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      SociologyPhilosophyApplied EthicsPolitical Science
Jennifer Szende Postdoctoral Fellow, CRÉ Forthcoming in Jill Dieterle (Ed.) Just Food: Philosophy, Justice, and Food London:
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      JusticeEnvironmental JusticeIris Marion YoungFood Justice
This article intervenes in the emerging field of global citizenship studies by following in the footsteps of critical studies of national citizenship, which have shown that the seemingly neutral features of citizenship are gendered and... more
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      GlobalizationPostcolonial StudiesIntersectionalityCitizenship
Talk of social justice is increasingly common in the educational context of British Columbia as well as in the academic literature on education. However, specific examples of how teachers of subjects other than English and Social Studies... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionCritical PedagogySocial Justice in EducationSpanish as a Foreign Language
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      Karl MannheimCitizenshipCivil SocietyIris Marion Young
The 'structural injustice' framework is an increasingly influential way of thinking about historical injustice. Structural injustice theorists argue against repara-tions for historical injustice on the grounds that our focus should be on... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical Theory (Political Science)International Political TheoryIris Marion Young
Berlin "A group behaves as a whole, and within a group individuals will enact things on behalf of the whole. And that has to do both with the individuals and their valence, their propensity, their own make-up, their social identity, the... more
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      AccountabilitySexual ViolenceRestorative JusticeTransformative Justice
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      PhilosophyInternational StudiesPolitical ScienceGlobal Justice
In this article, I firstly discuss the person-affecting view of harm, distinguishing between the liability and the structural models of responsibility, and also explaining why it is unsatisfactory, from a moral point of view, to interpret... more
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      ExploitationIris Marion YoungSweatshopsHarm
In the years before her untimely death in 2006, Iris Marion Young published a series of influential essays in which she developed an original and farreaching account of how individuals should conceive of their responsibilities to address... more
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    • Iris Marion Young
Obstetric violence has been analyzed from various perspectives. Its psychological effects have been evaluated, and there have been several recent sociological and anthropological studies on the subject. But what I offer in this paper is a... more
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      Feminist TheoryViolence Against WomenPhenomenology of the bodyTrauma
Eine Theorie der globalen Verantwortung Was wir Menschen in extremer Armut schulden © Suhrkamp Verlag suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft 2173 978-3-518-29773-5 suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft 2173 Auch zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts lebt... more
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      Human RightsGlobal JusticeCapability ApproachJohn Rawls
This is from a symposium on Catherine Lu's Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics, published in the journal Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric. Abstract: This article analyzes and criticizes the temporal orientation of... more
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      Social JusticeJusticeIndigenous PeoplesReconciliation
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      Political PhilosophySocial JusticeJusticeIris Marion Young
part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage... more
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      HopeNeoliberalismRural educationIris Marion Young
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      Business EthicsApplied EthicsCare EthicsConstructions of femininity
In order to do that, I will analyze how the transcendence/immanence distinction has been charged with masculinism and I will show how Changfoot's and Bergoffen's models avoid these charges. Inspired by their responses and by Young's use... more
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      PhenomenologySimone de BeauvoirPhenomenology of the bodyIris Marion Young
What is justice all about? What is the scope of the concept of justice? What issues can legitimately be evaluated in terms of justice? In her book Justice and the Politics of Difference, Iris Marion Young challenges the concept of justice... more
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      Social JusticeJusticeJohn RawlsIris Marion Young
Dès l’origine, le corps des femmes a été placé au cœur des combats féministes. Il a toutefois été progressivement désinvesti jusqu’à disparaître comme objet de luttes. Si le mouvement #metoo a fait l’effet d’une déflagration, c’est parce... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyFeminist PhenomenologySimone de Beauvoir
Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas-two of the most prominent Jewish thinkers of the 20th century-both refused to conceive of one's relation to the other in purely cognitive terms. They differed, however, in their characterization of the... more
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      Reciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)SchutzPhenomenologyÉmmanuel Lévinas
Conceptul de „dreptate socială” este, fără îndoială, unul dintre conceptele cheie ale filosofiei politice. În orice caz, el este unul dintre cele mai utilizate concepte de către filosofii politici recenţi. Bănuiala mea este că... more
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      Social JusticeEgalitarianismJohn RawlsG. A. Cohen
The literature on social justice, and social justice movements themselves, routinely ignore nonhuman animals as legitimate subjects of social justice. Yet, as with other social justice movements, the contemporary animal liberation... more
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      Social JusticeAnimal WelfareAnimal Rights/LiberationAnimal Rights
Il s'agit de penser le corps des femmes au prisme de la double expérience vécue de l’aliénation et de l’émancipation selon une démarche phénoménologique inscrite dans le sillage de Iris Marion Young. Camille Froidevaux-Metterie analyse... more
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      Sex and GenderFeminist TheoryGenreFeminist Philosophy
What responsibilities do individuals have for global injustices, such as sweatshop labor? Iris Marion Young sought to answer this question with her " social connection model " of responsibility. She argues that all individuals " connected... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial and Political PhilosophyTransnational FeminismResponsibility
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoSocial and Political PhilosophyFrankfurt School
A Senior Project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of the Arts degree in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. This paper moves through the film genre theory of tech-noir, and discusses the feminist... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderCyborg TheoryWomen's Studies
En 2005, Iris Marion Young publie On Female Body Experience. « Throwing like a girl » and other essays. L’ouvrage rassemble huit textes rédigés entre 1980 et 2005 qui forment ensemble le corpus de son féminisme phénoménologique. Il s’agit... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyPhenomenologyFeminist Phenomenology
In much of the contemporary situation for trans* persons, authority over identity has been given to, or perhaps taken by, arbiters of the medico-legal discourse. These identity "experts" have become the gatekeepers for sex reassignment... more
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      HermeneuticsPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyHans-Georg Gadamer
Operative intentionality is a practical directedness that gives meaning to objects in the world prior to conscious reflection. This chapter first traces the development of the concept from its roots in Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl to... more
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      Gender StudiesPhilosophy of MindFeminist TheoryDisability Studies
On Iris Marion Young's “social connection model” of responsibility, individuals bear political responsibility to collectively organize against structural injustices to which they are connected. After situating Young's theory in relation... more
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      Global JusticeJusticeResponsibilitySocial Responsibility
In social justice education a tension sometimes emerges between the complex ideas we want participants to grapple with and the relatively straightforward activities we use to communicate those ideas.We adapt learning activities to meet... more
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      Teacher EducationLearning and TeachingSocial Justice in EducationSocial Justice Education
In this article I analyse two complaints of white vilification, which are increasingly occurring in Australia. I argue that, though the complainants (and white people generally) are not harmed by such racialized speech, the complainants... more
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      Political PhilosophyApplied EthicsRace and RacismFeminist Philosophy
El presente artículo se propone extraer los fundamentos teórico-prácticos de la voz de la reconocida filósofa política y feminista: Iris Marion Young (1949-2006) una de las teóricas de la justicia en el discurso político feminista... more
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      Estudios de GéneroFilosofía PolíticaFeminismoIris Marion Young
The general failure of assimilation policies in the Western countries and the growth in the demand for recognition from different people whose identity is ignored have enabled the continuation of various debates within the... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySociology of Culture
Eine der grundsätzlichen Thesen von Maurice Merleau-Ponty lautet, dass unser Zur-Welt-Sein nicht ausgehend von der Instanz des Bewusstseins, sondern ausgehend von der Instanz der Leibes zu verstehen ist. Auch wenn Merleau-Ponty aus dieser... more
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyJudith ButlerMerleau-PontyIris Marion Young
As popular food writers and activists urge consumers to express their social, political, and ethical commitments through their food choices, the imperative to ‘vote with your fork’ has become a common slogan of emerging food movements in... more
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      Food ethicsAgriculture and Food StudiesSocial ResponsibilityLocal Food Movement
En este trabajo analizaremos brevemente ciertas concepciones de la ciudadanía para luego ceñirnos al punto de los DDHH en cuestiones de género, particularmente en torno a derechos (no) reproductivos. Allí, se propondrá un análisis sobre... more
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      GenderDeliberative DemocracyIris Marion YoungDemocracia Deliberativa
Le féminisme a produit bien plus qu'une dynamique d'égalisation des conditions féminine et masculine, il a profondément transformé nos sociétés occidentales en initiant un double processus de féminisation du social et de masculinisation... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyFeminist PhenomenologyFeminismPhilosophie politique
This paper aims to analyze feminist views on citizenship through comparing three political theorists, Chantal Mouffe, Carole Pateman and Iris Marion Young. It particularly discusses their understanding of “the democratic”. All three... more
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      Radical DemocracyChantal MouffeIris Marion YoungFeminist Political Theory
Through exploring some of the foundational and structural aspects of the experience of home from a feminist perspective, this article will draw from Iris Marion Young's reflections on home, female experience and embodiment to argue that... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhenomenologyIris Marion Young
Published book chapter in German is attached (with bibliography for book) English Abstract of Book Chapter: In the wake of historical injustice, what should be done after significant changes in circumstances? In this article, we analyze... more
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      Robert NozickIris Marion YoungReparationsRestitution
Kurt Vonnegut - Harrison Bergeron
Iris Young - Five Faces of Oppression
Narrative - Hillis Miller

What is freedom and why do people repress it?
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      NarrativeFreedom Of ExpressionKurt VonnegutIris Marion Young
In this paper, I will investigate the potential of what I term Merleau-Ponty's 'situated phenomenology' for an investigation of normality from within and from without. First, I will argue that the concept of situation in the Phenomenology... more
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      Social PsychologyNursingGender StudiesDisability Studies
The concept of "structural injustice" has a long intellectual lineage, but Iris Marion Young popularised the term in her late work in the 2000s. Young's theory tapped into the zeitgeist of the time, providing a credible way of thinking... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical ResponsibilityResponsibility
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      Human RightsPovertyGlobal JusticeWorld Bank
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      EducationSocial JusticeCapability ApproachVocational Education
In this article, we explore the debate on corporate citizenship and the role of business in global governance. In the debate on political corporate social responsibility it is assumed that under globalization business is taking up a... more
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      Business EthicsSubsidiarityCorporate GovernanceGovernance
The present paper represents a detailed analysis of the proposals made by Sylvia Walby in “The Future of Feminism”. The structure of the article follows two main directions, according to Walby’s discourse, respectively feminism outside... more
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      Gender EqualityMainstreaming of gender and environmental issues in rural development programsCapability ApproachGender and Politics
This article explores Iris Young's position on responsibility and global justice in terms of challenges and distinctions worth considering from the thought of Frantz Fanon and Karl Jaspers.
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPhenomenologySocial Justice