, it closes down with a thunderous consequence and a brief silence prevails... more
A primeira década dos anos 2000 viu um aumento significativo no número de produções cinematográficas protagonizadas por super-heróis. Este salto quantitativo se deu após cerca de duas décadas das primeiras adaptações de personagens do... more
जीवन परिचय: लौह पुरूश, सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल (31 अक्टूबर, 1875- 15 दिसम्बर, 1950) को भारत की आजादी की लडाई तथा राश्ट्र निर्माण में उनकी अहम भूमिका के लिए हमेषा याद किया जाएगा। एक सामान्य घराने में जन्म लेकर भी उन्होंनें अपनी निर्भीकता,... more
Comentario sobre "Marvels", de Kurt Busiek y Alex Ross, y sobre la Edad de Plata de los cómics norteamericanos de superhéroes, o sobre la Marvel Age.
The dissertation is focused on how American movies portray cultural fears and anxieties, as well as positive national stereotypes, by analysing the Marvel character of Iron Man. The decision of concentrating on this hero resulted from... more
Análsis de los textos que se incluyen en Watchmen y cómo sirven para caracterizar al personaje del superhéroe y mostrar la fragilidad que oculta su máscara.
This was a version of a journal paper of mine that was published in 2004. It looked at the state of Hollywood in 2003 by observing directorial trends in the blockbuster season. The question is asked: how is authorship used today as a way... more
"At the end of the first Iron Man film, Tony Stark proclaims, 'I am Iron Man,' and we all know it because we've seen the cartoon, read the comics, and by the end of that movie seen the results of his labor. A shiny, red and yellow,... more